N Concordance 1 There is a clear association between hepatoblastoma and familial adenomatous 2 atocellular carcinoma also differs from hepatoblastoma in that it often arises 3 culture medium of HepG2 cells, a human hepatoblastoma cell line, pre-labelled w 4 ) in neuroblastoma; acinar formation in hepatoblastoma (100%) and SCAC (93.3%); 5 with unresectable or metastatic hepatoblastoma are predictors of outcome 6 prognosis is much worse than the mixed hepatoblastoma of childhood. We experien 7 1 case of in postoperative jaundice of hepatoblastoma. In 46 infants with bilia 8 dren with resectable and non-resectable hepatoblastoma (HB) and to determine lat 9 of children with initially unresectable hepatoblastoma, the tumors can be rende 10 e significant benefit in children with hepatoblastoma. Cisplatin-based chemoth