Idioma/Language: Espanol English

Research Projects

In the last years my interest in research projects has been focused in diferent areas using some techniques and principles to characterice complex and high turbit system where comercial instrument can not give precise information.

  • Capmix : Capacitive mixing as a novel principle for generation of clean renewable energy from salinity. (2011-2013
  • Light Scattering Methods: Otto Glatter Group. (2009-2011)
  • Magnetoreological Fluid. (2005-2008)

Capmix (2011/2013)


Blue energy


Salinity difference energy also called Blue energy in The Netherlands, is the energy that can be gained by mixing two kinds of water with different salinity. The idea is formulated first in 1954 by R. Pattle in Nature [1]. Mixing 1 m3 of fresh river water with a large amount of sea water gives a mixing energy of 2 MJ. If one would like to extract the same amount of energy from fresh water via conventional hydropower one would need a dam with a height difference of 200 m.
The power available globally in form of salinity difference has been estimated in the 1970s (based on average ocean salinity and annual global river discharges) to be around 2 TW [2, 3]. Thus, in terms of available power, the flow of all fresh water streams combined has the potential to satisfy the current global electricity demand (~2 TW).

The extraction of energy from salinity difference is not limited to the use of fresh
water from rivers. In desert-like regions, it is possible to use the salinity difference
between sea water and a more concentrated salt solution, obtained from sea water through evaporation ponds.

In principle this type of energy generation is inherently clean as this process is based on mixing, a process that happens anyway where the rivers flow out into the seas and oceans. There is no exhaust of CO2 or other polluting combustion emission, while no thermal pollution will occur. This energy source is renewable as it is based on the hydrological cycle powered by the sun. However the technology to economically harvest this energy has not been developed yet.

Here we propose capacitive mixing as a novel principle for electricity generation from the mixing process. The principal advantage of this technology is that the electricity generation is directly linked to the mixing process, while no additional intermediate conversions are necessary. There is thus no need for expensive complex converters like turbines or electrochemical reactions. Therefore this technology holds a great promise to become an economical and environmental benign energy resource, available throughout large parts the world.

References :
1 R. E. Pattle, Nature 174, 660 (1954).
2 R. S. Norman, Science 186, 350 (1974).
3 S. Loeb, R. S. Norman, Science 189, 654 (1975).



Fluidos nanocompuestos con propiedades viscoelásticas controlables por campos eléctricos y magnéticos.

Entidad financiadora: Junta de Andalucía
Entidades participantes: Universidad de Granada (entidad gestora); Universidad de Jaén y Universidad de Málaga
Duración,  desde: Marzo 2006               hasta: Julio 2009
Cuantía de la subvención: 237 000 €
Investigador responsable: Ángel Delgado Mora
Clave: FQM 410


Fluidos magnéticos. subproyecto a) fluidos magnetorreológicos compuestos.  

Entidad financiadora: MEC. Entidades participantes: Universidad de Granada
Duración,  desde: 31 Diciembre 2005    -  hasta: 31  Diciembre 2008
Cuantía de la subvención: 71400 €. Clave: MAT2005-07746-C02-01
Investigador responsable: Juan de Dios García López-Durán (Coordinador del proyecto e Investigador principal



  • Fluidos magnéticos coloidales para aplicaciones tecnológicas y biomédicas.

Entidad financiadora: MEC
Entidades participantes: Universidad de Granada
Duración,  desde: 13 Diciembre 2004                hasta: 13  Diciembre 2005        
Cuantía de la subvención: 23 000 €
Investigador responsable: Juan de Dios García López-Durán (Coordinador del proyecto e Investigador principal
Clave: MAT2004-00866



Fluidos de viscosidad controlable por campos magnéticos y eléctricos. estucio de sus propiedades viscoelásticas.

Entidad financiadora: MEC
Entidades participantes: Universidad de Granada
Duración,  desde: 1 enero 2002                         hasta: 1 Enero  2005                 Cuantía de la subvención: 120 262,51 €
Investigador responsable: Juan de Dios García López-Durán (Coordinador del proyecto e Investigador principal
Clave: MAT2001-3803


Participación  en contratos de I+D de especial relevancia con Empresas y/o Administraciones



Materiales magnetorreológicos para amortiguadores.

Empresa/Administración financiadora: REPSOL-YPF, S.A - Contrato de investigación
Entidades participantes: REPSOL-YPF, Universidad de Granada
Duración,  desde: 15 Febrero 2006                    hasta: 15 febrero 2008
Investigador responsable: Fernando González Caballero y Juan de Dios García López-Durán
Número de investigadores participantes: 4



Formulación de fluidos de base oleosa con propiedades reológicas controlables por campos magnéticos, para su aplicación en amortiguadores de automoción

Tipo de contrato: Contrato de investigación
Empresa/Administración financiadora: REPSOL-YPF, S.A
Entidades participantes: REPSOL-YPF, Universidad de Granada
Duración,  desde: 15 de  Febrero 2003              hasta: 15 de Febrero 2005
Investigador responsable: Juan de Dios García López-Durán y Fernando González Caballero
Número de investigadores participantes: 5