desarboladamente y en absoluto exhaustivo, abajo encontrarás algunos recursos
adicionales, para Mineralogía, Petrología y Geoquímica (Powerpoint,
PDF, software, imágenes, visualizaciones, instrumentación analítica, etc). Si
tienes algún link que creas interesánte,
Lista de discusión web, grupos, sociedades
Por Kullerud Kare, Universidad de
Tromsø (Noruega), con un montón de animaciones
simples (pero ilustrativas) de todo tipo de procesos
geológicos incluyendo metamorfismo, magmatismo,
tectónica de placas, geocronología etc etc etc.
Foundations of Geology. Trabajos de
investigación fundamentales en Geología, desde
Principles of Geology, de C. Lyell (1832),
hasta la actualidad.
(BGS) A free service where you can view maps,
download photographs and other information. Use OpenGeoscience
material free-of-charge for non-commercial private study, research
and educational activities. Explore the six OpenGeoscience sections:
Data, Education, Maps, Pictures, Reports and Software.
Itinerarios geológicos por la Cordillera Bética. José Miguel Molina Cámara (Ed). 2009.
(sistemática y
Guide to thin section microscopy, Michael M. Raith, Peter Raase & Jürgen Reinhardt, 2012 (pdf)
Atlas de Mineralogía Óptica, Pedro Pablo Gil-Crespo, Universidad del País Vasco
Teaching Mineralogy
Teaching Mineralogy
with Crystal Structure Databases and Visualization
Teaching Clay Mineralogy. This collection was
started to complement the forthcoming Clay Minerals
Society meeting in Billings, MT.
Guide to Thin
Section Microscopy, 107 pp. e-Book ISBN
978-3-00-033606-5 PDF. by Raith M. M., Raase P. and
Reinhardt J. (2011). En inglés, alemán y español
Open Access
Publications, Mineralogical Society of
Guide to Thin
Section Microscopy (pdf).
2011 by M.M. Raith (University of Bonn) , P. Raase (University
of Kiel), J. Reinhardt (University of KwaZulu-Natal).
En inglés, alemán y español
Sitio de Olaf
Optical Mineralogy
for Educators and Students
Mineralogy 4
Kids (¡y adultos!). Mineralogical Society
of America
Corner. Mineralogical Society of America
Athena Mineralogy
The mineral and locality database.
Fotos de
minerales bajo el microscopio. John
Longshore, HSU Geology Dept.
Minerals under
the Microscope, Charlotte Gladstone
University of Bristol, EARTH SCIENCES
minéralogique. Interesante y completa
colección de minerales perteneciente al BRGM,
incluye algunas propiedades como composición, clase,
grupo, sistema cristalino, imágenes y un léxico
Carta de Michel-Lévy
para personas con dificultades para visualizar colores
IMA Database of
Mineral Properties. Created and maintained by
the RRUFF Project in partnership with the IMA.
Photo-Atlas of
Minerals, The Gem & Mineral Council, Natural History Museum of Los
Angeles County, by George Gerhold y Dr.
Anthony R. Kampf (cuesta ca. 20 USD).
Animación de
Indicatriz Uniáxica en relación con el corte del
grano y el color de interferencia,
por David Hirsch, Western Washington
Animación de
Indicatriz Biáxica en relación con el corte del
grano y el color de interferencia,
por David Hirsch, Western Washington
Computer program for identifying minerals from
compositional information, by Micronex.
Handbook of Mineralogy, Mineralogical Society of
Cristalografía y Mineralogía. Universidad
Nacional de Educación a Distancia
100 Questions in
Mineral Sciences - A Global Initiative to
Identify Future Research Challenges.
American Mineralogist Crystal
Structure Database
Mineral List with Database of Mineral Properties
Petrography Database.
Por Dave Hirsch, Department of Geology, Western
Washington University.
Search Project. Por Dave Hirsch,
Department of Geology, Western Washington University.
