Working Papers
- Intergenerational Transmission of Economic Strain and High School Dropout (joint with Navarro, M., submitted) (WP ThE Papers here )
- Part-time hours and wages (joint with Silva, I. and Naval, J., submitted) (WP ThE Papers here )
- El efecto del grado de urbanización en el impacto de hogares monoparentales en la privación material de los niños/as (joint with Navarro, M.) Papeles de Trabajo, Insituto de Estudios Fiscales, 07 /2023 here .
- Socio-Economic Attitudes in the Era of Social Distancing and Lockdowns (joint with Kerim Peren Arin & Juan A. Lacomba & Francisco Lagos & Marcel Thum) (CESifo Working Paper Series 8845, CESifo here)
- Stationary Equilibrium in an Altruistic Economy. (Joint with S. Chattopahdyay) (WP IVIE here).
Work in progress
- The Gatsby Curve (joint with Caballé, J.)
- Social Comparisons: Income (joint with Fonseca, R.)
- Social Comparisons: Wealth (joint with Fonseca, R. and El-Attar, M.)
- Gender differences and minority effect in heterogeneous societies. Evidence from a Public Good Experiment (joint with Molis, E. and Neyse, L.)
- Dynamics of material deprivation (joint with Ayllón, S.)
- Educational aspirations and labour market mismatch (joint with del Rey, E. and Silva, I. )
- The COVID-19 effect on labour market: temporary or permanent (joint with Blázquez, M. and Herrarte, A.)
- The Covid-19 effect on material deprivation (joint with Jimenez, E.)
- Over-indebtedness over time (joint with C. Aller)