Página principal/Talks
Some Talks
Somewhat semi-commutative polynomials University of Passau, December 7th, 1999
Algorithmic Methods in skew polynomial rings. Alhambra 2000.- A Joint Mathematical European-Arabic Conference, Granada, July3rd to 7th, 2000
Coanillos semisimples Jornadas Españolas de Teoría de Anillos, La Coruña, March, 2002
Semisimple corings. Hopf algebras in Noncommutative Geometry and Physics, Brussels, May 31th - June, 6th, 2002
Refiltering for some noetherian rings. Noncommutative Geometry and Rings, an ESF meeting, Almería, September 2nd to 7th, 2002
Non-Commutative Groebner bases and prime ideals Workshop on Finitely presented algebras, groups and monoids, Alden Biesen, September 1st to 5th, 2003
Infinite comatrix corings Ferrara Algebra Workshop, Ferrara, June 16-19, 2004
Variations on comatrix corings Workshop
on Hopf Algebras. University of Wales Swansea, June 24-26, 2004
Comatrix corings and Reconstruction Workshop Noncommutative Algebra, Warwick, July 5-16, 2004
An example of a biseparable ring extension which is not Frobenius Seminar on Quantum Groups, Hopf Algebras and Monoidal Categories , U. Libre de Bruxelles, December, 6th, 2019.