Publicaciones seleccionadas

(Selected Publications)

Contreras-Moreno, F.J., Moraleda-Muñoz. A., Marcos-Torres,  F.J., Cuéllar, V., Soto, M.J., Pérez, J. and Muñoz-Dorado, J. (2024).

Siderophores and competition for iron govern myxobacterial predation dynamics. ISME Journal, 2:wrae077. doi: 10.1093/ismejo/wrae077.


Contreras-Moreno, F.J., Pérez, J., Muñoz-Dorado, J., Moraleda-Muñoz, A. and Marcos-Torres, F.J. (2024).

Myxococcus xanthus predation: an updated overview

Frontiers in Microbiology, 15: 1339696


Whitworth, D.E., Pérez, J., Robert J. Mitchell, R.J. and Pande, S.  (2023).

Editorial: Mechanisms of prokaryotic predation, volume II.

Frontiers in Microbiology, 14:1256252.


Soto, M.J., Pérez, J., Muñoz-Dorado, J., Contreras-Moreno, F.J., and Moraleda-Muñoz, A. (2023).

Transcriptomic response of Sinorhizobium meliloti to the predatory attack of Myxococcus xanthus.

Frontiers Microbiology 14:1213659.


Pérez, J., Contreras-Moreno, F.J., Muñoz-Dorado, J., and Moraleda-Muñoz, A. (2022).

Development versus predation: Transcriptomic changes during the lifecycle of Myxococcus xanthus.

Frontiers Microbiology 13: 1004476


Marcos-Torres, F.J., Moraleda-Muñoz, A., Contreras-Moreno, F.J., Muñoz-Dorado, J. and Pérez, J. (2022).

Mechanisms of action of non-canonical ECF sigma factors

International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23: 3601-3614


Pérez, J., Contreras-Moreno, F.J., Marcos-Torres, F.J., Moraleda-Muñoz, A., and Muñoz-Dorado, J. (2020).

The antibiotic crisis: how the bacterial predators can help.

Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, 18: 2547-2555


Whitworth, D.E., Jurkevitch, E., Pérez, J., Fuhrmann, G., and Koval, S. F. (2020).

Mechanisms of Prokaryotic Predation

Frontiers in Microbiology, 11: 2071


Contreras-Moreno, F.J., García-Tomsig, N.I., Martínez-Navajas, G., Pérez, J., and Moraleda-Muñoz. (2020).

Copper and melanin play a role in Myxococcus xanthus predation on Sinorhizobium meliloti.

Frontiers in Microbiology, 11: 94.


Muñoz-Dorado J., Moraleda-Muñoz, A., Marcos-Torres, F.J., Contreras-Moreno, F.J., Martin-Cuadrado, A.B., Schrader, J.M., Higgs, P.I., and Pérez, J. (2019).

Transcriptome dynamics of the Myxococcus xanthus multicelular developmental program.

Elife: e50374.


Moraleda-Muñoz, A., Marcos-Torres, F.J., Pérez, J., and Muñoz-Dorado J. (2019).

Metal-responsive RNA polymerase extracytoplasmic function (EFC) sigma factors.

Molecular Microbiology 112: 385-398.


Pérez, J., Muñoz-Dorado J., and Moraleda-Muñoz, A. (2018).

The complex global response to copper in the multicellular bacterium Myxococcus xanthus.

Metallomics. 10: 876-886.


Muñoz-Dorado J., Marcos-Torres, F.J., Moraleda-Muñoz, A., and Pérez J. (2016).

Myxobacteria: Moving, killing, feeding, and surviving together.

Frontiers in Microbiology. 4: 1-18.


Marcos-Torres, F.J., Pérez, J., Gómez-Santos, N., Moraleda-Muñoz, A., and Muñoz-Dorado, J. (2016).

In depth analysis of the mechanism of action of metal-dependent sigma factors: characterization of CorE2 from Myxococcus xanthus.

Nucleis Acids Research. 44: 5571-5584.


Sánchez-Sutil, M.C.,  Marcos-Torres, F.J., Pérez, J., Ruiz-González, M., García-Bravo, E., Martínez-Cayuela, M., Gómez-Santos, N., Moraleda-Muñoz, A., and Muñoz-Dorado, J. (2016).

Dissection of the sensor domain of the copper-responsive histidine kinase CorS from Myxococcus xanthus.

Environmental Microbiology Reports. 8. 363-370.


Pérez, J., Moraleda-Muñoz, A., Marcos-Torres, F.J., and Muñoz-Dorado, J. (2016).

Bacterial predation: 75 years and counting!.

Environmental Microbiology. 18: 766-779.


Pérez, J., Jiménez-Zurdo, J.I., Martínez-Abarca, F., Millán, V., Shimkets, L.J. and Muñoz-Dorado, J. (2014).

Rhizobial galactoglucan determines the predatory pattern of Myxococcus xanthus and protects Sinorhizobium meliloti from predation.

Environmental Microbiology. 16: 2341-2350.


Sánchez-Sutil, M.C., Pérez, J., Gómez-Santos, N., Shimkets, L.J., Moraleda-Muñoz, A., Muñoz-Dorado, J. (2013)

The Myxococcus xanthus two component two-component system CorSR regulates expression of a gene cluster involved in maintaining copper tolerance during growth and development.