Teaching Petrology
Teaching Phase
Equilibria (¡¡¡este es el bueno!!!)
Minerals, Inclusions and Volcanic Processes.
This collection was built to accompany the very
successful MSA/GS short course held at the
fall 2008 AGU meeting.
Geochemical Data Plotting Programs. This
compilation was made by Sumit Chakraborty in a query
to the MSA-Talk listserv.
Teaching Petrology Using the Primary Scientific
Literature. This compilation was started by
Allen Glazner in a posting to the MSA-Talk listserv.
Suggested teaching strategies and the beginning of a
list of recommended articles in igneous and
metamorphic petrology are posted.
Teaching Optical Mineralogy and Petrography.
This is a large collection of tutorials, animations,
links to collections of digital images, articles on
teaching mineral optics and petrography, teaching
activities, and lab exercises. Thanks to Dave
Hirsch for recently posting his animations on the
uniaxial and biaxial indicatrix.
Petrología Endógena
II (Universidad de Zaragoza). Módulo I: Rocas
metamórficas (por
Javier Gómez Jiménez).
Ofrece muy buenos apuntes, figuras y material de
prácticas (ficheros pdf). Realmente útil.
Sitio de John D.
Winter. Ofrece un montón de material sobre
Mineralogía y Petrología.
PET (Petrological
Elementary Tools) software, por Edgar Dachs, para "Mathematica",
incluyendo geotermómetros y geobarómetros.
Petrología Ígnea
(Universidad de Granada)
Sitio de Frank
Spear, incluyendo descargas de
software de termobarometría y el programa Gibbs para
cálculo TD
con descarga del programa y documentación, por R. Powell y T. Holland
por Richard White (U Mainz), con las versiones más
recientes, ficheros ax, documentación en línea y
Sitio de Tim
Holland, con descarga del programa AX
Sitio de Dave
Waters, incluyendo aspectos
prácticos de Termobarometría (con
y descargas de material variado.
phase diagrams involving solid solutions via
non-linear equations, with examples using THERMOCALC,
por Roger Powell, Tim Holland, and Brenton Worley.
(J. Connolly)
(Christian de Capitani). The THERIAK-DOMINO Software
is a program collection written by
C. de Capitani
to calculate and plot thermodynamic functions,
equilibrium assemblages and rock-specific
equilibrium assemblage diagrams (elsewhere also
called pseudo-sections).
TWQ or
TWEEQU (Thermobarometry
With Estimation of
Equilibration State) is an
interactive program for calculation of mineral-fluid
equilibria. It has been developed & maintained by
Rob Berman of the Geological Survey of Canada.
Although it can calculate many types of phase
diagrams, its primary application is
geothermobarometry using internally consistent
thermodynamic data for endmembers and solid
solutions that have been derived simultaneously from
relevant experimental constraints,
(Mark S Ghiorso) is a software package designed to
facilitate thermodynamic modeling of phase
equilibria in magmatic systems. It provides the
ability to compute equilibrium phase relations for
igneous systems over the temperature range 500-2000
°C and the pressure range 0-2 GPa.
a web site about pegmatite research at
A Macintosh program by Mark S. Ghiorso for
Fe-Ti oxide geothermometer/oxygen barometer
calculations that uses the model of Ghiorso and
Evans (2008). The program is free. The program
should execute on any ppc- or intel-based Macintosh
running system 10.5 or later. OFM site: MELTS site:
Metamorphic geochemistry MetPetDB: Details
of the design and vision of the system are described
on . MetPetDB
can help to satisfy data management policies for
archiving data and is also designed to be a
tool for collaboration. The system contains data
from over 10,000 samples from over 1000 publications
as well as public and private data from individuals.
If you would like to upload your own samples you can
register to become a “contributor”. Your samples
will be private (viewable only by you) until you
choose to make them public. Frank Spear (RPI E&ES),
Ben Hallett (RPI E&ES), Sibel Adali (RPI CS)
Teaching with
Geochemical Data
Instrumentation and Analysis
Bases de datos (y más)
Geología Química
Software para geoquímica. Disponible por
RockWare Inc.
