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Soy Catedrático de Universidad en el Departamento de Geometría y Topología y miembro del Instituto de Matemáticas (IMAG) de la Universidad de Granada. Mi interés en la investigación se centra en el estudio de las superficies mínimas en espacios Euclídeos, las curvas complejas en espacios Euclídeos complejos, y otras teorías relacionadas.
I am Full Professor in the Department of Geometry and Topology and member of the Institute of Mathematics (IMAG)
of the University of Granada.
My research interest is focused on the study of minimal surfaces in Euclidean spaces, complex curves in complex Euclidean spaces, and related topics.
The item on the right is the cover of our book with Franc Forstnerič and Francisco J. López
entitled Minimal Surfaces from a Complex
Analytic Viewpoint, Springer Monographs in Mathematics (2021), Springer International Publishing. It treats minimal surfaces in Euclidean spaces by complex analytic methods, many of which have been developed only recently. In particular, the book focuses in the global theory of minimal surfaces with a given complex structure.