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Personal Data
| Juan José Ramos Muñoz
e-mail: jjramos at ugr dot es tlf.: +34 958 240843
Office 2-21, Dpto. de Teoría de la Señal, Telemática y Comunicaciones, Universidad de Granada, C/ Periodista Daniel Saucedo Aranda S/N, ETSIIT 18017, Granada (España)
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Academic data
Research |
Research lines
| keywords:
VoIP, Software Defined Networks (SDN), and 5G, real-time multimedia
streaming, quality of experience (QoE) assessment, Distributed Data
Service (DDS), and adaptive mechanisms for providing QoS to Real-Time
multimedia flows. |
Publications in Journals |
| - Pablo Ameigeiras, Juan J. Ramos-Munoz, Laurent Schumacher, Jonathan Prados-Garzon, Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Juan M. Lopez-Soler, Link-Level Access Cloud Architecture Design Based on SDN for 5G Networks, accepted for publication in IEEE Network Magazine journal (special issue Mobile Could Computing in 5G: Emerging Trends, Issues, and Challenges). doi: 10.1109/MNET.2015.7064899.
- Juan J. Ramos-Munoz, Jonathan Prados-Garzon, Pablo Ameigeiras, Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Juan M. Lopez-Soler, "Characteristics of Mobile YouTube",
IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, special issue on Mobile Social
Networks, February 2014, doi: 10.1109/MWC.2014.6757893.
- Pablo Ameigeiras, Juan J. Ramos-Munoz, Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Juan M. Lopez-Soler, "Analysis and Modeling of YouTube Traffic", Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, John Wiley & Sons, 2012, June 2012, doi: 10.1002/ett.2546. The traces used in this paper are available in the download section. (Paper included in the Editor-in-Chief's personal pick from issues published
in 2012).
- Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Pablo Ameigeiras, Juan J. Ramos-Munoz, Juan M. Lopez-Soler, "Removing
Redundant TCP Functionalities in Wired-cum-Wireless Networks with IEEE 802.11e HCCA
Support", International Journal of Communication Systems(2013)
- Pablo Ameigeiras, Alba Azcona-Rivas, Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Juan J. Ramos-Munoz, Juan M. Lopez-Soler, "A Simple Model for Predicting the Number and Duration of Rebuffering Events for YouTube Flows", IEEE Communications Letters, issue 99 (December 2011), doi: 10.1109/LCOMM.2011.121311.111682.
- Pablo Ameigeiras, Juan J. Ramos-Munoz, Jorge Navarro-Ortiz, Preben Mogensen, Juan M. Lopez-Soler, "QoE Oriented Cross-Layer Design of a Resource Allocation Algorithm in Beyond 3G Systems", Computer Communications (March 2010), doi: 10.1016/j.comcom.2009.10.016.
- Jorge Navarro Ortiz, Pablo Ameigeiras Gutierrez, Juan José Ramos Muñoz, Juan Manuel López Soler. An 802.11e HCCA Scheduler With An End-to-end Quality Aware Territory Method. Computer Communications, vol. 32, 11, pp. 1281--1297, 2009.
- Pablo Ameigeiras Gutierrez, Juan José Ramos Muñoz, Jorge Navarro Ortiz, Preben Mogensen, Juan Manuel López Soler. Qoe Oriented Cross-layer Design of a Resource Allocation Algorithm in Beyond 3G Systems. Computer Communications, pp. 1--40, 2009.
- Erika P. Alvarez Flores, Juan José Ramos Muñoz, Pablo Ameigeiras Gutierrez, Juan Manuel López Soler. Selective Packet Dropping for VoIP And TCP Flows. Telecommunication Systems Journal, pp. 1--21, 2009.
- Juan José Ramos Muñoz, Lidia Yamamoto, Christian Tschudin. Serial Experiments Online. Computer Communication Review, vol. 38, 2, pp. 31--31, 2008.
- Juan José Ramos Muñoz, Angel Manuel Gómez García, Juan Manuel López Soler. Intelligibility Evaluation of a VoIP Multi-flow Block Interleaver. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 200--205, 2005.
- Juan José Ramos Muñoz, Juan Manuel López Soler. Low Delay Multiflow Block Interleavers for Real-time Audio Streaming. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3420, pp. 909--916, 2005.
Publications in Conferences
| - Andrea F. Cattoni, Preben Mogensen, Seppo Vesterinen, Matti Laitila,
Laurent Schumacher, Pablo Ameigeiras and Juan J. Ramos-Munoz, Ethernet-based mobility architecture for 5G, Third IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking (IEEE CloudNet 2014), October 2014. doi:10.1109/CloudNet.2014.6969036.
- Erika P. Alvarez-Flores, Juan J. Ramos-Munoz, Jose M. Lopez-Vega and Juan M. Lopez-SolerObjective and Perceptual Impact of TCP Dropping Policies on VoIP Flows , SERVICE COMPUTATION 2012: The Fourth International Conferences on Advanced Service Computing, Nice (France), July 22-27, 2012.
- Juan M. Lopez-Soler, Jose M. Lopez-Vega, Javier Povedano-Molina and Juan J. Ramos-Munoz, . Performance Evaluation of Publish/Subscribe Middleware Technologies for ATM (Air Traffic Management) Systems Workshop on Real-time, Embedded and Enterprise-Scale Time-Critical Systems, 2012. PDF
- Juan
José Ramos Muñoz, Jorge Navarro Ortiz, Juan Ramiro Moreno, Juan Manuel
López Soler, Pablo Ameigeiras Gutierrez. Qoe Evaluation of Scheduling
Algorithms for NRT Services in LTE. ICT-MOBILESUMMIT 2009 (), Santander, 2009.