PLoS One. 8: e68240


Gómez-Santos N., Treuner-Lange, A., Moraleda-Muñoz, A., García-Bravo, E., García-Hernández, R., Martínez-Cayuela, M., Pérez, J., Søgaard-Andersen, L., Muñoz-Dorado. J. (2012)

A comprehensive set of integrative plasmid vectors for copper inducible gene expression in Myxococcus xanthus.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78: 2515-2521


Muñoz-Dorado J, Gómez-Santos N, and Pérez J. (2012)

A novel mechanism of bacterial adaptation mediated by copper-dependent RNA polymerase σ factors

Transcription, 3: 63-67


Gómez-santos, N., Pérez, J., Sánchez-Sutil, M.C., Moraleda-Muñoz A. and Muñoz-Dorado J. (2011)

CorE from Myxococcus xanthus is a Copper-Dependent RNA Polymerase Sigma Factor.

PLoS Genetics, 7: e1002106


Pérez J., Muñoz-Dorado J., Braña A.F., Shimkets L.J., Sevillano L. and Santamaría R.I. (2011)

Myxococcus xanthus induces actinorhodin overproduction and aerial mycelium formation by Streptomyces coelicolor.

Microbial Biotechnology, 4: 175–183


Pérez, J. and Moraleda-Muñoz, A.(2011)

Lignocellulolytic Enzymes: Applications in Biodegradation and Bioconversion.

In: Mycofactories E-book

Volume: 1, Chapter 2, pages: 36-58

Edited by: Bentham Science Publishers Ltd. The Netherlands


Moraleda-Muñoz, A., Pérez, J., Extremera-León, A. and Muñoz-Dorado J. (2010)

Differential regulation of six heavy metal efflux systems in the response of Myxococcus xanthus to copper.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 76: 6969-6076


Moraleda-Muñoz, A., Pérez, J., Extremera-León, A. and Muñoz-Dorado J. (2010)

Expression and physiological role of three Myxococcus xanthus copper-dependent P1B-type ATPases during bacterial growth and development.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 76: 6977-6084


García-Hernández, R., Moraleda-Muñoz, A., Castañeda-García, A., Pérez, J. and Muñoz-Dorado,J.(2009)

Myxococcus xanthus Pph2 is a manganese-dependent protein phosphatase involved in energy metabolism

Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284: 28720-28728


Molina-Guijarro JM, Pérez J, Muñoz-Dorado J, Guillén F, Moya R, Hernández M, Arias ME. (2009)

Título:  Detoxification of azo dyes by a novel pH-versatile, salt-resistant laccase from Streptomyces ipomoea.

International Microbiology, 12: 13-21


Pérez J, Castañeda-García A, Jenke-Kodama H, Müller R and Muñoz-Dorado J. (2008)

Eukaryotic-like protein kinases in the prokaryotes and the myxobacterial kinome.

Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A., 105: 15950-15955


Schneiker S., Perlova O., Kaiser O., Gerth K., Alici A., Altmeyer MO., Bartels D., Bekel T., Beyer S., Bode E., Bode HB., Bolten CJ.,

Choudhuri JV., Doss S., Elnakady YA., Frank B., Gaigalat L., Goesmann A., Groeger C., Gross F., Jelsbak L., Jelsbak L., Kalinowski J.,

Kegler C., Knauber T., Konietzny S., Kopp M., Krause L., Krug D., Linke B., Mahmud T., Martinez-Arias R., McHardy A.C., Merai M.,

Meyer F., Mormann S., Muñoz-Dorado J., Perez J., Pradella S., Rachid S., Raddatz G., Rosenau F., Rückert C., Sasse F., Scharfe M.,

Schuster S.C., Suen G., Treuner-Lange A., Velicer G.J., Vorhölter F.J., Weissman K.J., Welch R.D., Wenzel S.C., Whitworth D.E.,

Wilhelm S., Wittmann C., Blöcker H., Pühler A. and  Müller R. (2007)

Complete genome sequence of the myxobacterium Sorangium cellulosum.

Nature Biotechnology, 25: 1281-1289



Sánchez-Sutil, M.C., Gómez-Santos, N., Moraleda-Muñoz, A., Martins, L.O., Pérez, J. and Muñoz-Dorado, J. (2007)

Differential expression of the three multicopper oxidases from Myxococcus xanthus.
Journal of Bacteriology, 189: 4887-4898.


Carrero-Lérida, J., Moraleda-Muñoz, A., García-Hernádez, R., Pérez, J. and Muñoz-Dorado, J. (2005)

PhoR1-PhoP1, a Third Two-Component System of the Family PhoRP 1 from Myxococcus xanthus: Role on Development.

Journal of Bacteriology 187 :4976-83


Moraleda-Muñoz, A., Pérez, J. Fontes, M., Murillo, F.J. and Muñoz-Dorado, J. (2005).

Copper induction of carotenoid synthesis in the bacterium Myxococcus xanthus.

