Henrik Zinkernagel's homepage 

Research interests:
The relations between science and aesthetics, sustainability and science education. Philosophy of physics (especially cosmology and quantum physics).

Some recent preprints/papers:
- 'Æstetik i naturfag – en vej til mere omsorg for naturen' [Aesthetics in science education – a road to more caring for nature]. MONA - Matematik- Og Naturfagsdidaktik, 2023(4), 53-72.

- 'Aesthetic Motivation in Quantum Physics: Past and Present'. Annalen der Physik, 534 (9). pp. 2200283 (1-6), 2022.

-  'Cosmología, estética y educación' [Cosmology, aesthetics and education]. In C. Rodríguez Martín (ed.) Un paseo entre las jaulas: ensayos sobre arte y naturaleza, [A walk among the cages: Essays on art and nature]. Granada: Comares, 2020, pp. 9-28.

- 'Eleverne har brug for mere leg og æstetiske oplevelser i naturfagene' [Students need more play and aesthetic experiences in science teaching] (with Anders V. Thomsen and Lars E. Damgaard Knudsen) in Folkeskolen (Nov. 2019).

- Review of "Niels Bohr and the Philosophy of Physics: Twenty-First-Century Perspectives" (eds. Jan Faye & Henry J. Folse). Journal for General Philosophy of Science Vol. 50 (2), pp. 317-322, 2019.

(List of all prior publications in journals and books) (some recent Talks)

Associate professor (Profesor titular) at the Department of Philosophy I, Campus de Cartuja, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain. For my teaching and event web page (mostly in Spanish), see here.

(Occasionally) visiting scholar at Center for the Philosophy of Nature and Science Studies, (CPNSS) and the Niels Bohr Archive, Copenhagen, Denmark.

zink   (@ugr.es or @nbi.dk)

Ph.D. in philosophy of science from Center for Philosophy of Nature and Science Studies, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. Thesis title: "High-Energy Physics and Reality - Some Philosophical Aspects of a Science" (see pdf-version)
M.Sc. in theoretical particle physics from University of Copenhagen.

This page was last updated November 2024