Research activities


Electrokinetic phenomena and techniques are an essential part of our group research, and constitute are beginnings. We have participated in projects regarding electrophoresis, both dc and ac, electrical conductivity, dielectric dispersion, electroviscous effects,. in dispersed systems. Our studies have involved both dilute and concentrated suspensions, models and experiments, implications for stability, among other features.

Magnetic nanoparticles

The synthesis and characterization of nanoparticles in general and of magnetic nanoparticles in particular, have occupied many research efforts of our work. In addition to their preparation, we have investigated some applications mostly in two fields. One is magnetorheology, that is, the determination of the rheological properties of suspensions of microparticles in the presence of magnetic fields. The other regards biomedical applications, namely, the design of magnetic drug vehicles, their functionalization, their loading and release efficiencies or, more recently, their application in magnetic hyperthermia.

Capacitive energy production and desalination

Thanks to our participation in an EU FP-7 project (CAPMIX) we could start a line on energy production and solution deionization based on the high capacitance of the electrical double layers of porous conducting materials. Electrode materials, coating be membranes or polyelectrolytes, design and stacking of cells,. are some of the topics under investigation.

The group

All this research has been made possible by the joint work of present and past members of the research group, that we know as Physics of Interfaces and Colloidal Systems (the I6 group). I cannot conceive working in another place or with other people.