N Concordance 1 stologic verification may be waived for brain stem glioma The following are all 2 ary containing information on childhood brain stem glioma is available in PDQ. 3 wing a radical excision of an exophytic brain stem glioma and cerebellar injury 4 Treatment for recurrent childhood brain stem glioma depends on the type of 5 ents with recurrent diffuse, intrinsic brain stem glioma should be considered f 6 ial tumors including diffuse intrinsic brain stem glioma, glioblastoma multifor 7 tionated radiotherapy in poor-prognosis brain stem glioma. The fractionation reg 8 ldren with neurofibromatosis type I and brain stem gliomas may have a different 9 tment of patients with newly diagnosed brain stem gliomas has not been well def 10 Surgery is used when possible to treat brain stem gliomas. Depending on where