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M. CABRERA, J. MARTINEZ, and A. RODRIGUEZ, Nonassociativereal
H*-algebras. Publicacions Matematiques 32 (1988), 267-274.MR.90a:46147.
Zbl.673.46035. |
M. CABRERA, J. MARTINEZ, and A. RODRIGUEZ, A note on annihilator alge-
bras. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford) 36 (1985), 279-282.MR. 86m:46049. Zbl. 625.46056. |
B. IOCHUM, G, LOUPIAS, and A. RODRIGUEZ,Commutativity ofC*- algebras and associativity of JB*-algebras. Mathematical Proceed-ings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 106 (1989), 281-291. MR.90d:46085.Zbl. 749.46032.
J. F. MENA, R. PAYA, and A. RODRIGUEZ, Absolute subspaces of Banach spaces. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics (Oxford) 40 (1989),43-64. MR. 90c:46024. Zbl. 693.46014. |
M. CABRERA and A. RODRIGUEZ, Extended centroid and central closure of semiprime normed algebras: a first approach. Communicationsin Algebra 18 (1990), 2293-2326. MR. 91h:46090. Zbl. 713.46033. |
A. RODRIGUEZ, Infinite-dimensional sets of constant width and their applications. Extracta Mathematicae 5 (1990), 41-52 (Segunda edicion en: Actas del II Congreso de Analisis Funcional, Jarandilla de la Vera-Caceres- Espana, 20-27 junio 1990, 140-151)..
M. CABRERA and A. RODRIGUEZ, Nonassociative ultraprime normed algebras. Extracta Mathematicae 5 (1990), 127-129. MR. 92m: 46070a. Zbl. 744.46038. (Segunda edicion en: Actas del II Congreso de Analisis Funcional, Jarandilla de la Vera-Caceres-Espana, 20-27 junio 1990, 38-41).
A. RODRIGUEZ, Automatic continuity with application to C*-algebras. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 107 (1990), 345-347. MR. 90k:46111. Zbl. 762.46052.
A. RODRIGUEZ y A. R. VILLENA, El centroide extendido de una JB*algebra no conmutativa. En Actas de las XIV Jornadas Hispano-Lusas deMatematicas, 505-509, Universidad de la Laguna, Secretariado de Publicaciones, La Laguna, 1990 . (MR. 92b:00044).
R. PAYA and A. RODRIGUEZ, Banach spaces which are semi-L-summands in their biduals, Mathematische Annalen 289 (1991).529-542.MR. 92e: 46024. Zbl. 712.46005, 729.46008.
J. C. CABELLO, J. F. MENA, R. PAYA, and A. RODRIGUEZ, Banach spaces which are absolute subspaces in their biduals. Quarterly Jour-nal of Mathematics (Oxford) 42(1991), 175-182. MR. 92e:46023. Zbl.763.46009.
M. BENSLIMANE et A. RODRIGUEZ, Caracterisation spectrale des algebres de Jordan Banach non commutatives complexes modulaires an-nihilatrices. Journal of Algebra 140 (1991), 344-354. MR. 92i:46059. Zbl.742.17002.
J. F. MENA, R. PAYA, A. RODRIGUEZ, and D. YOST, Absolutely proximinal subspaces of Banach spaces.Journal of Approximation Theory65 (1991), 46-72. MR. 92e:46037. Zbl. 725.41031.
A. RODRIGUEZ, JOn the strongtopology of a J BW*-triple. Quarterly*Journal of Mathematics (Oxford) 42 (1991), 99-103. MR. 92j:46123. Zbl. 723.17026.
A. RODRIGUEZ, An approach to Jordan-Banach algebras from thetheory of nonassociative complete normed algebras. Dans Algebres deJordan and algebres normees non associatives, Annales Scientifiques de lfUniversitLe hBlaise Pascalh, Clermont-Ferrand II, SLer. Math. 27 (1991), 1-57. MR. 93c: 46091.
J. PEREZ, L. RICO, A. RODRIGUEZ, and A. R. VILLENA, Prime Jordan- Banach algebras with non-zero socle. Communications in Algebra20 (1992), 17-53. MR. 92j:46090. Zbl. 742.17028.