Introduction to the theory of Hopf algebroids.
Gabriella Böhm, Budapest
Fechas: del 19 al 23 de junio de 2006
Horario: 9.30h. - 10.15h. y 10.30h. – 11.15h., diario
Lugar: Aula de Conferencias (M1) de la Facultad de Ciencias, Fuentenueva s/n, Granada.
The aim of the course is to give an introduction to the generalisation of Hopf algebra theory to the case of non-commutative base algebras. the emphasis will be put on a study of modules and comodules. The plan of the five lectures is the following.
The notion of a bialgebroid. The dual structures of R-rings and corings, i.e. of algebras and coalgebras in a monoidal category of bimodules for an algebra R, will be recalled. Built on them, several equivalent definitions of a bialgebroid will be given. The duality of finitely generated and projective bialgebroids will be studied. The first lecture will be closed by collecting some examples.
Modules for bialgebroids. The definition of a bialgebroid will be justified by the following theorem. An - ring A is a bialgebroid if and only if the forgetful functor from the category of A-modules to the category of R-R- bimodules is strict monoidal. A possible generalisation of a Hopf algebra, the so called -Hopf algebra, will be introduced by the requirement that the forgetful functor is in addition strong right closed.
Comodules for bialgebroids. The monoidal category of comodules for a bialgebroid, possessing a strict monoidal functor to the category of bimodules for the base algebra, will be studied. Comodule algebras will be defined as algebras in the monoidal category of comodules. It will be shown that a comodule algebra for a bialgebroid determines a Doi-Koppinen datum (over the non-commutative base algebra) hence an entwining structure, hence a coring with a grouplike element. Galois extensions by a bialgebroid will be characterised by the Galois property of the associated coring. A coaction independent description of Galois extensions by finitely generated and projective bialgebroids will be given. The question of (non-) uniqueness of the bialgebroid symmetry for a given Galois extension will be discussed.
Hopf algebroids. Hopf algebroids -- special kinds of -Hopf algebras -- will be defined by introducing an antipode. It will be explained why does a Hopf algebroid involve two bialgebroid structures over anti-isomorphic base algebras. The notion of an integral in a Hopf algebroid will be invented and studied. Maschke-type theorems will be proven, stating that a Hopf algebroid is a semi-simple extension of its base algebra if and only if it is a separable extension and if and only if there exists a normalised integral in the Hopf algebroid. The dual result relates co-semi-simplicity and coseparability of the coring, underlying a Hopf algebroid, to the existence of normalised dual integrals. A fundamental theorem of Hopf modules is applied to show that a Hopf algebroid is a Frobenius extension of its base algebra if and only if it possesses a non-degenerate integral. It will be illustrated by an example that – in contrast to Hopf algebras -- finitely generated and projective Hopf algebras are not necessarily quasi-Frobenius extensions of their base algebras.
Galois extensions by Hopf algebroids. The theory of coring extensions will be used to show that the categories of comodules, for the two constituent bialgebroids in a Hopf algebroid, are monoidally equivalent. This result allows for a definition of a comodule algebra for a Hopf algebroid, i.e. of algebra extensions by Hopf algebroid symmetry. Kreimer-Takeuchi and Schneider type theorems will be proven. These are statements about situations in which the surjectivity of the canonical map implies its bijectivity, that is the Galois property.
Colaboran : Departamento de Álgebra de la Universidad de Granada, Red de Álgebra no Conmutativa (NcAlg) (MTM2004-22203-E), Proyectos de Investigación <<Métodos algebraicos en Geometría no Conmutativa>> (MTM2004-01406), <<Aplicaciones del álgebra a la Geometría no Conmutativa>>, (MTM2004-08125).