Molecular Microbiology, 56: 1159-1168


Moraleda-Muñoz, A.,  Carrero-Lérida, J., Pérez, J., Muñoz-Dorado, J (2003)

Role of two novel two component system on the development and phosphatase expression of Myxococcus xanthus.

Journal of Bacteriology, 185: 1376-1383


Bernier-Villamor, V., Camacho, A., Hidalgo-Zarco, F., Pérez, J., Ruiz-Pérez, L.M., Gonzalez-Pacanowska, M.D. (2002)

Characterization of deoxyuridine 5'-triphosphate nucleotidohydrolase from Trypanosoma cruzi.

FEBS Letters, 526: 147-150


de la Rubia, T., Linares, A., Pérez, J., Muñoz-Dorado, J., Romera, J., Martínez, J. (2002)


Characterization of manganese-dependent peroxidase isoenzymes from the ligninolytic fungus Phanerochaete flavido-alba.

Research in Microbiology, 153: 547-554


de la Rubia, T., Ruiz, E, Pérez, J., Martínez, J. (2002)

Properties of a laccase produced by Phanerochaete flavido-alba induced by vanillin.

Achives in Microbiology, 179: 70-73


Ruiz, J.C., de la Rubia, T., Pérez, J., Martínez, J. (2002)

Effect of olive oil mill waste water on extracellular ligninolytic enzymes produced by Phanerochaete flavido-alba.

FEMS Microbiology Letters, 212: 41-45


Pérez, J., Gallego, C., Bernier-Villamor, V., Camacho, A., González- Pacanowska, M.D and Ruiz-Pérez, L.M. (1999)

Apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease genes from trypanosomatidae Leishmania major and Trypanosoma cruzi  confer resistance

to oxidizing agents in DNA repair-deficient Escherichia coli.

Nucleic Acids Research, 27: 771-777


Pérez, J., de la Rubia, T, Ben Hamman, O and Martínez, J. (1998)

Phanerochaete flavido-alba laccase induction and modification of manganese peroxidase isoenzyme pattern in decolorized olive oil mill wastewaters.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 64: 2726-2729


Martínez, J., Pérez, J. and de la Rubia, T. (1998)

Olive oil mill waste water degradation by ligninolytic Fungi.

In: Recent Research Developments in Microbiology

Volume: 2 Pages: 373-403

Edited by: Pandalai, S.G. Research Signpost. Trivandum (India)


Pérez, J., Sáez, L., de la Rubia T. and Martínez, J. (1997)

Phanerochaete flavido -alba ligninolytic activities and decolorization of partially bio-depurated paper mill wastes.

Water Research, 31: 495-502


Pérez, J. Martínez, J. and de la Rubia, T. (1996)

Purification and partial characterization of a laccase from the white rot fungus Phanerochaete flavido-alba.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 62: 4263-4267


Pérez, J. and Jeffries, T.W. (1993)

Role of organic acid chelators in manganese regulation and lignin degradation by Phanerochaete chrysosporium

Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 39: 227-238

Pérez, J. and Jeffries, T.W. (1992)

Roles of manganese and organic acid chelators in regulating lignin degradation and biosynthesis of peroxidases by Phanerochaete chrysosporium.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 58: 2402-2409


Saéz, L, Pérez, J. and Martínez, J. (1992)

Low molecular weight phenolics attenuation during simulated treatment of wastewaters from olive oil mills in evaporation ponds.

Water Research, 26: 1261-1266


Pérez, J., de la Rubia, T., Moreno, J. and Martínez, J. (1992)

Phenolic content and antibacterial activity of olive oil waste waters.

Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 11: 489-495


Pérez, J. and Jeffries, T. (1990)

Mineralization of 14C-ring labeled synthetic lignin correlates with the production of lignin peroxidases, not Mnperoxidase or laccase.

Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 56: 1806-1812


P. Bonnarme, J. Pérez and T.W. Jeffries (1991)

Regulation of peroxidase production in white rot fungi.

In: Enzymes in Biomass Conversion

Charter 16. Pages: 200-206

Edited by: G.F. Leatham and M.E. Himmel. American Chemical Society (Washington DC)


Pérez, J., Ramos-Cormenzana, A., and Martínez, J.(1989)

Bacteria degrading phenolic acids isolated on a polymeric phenolic pigment.

Journal of Applied Microbiology, 69: 38-42


Rodríguez, M.M., Pérez, J., Ramos-Cormenzana, A., and Martínez, J. (1988)

Effect of extracts obtained from olive oil extraction mills waste waters on Bacillus megaterium ATCC 33085.

Journal of Applied Bacteriology, 64: 219-226


Pérez, J., Paredes, M.J., Monteoliva-Sánchez, M., Moreno, E., Ramos-Cormenzana, A. and Martínez, J. (1987)

Streptococcal oxidation of malvin: the role peroxidogenic bacteria can play in decolorization.

FEMS Microbiology Letters, 43: 33-37


Paredes, M.J., Monteoliva-Sánchez, M., Moreno, E., Pérez, J., Ramos-Cormenzana, A. and Martínez, J. (1986)

Effect of waste waters from olive oil extraction plants on the bacterial population of soil.

Chemosphere, 5: 659-664