Pérez Bueno

Ph.D. Information and Comunication Technologies. Departament on Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. Universidad de Granada


About Me

I'm Fernando Pérez Bueno, Ph.D. in Information and Communication Technologies (UGR 2022), Master Degree in Data Science and Computer Engineering (UGR 2019) and Telecommunications Engineer (UGR 2015). Member of the Visual Information Processing Group in the Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence. I have collaborated with the Northwestern University (USA), the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Spain), the University of Stavanger (Norway), and the Xidian Univiersity (China). I am currently working as a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellow at the Basque Center on Cognition, Brain and Language (BCBL)



My research is focused on the use of Bayesian modeling and inference to solve different problems related to image restoration and machine learning. Centered in cancer histopathological images enhancement and classification. For an updated publication list see: Google Scholar.


I have been involved in teaching in the University of Granada Computer Science Degree (Artificial Intelligence, Algorithms, Introduction to C++), Double Degree Computer Science and Bussinness Management (Algorithms). I have been a gest lecturer in the University of Stavanger and at the Data Science master at UGR.

Science Communication

I enjoy science communication. Winner of the 2020/2021 3MT UGR (Link to video). On the 3 Minutes Thesis challenge, participants are required to share their thesis in less than 3 minutes, and with only one slide. I have participated in well known events as Pint of Science, Desgranando Ciencia #9(Link to video), and others such as the local Aquí te pillo, aquí te cuento, or the regional InPreAn(Link to video).


Experience and job related information

VIP Research Group

Website of the Visual Information Processing research group


Website of the Centro de Investigación en Tecnologias de la Información y las Comunicaciones. Universidad de Granada

Contact Me

If you need to contact me or you are interested on my work, please use the information below


CITIC UGR. Despacho DB-3. Granada, Spain

Universidad de Granada
