Don´t fly my data

Starting March 5, 2003, US law-enforcement bodies (via Customs) have online access to the Passenger Name Register (PNR), of european travelers flying to, from, or through the United States.  Sensitive data like the kind of meal (Kosher), payment information, and others.  In most European countries, strong laws protect personal data.  But the European Commission, bowing to US pressure, has allowed the US to plug into European traveller's data.

Several initiatives have arisen to fight this abuse.  Following a trip to the USA on March 26, I have filed a complaint to the Spanish Data Protection Authority (Agencia de Protección de Datos) for the disclosure of my personal data by Iberia airline.  This webpage is an outline of the procedure.  The original webpage in Spanish, in Spanish, contains all available information at the moment.  It´s a pointer to yet another move to prevent our data from being used as chips in this data poker game.

More links on airline data transfer.

Campaign agains illegal data transfer from data of european passenger flying to the United States.  EDRI, press release.  5 Mayo 2003

Campaign against illegal passenger data transfer to the USA


© Arturo Quirantes Sierra 2.003.  Correo electrónico: aquiran at

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