Antonio García Casco

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Enlaces de Interés


Algo desarboladamente y en absoluto exhaustivo, abajo encontrarás algunos recursos adicionales, para Mineralogía, Petrología y Geoquímica (Powerpoint, PDF, software, imágenes, visualizaciones, instrumentación analítica, etc). Si tienes algún link que creas interesánte, envíamelo.

Lista de discusión web, grupos, sociedades


Petro-Mine, General



Mineralogía (sistemática y óptica)


  • Online Petrography Database. Por Dave Hirsch, Department of Geology, Western Washington University.

  • Petrography Search Project. Por Dave Hirsch, Department of Geology, Western Washington University.

  • Teaching Petrology

  • Teaching Phase Equilibria (¡¡¡este es el bueno!!!)

  • Minerals, Inclusions and Volcanic Processes. This collection was built to accompany the very successful  MSA/GS short course held at the fall 2008 AGU meeting.

  • Geochemical Data Plotting Programs. This compilation was made by Sumit Chakraborty in a query to the MSA-Talk listserv.

  • Teaching Petrology Using the Primary Scientific Literature. This compilation was started by Allen Glazner in a posting to the MSA-Talk listserv.  Suggested teaching strategies and the beginning of a list of recommended articles in igneous and metamorphic petrology are posted.

  • Teaching Optical Mineralogy and Petrography. This is a large collection of tutorials, animations, links to collections of digital images, articles on teaching mineral optics and petrography, teaching activities, and  lab exercises. Thanks to Dave Hirsch for recently posting his animations on the uniaxial and biaxial indicatrix.

  • Petrología Endógena II (Universidad de Zaragoza). Módulo I: Rocas metamórficas (por Javier Gómez Jiménez). Ofrece muy buenos apuntes, figuras y material de prácticas (ficheros pdf). Realmente útil.

  • Sitio de John D. Winter. Ofrece un montón de material sobre Mineralogía y Petrología.

  • PET (Petrological Elementary Tools) software, por Edgar Dachs, para "Mathematica", incluyendo geotermómetros y geobarómetros.

  • Petrología Ígnea (Universidad de Granada)

  • Sitio de Frank Spear, incluyendo descargas de software de termobarometría y el programa Gibbs para cálculo TD


    • THERMOCALC, con descarga del programa y documentación, por R. Powell y T. Holland

    • THERMOCALC, por Richard White (U Mainz), con las versiones más recientes, ficheros ax, documentación en línea y tutoriales.

    • Sitio de Tim Holland, con descarga del programa AX (para THERMOCALC)

    • Sitio de Dave Waters, incluyendo aspectos prácticos de Termobarometría (con THERMOCALC) y descargas de material variado.

    • Calculating phase diagrams involving solid solutions via non-linear equations, with examples using THERMOCALC, por Roger Powell, Tim Holland, and Brenton Worley.

      • Online (1997, via old Journal of Metamorphic Geology pages at Bristol)

      • PDF (2001, via SERC)

  • Perple_X (J. Connolly)

  • Domino (Christian de Capitani). The THERIAK-DOMINO Software is a program collection written by C. de Capitani to calculate and plot thermodynamic functions, equilibrium assemblages and rock-specific equilibrium assemblage diagrams (elsewhere also called pseudo-sections).

  • TWQ or TWEEQU (Thermobarometry With Estimation of Equilibration State) is an interactive program for calculation of mineral-fluid equilibria. It has been developed & maintained by Rob Berman of the Geological Survey of Canada. Although it can calculate many types of phase diagrams, its primary application is geothermobarometry using internally consistent thermodynamic data for endmembers and solid solutions that have been derived simultaneously from relevant experimental constraints,

  • MELTS (Mark S Ghiorso) is a software package designed to facilitate thermodynamic modeling of phase equilibria in magmatic systems. It provides the ability to compute equilibrium phase relations for igneous systems over the temperature range 500-2000 °C and the pressure range 0-2 GPa.

  • PEGMATOPIA, a web site about pegmatite research at Oklahoma University.

  • A Macintosh program by Mark S. Ghiorso for Fe-Ti oxide geothermometer/oxygen barometer calculations that uses the model of Ghiorso and Evans (2008). The program is free. The program should execute on any ppc- or intel-based Macintosh running system 10.5 or later. OFM site: MELTS site:

  • Metamorphic geochemistry MetPetDB: Details of the design and vision of the system are described on . MetPetDB can help to satisfy data management policies for archiving data  and is also designed to be a tool for collaboration. The system contains data from over 10,000 samples from over 1000 publications as well as public and private data from individuals.  If you would like to upload your own samples you can register to become a “contributor”. Your samples will be private (viewable only by you) until you choose to make them public. Frank Spear (RPI E&ES), Ben Hallett (RPI E&ES), Sibel Adali (RPI CS)


Páginas y Proyectos de interés

Cursos de Interés (para graduados y doctorandos)

Otro software.


Última modificación: miércoles, 12 de junio de 2024 20:14 +0200