- Gabriel
Maciá Fernández, Jesús E. Díaz Verdejo, Pedro García Teodoro, Juan
Manuel López Soler, Juan José Ramos Muñoz, Francisco Jesus de Toro
Negro, Pablo Ameigeiras Gutierrez, Jorge Navarro Ortiz. Diseño e
Implantación de Un Laboratorio para La Docencia de Redes Telemáticas. VI Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática (jitel 2007) (), Málaga, España, 2007.
- Nicola
Comunale, Angel Manuel Gómez García, Francisco David Martín Oliva,
Antonio Ocaña Cabrera, Juan José Ramos Muñoz. Sistema de Evaluación
Continua, Compartida y Progresiva para el EEES. II Jornadas de Innovación Docente: Innovar para el ECTS (), Universidad de Granada, 2007.
- Francisco
Ángel García Valverde, Manuel Díaz García, Juan José Ramos Muñoz, Juan
Manuel López Soler. Session Initiation And Management Protocol for
Call-centers (simpler). VI Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática (jitel 2007) (), Málaga, España, 2007.
- Juan
José Ramos Muñoz, Nicola Comunale, Angel Manuel Gómez García, Francisco
David Martín Oliva, Antonio Ocaña Cabrera. Sistemas de Avaluación
Continua, Compartida y Progresiva para el Eees. Primeras Experiencias. Jornadas de Innovación Docente Universitaria en el Marco Del EEES (1), Granada, 2007.
- Angel
Manuel Gómez García, Juan José Ramos Muñoz, Antonio Miguel Peinado
Herreros, Victoria Eugenia Sánchez Calle. Multi-flow Block Interleaving
Applied To Distributed Speechrecognition Over IP Networks. International Conference On Spoken Language Processing (), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2006.
- Juan
José Ramos Muñoz, Juan Manuel López Soler. Efficient Allocation for
VoIP Packet Losses Detection Services in Programmableand Active
Networks. International Conference On Networking And Services (), Tahiti, 2005.
- Juan
José Ramos Muñoz, Juan Manuel López Soler. Ubicación Eficiente de
Servicios de Detección de Pérdidas para VoIP en Redes Programables y de
Recubrimiento. Jitel 2005: Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática, Vigo, España, 2005.
- Jose
Luis Castro Lopez, Pedro García Teodoro, Juan Manuel Estévez Tapiador,
Jesús E. Díaz Verdejo, Juan Manuel López Soler, Juan José Ramos Muñoz.
Integral Multimedia System for Non-presential Teacher-student Advisory
Through Internet. Education And Information Systems, Technologies And Applications (), Orlando, Florida (USA), 2004.
- Juan José Ramos Muñoz, Juan Francisco Núñez Negrillo, Juan
Manuel López Soler. Detección Activa de Pérdidas de Paquetes en Flujos
de Audio en Tiempo Real. Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, España, 2003.
Research Projects |
| - Project TIN2013-46223-P (subprogram TIN) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation,
titled "Architecture for 5G mobile communications based on Software
Defined Networks" (principal investigators Dr. Pablo Ameigeiras
Gutierrez and Dr. Juan Jose Ramos Munoz), for the period 2014 - 2017.
- Project PYR-2014-20 (GENIL, Granada Excellence Network of Innovation Laboratories),
titled "Future multimediA NeTworks bAsed on Sdn and qualiTy of
experIenCe (FANTASTIC)" (principal investigator Dr. Juan Jose Ramos
Munoz), 2014.
- Project TIN2010-20323 (subprogram TIN) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation,
titled "Radio resource management for 3G Long Term Evolution radio
access networks based on Quality of Experience criteria" (principal
investigator Dr. Pablo Ameigeiras Gutierrez), for the period 2010 -
- Research contract "Quality of Experience Enhancements in 3G Long
Term Evolution Networks" between the University of Granada and
Telefonica I+D (principal investigator Dr. Jorge Navarro Ortiz), 2011.
- Single European Sky ATM
Research (SESAR) Joint - Undertaking Identification of Technology and
Services Options & SWIM Prototype. Indra + eProsima 2010-2011
- DDS Interoperability Solutions Real-time Innovations Inc. 2010-2011
- Project TIN2009-13992-C02-02 (subprogram TIN) of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation,
titled "Heterogeneous IP Vehicular Networks with Quality of Service
Support" (principal investigator Dr. Pablo Amegeiras Gutierrez), year
2009 .
- Project of Own Research Plan from the University of Granada
"VoIP and HTTP Services in Wireless Networks with QoE
Support" (principal investigator Dr. Juan Manuel Lopez Soler),
year 2010.
- Redes Vehiculares IP Heterogeneas Con Soporte de Calidad de
Servicio (ref.: TIN2009-13992-C02-02). Investigador Principal: Pablo
Ameigeiras Gutiérrez. Financiado por: PLAN NACIONAL I+D. (2010-01-01
- Modelo de Arquitectura Por Capas para La Deteccion Ubicua de
Ataques y Respuesta (ref.: TSI2005-08145-C02-02). Investigador
Principal: Pedro García Teodoro. Financiado por: PLAN NACIONAL I+D.
(2005-12-31 2008-12-31)
- Ayuda para Una Propuesta Del VI Programa Marco: Maverick:
Multicast-voice Over IP Secure Services in Active Networks (ref.:
TIC2002-11450-E). Investigador Principal: Juan Manuel López Soler.
Financiado por: PLAN NACIONAL I+D. (2003-09-12 2004-09-11)
- Servicios Seguros de Multidifusión de Voz sobre IP en Redes Activas
(ref.: TIC2002-02798). Investigador Principal: Juan Manuel López Soler.
Financiado por: PLAN NACIONAL I+D. (2002-12-01 2005-11-30)
| Última actualización: 15/04/2015 |