Yo soy a senior researcher at the University of Granada, hired within the Beatriz Galindo Programme (Orden ECD/365/2018, of Secretaría General de Universidades at the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades). The main goal of this Programme is to attract and retain research talent from abroad in an attempt to reinforce the excellence and competitiveness of faculty members in Spanish Public Universities.
My past research experience focuses on the field of Galaxy Evolution: 1) Galaxy scaling relations and relation to galaxy environments, 2) Resolved molecular gas properties in nearby galaxies and merger evolution, from early stages to coalescence, 3) Resolved star formation laws and GMC properties, from spiral to elliptical galaxies, 4) Feeding AGN process (low luminosity AGNs to radio power galaxies), starbursts, and their feedback processes, and 5) Galaxy evolution through the study of targets in the early universe. For that purpose I have used a multiwavelength approach, using quite extensively mm/cm radio telescopes such as the Atacama Large Mm/submm Array (ALMA), the SubMillimeter Array (SMA), and the Very Large Array (VLA), as well as optical, near-mid IR, and UV observatories (satellites, ground-based).
European PhD in Physics, 2006
University of Granada