Michael Carr.
Most "canned plots" or "stock diagrams"
available. Files can be generated in Excel and the
diagrams can be exported to most drawing programs,
such as Corel, for "prettying up". Can do basic
modeling such as melting, fractionation, AFC. Can be
used with mineral data as well, but fewer built in
diagrams. No way of calculating structural formulae
for minerals. Commercial.
Aabel. Software para geoquímica. Disponible para Mac
en Templates
for various kinds of plots (ternary, spider diagrams
etc.). If you select a point or cluster of points on
a plot, it is highlighted in the spreadsheet. Many
statistical packages available. Compatible with
Excel, which makes it easy to manipulate data and
calculate things with formulas. Commercial,
Geochemical Data Toolkit (GCDkit).
Software para geoquímica. Vojtech Janousek, Czech Geological Survey, Prague.
A freeware written in R.(a computer language
for statistical computing and graphics). Janousek, V., Farrow, C. M. & Erban, V. 2006.
Interpretation of whole-rock geochemical data in
igneous geochemistry: introducing Geochemical Data
Toolkit (GCDkit). Journal of Petrology
47(6):1255-1259. Free, fast and good quality
graphics. Informative website, and short learning
time. Announced as a package for Igneous Petrology
but can be generalized to plot any other kind of
Petrograph. Free software.
User friendly. Similar to MINPET. Possible to plot
many classification diagrams and "petro-tectonic"
plots. Source code is written in MS Visual Basic 6.0
and it runs under Windows 98/2000/XP platforms.
Petrelli M., Poli G., Perugini D. & Peccerillo A.
(2005) Petrograph: a New Software to Visualize,
Model, and Present Geochemical Data in Igneous
Petrology, Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., Vol. 6,
Q07011, 26 July 2005.
IGOR. Available from Standard
graphics plotting routines can be adapted for
geochemical plots.
Proyecciones geoquímicas en tetrahedros:
Excel spreadsheet for calculating CIPW and Niggli
Norms por H. R. (Dick) Naslund
Excel spreadsheet for calculating Least-Square-Fit
Petrologic Mixing Models por H. R. (Dick)
geochemistry/crust-mantle geochemistry.
Lecture notes of
William M. White,
Cornell University
an application that helps with the onerous task of
data management for geochronological and
thermochronological studies. Geochron was developed
in collaboration with the
effort and worked with expert groups from the Ar-Ar,
U-Pb, (U-Th)/He and CRN communities to establish
reporting requirements and XML schemas to be used
for transferring data from reduction programs to
database. Access to these programs is available at
the Geochron website.
Users can upload data and metadata to the Geochron
system, or search data in Geochron by age, method,
mineral, or location parameters. Geochron works with
System for Earth
Sample Registration (SESAR) to use the
Unique Identifiers for samples. EarthChem, Geochron,
and SESAR are all part of the
community-based data facility funded by the National
Science Foundation.
Páginas y Proyectos de interés
Cursos de Interés (para graduados y doctorandos)
An Atlas of
Speleothem Microfabrics, by L. Bruce
Railsback, Department of Geology, University of
Georgia, Athens, Georgia, U.S.A.
Reseña Física y
Geográfica de la Provincia de Granada. Comisión del
Mapa Geológico de España, 1883, Madrid. Boletín de
la Comisión del Mapa Geológico de España, TOMO 8º
(7 Mb).
Microstructures (Journal of Metamorphic Geology
Virtual Issues): Methods and examples,
Porphyroblasts, Deformation and metamorphism, Corona
structures and symplectites, Miscellaneous textures:
Pseudomorphs, inclusions, and lamellae)
How to write a manuscript for a journal, por Kurt
Stüwe & Anton Drescher, Universität Graz, Austria
miércoles, 12 de junio de 2024 20:14 +0200 |