Source Themes

Joint direct estimation of 3D geometry and 3D motion using spatio temporal gradients

Conventional image-motion based methods for structure from motion first compute optical flow, then solve for the 3D motion parameters based on the epipolar constraint, and finally recover the 3D geometry of the scene. However, errors in optical flow …

Reconfigurable cyber-physical system for critical infrastructure protection in smart cities via smart video-surveillance

Automated surveillance is essential for the protection of Critical Infrastructures (CIs) in future Smart Cities. The dynamic environments and bandwidth requirements demand systems that adapt themselves to react when events of interest occur. We …

Reconfigurable Cyber-Physical System for Lifestyle Video-Monitoring via Deep Learning

Indoor monitoring of people at their homes has become a popular application in Smart Health. With the advances in Machine Learning and hardware for embedded devices, new distributed approaches for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) are enabled. Also, …

Prediction of Manipulation Actions

By looking at a person’s hands, one can often tell what the person is going to do next, how his/her hands are moving and where they will be, because an actor’s intentions shape his/her movement kinematics during action execution. Similarly, active …

Real-time clustering and multi-target tracking using event-based sensors

Clustering is crucial for many computer vision applications such as robust tracking, object detection and segmentation. This work presents a real-time clustering technique that takes advantage of the unique properties of event-based vision sensors. …

A Dataset for Visual Navigation with Neuromorphic Methods

Standardized benchmarks in Computer Vision have greatly contributed to the advance of approaches to many problems in the field. If we want to enhance the visibility of event-driven vision and increase its impact, we will need benchmarks that allow …

Hierarchical architecture for motion and depth estimations based on color cues

This work presents an FPGA implementation of a highly parallel architecture for the motion and disparity estimations of color images. Our system implements the well-known Lucas & Kanade algorithm with multi-scale extension for the computation of …

Contour Detection and Characterization for Asynchronous Event Sensors

The bio-inspired, asynchronous event-based dynamic vision sensor records temporal changes in the luminance of the scene at high temporal resolution. Since events are only triggered at significant luminance changes, most events occur at the boundary …

Contour motion estimation for asynchronous event-driven cameras

This paper compares image motion estimation with asynchronous event-based cameras to Computer Vision approaches using as input frame-based video sequences. Since dynamic events are triggered at significant intensity changes, which often are at the …

On-chip semidense representation map for dense visual features driven by attention processes

We describe an intelligent scheme to condense dense vision features, efficiently reducing the size of representation maps and keeping relevant information for further processing during subsequent stages. We have integrated our condensation algorithm …