
BIO-PERCEPTION - Next generation of smart vision systems for real-time processing with bio-inspired sensors

Our goal for this project is to set up the basis for a new generation of smart autonomous agents that are able to carry out 3D perception in real-time, using biologically-inspired vision sensors. These sensors independently processed all pixels and only trigger changes in the scene (events) in the case a substantial difference in the intensity luminance happens over time for a specific location (this happens only at object contours and textures). This allows for the reduction of the transmission of redundant information and hence, the data bandwidth.

Drone control based on vision and gestural programming

This project integrates gesture recognition as a drone control mechanism to provide the drone with a certain degree of autonomy respect to its operator, which is specially useful in military operations. The application has been implemented in Python using mainly OpenCV and OpenPose libraries.

Drones for video surveillance applications

The final objective of this project is to provide autonomy to a drone, in order to do video surveillance tasks with it. The main tasks are people detection and people tracking using the video stream given by the onboard drone camera. To do this, computer vision and machine learning algorithms are used.

Egomotion estimation methods for drones

This project integrates the bebop_autonomy package with ORB-SLAM2 in the ROS platform, to do localization and mapping using the Parrot Bebop2 drone. Applications are mainly indoor navigation and mapping.