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Lista de Publicaciones: (en algunos casos es posible descargar la version preprint del artículo pinchando sobre el título)

  1. Martínez Moreno, J. y Peralta, A. M., Separate weak*-continuity of the triple product in dual real JB*-triples, Math. Z., 234, 635-646 (2000).
  2. Peralta, A. M. y Stacho, L. L., Atomic decomposition of real JB*-triples, Quarterly J. Math., 52, 79-87 (2001).
  3. Acosta, M. D. y Peralta, A. M., An alternative Dunford-Pettis property for JB*-triples, Quartely J. Math, 52, 391-401 (2001).
  4. Martín, M. y Peralta, A. M., The alternative Dunford-Pettis property in the predual of a Von Neumann algebra, Studia Math., 147, 197-200 (2001).
  5. Peralta, A.M., sobre JB*-triples reales. ISBN 84-338-2746-4, 2001, Servicio Publicaciones de Univ. de Granada (Tesis Doctoral).
  6. Peralta, A. M., Little Grothendieck's theorem for real JB*-triples, Math. Z., 237, 531-545 (2001).
  7. Peralta, A. M. y Rodríguez Palacios, A., Grothendieck's inequalities for real and complex JBW*-triples, Proc. London Math. Soc., 83, 605-625 (2001).
  8. Peralta, A. M. y Rodríguez Palacios, A., Grothendieck's inequalities revisited. Recent progress in Functional Analysis, Proceedings of the International Functional Analysis Meeting on the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of Professor Manuel Valdivia, Valencia, Spain, July 3-7, 2000, (ed. by K.D. Bierstedt, J. Bonet, M. Maestre, J. Schmets), 409-423, North-Holland 2001.
  9. Peralta, A. M., On summing operators on JB*-triples, Manuscripta Math., 105, 265-281 (2001).
  10. Ho, T., Martínez Moreno, J., Peralta, A. M. y Russo, B., Derivations on real and complex JB*-triples, J. London Math. Soc., 65, 85-102 (2002).
  11. Bunce, L. J. y Peralta, A. M., Images of contractive projections on operators álgebras, J. Math. Analysis and Applications 272, nº1, 55-56, (2002).
  12. Bunce, L. J. y Peralta, A. M., The alternative Dunford-Pettis property in C*-algebras and Von Neumann preduals, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131, nº4, 1251-1255, (2003).
  13. Peralta, A. M., On the axiomatic definition of real JB*-triples, Mathematische Nachrichten 256, 100-106, (2003).
  14. Becerra Guerrero, J. y Peralta, A. M., Subdifferentiability of the norm and the Banach-Stone theorem for real and complex JB*-Triples, Manuscripta Mathematica, 114, no. 4, 503-516 (2004).
  15. Becerra Guerrero, J., López, G., Peralta, A. M. y Rodríguez Palacios, A., Relatively weakly open sets in closed balls of Banach spaces, and real JB*-Triples of finite rank. Mathematische Annalen, 330, 45-58 (2004).
  16. Bunce, L. J. y Peralta, A. M., On weak sequential convergence in JB*-triple duals, Studia Mathematica, 160 (2), 117-127, (2004).
  17. Fernandez-Polo, F. J., Martínez Moreno, J. y Peralta, A. M., Geometric characterization of tripotents in real and complex JB*-triples. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 295, 435-443 (2004).
  18. Fernandez-Polo, F. J., Martínez Moreno, J. y Peralta, A. M., Surjective isometries between real JB*-triples. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 137 709-723 (2004).
  19. Bunce, L. J. y Peralta, A. M., The alternative Dunford-Pettis property, conjugations and real forms of C*-Algebras, Journal of the London Mathematical Society,71, 161-171 (2005).
  20. Peralta, A. M., New advances on the Grothendieck's inequality problem for bilinear forms on JB*-Triples. Math Inequal Appl, 8, No. 1, 7-21 (2005).
  21. Peralta, A. M., Avances recientes sobre la propiedad de Dunford-Pettis alternativa para C*-algebras y JB*-triples. Actas del Colloquium del Departamento de Análisis Matemático de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 63, 55-68 (2005).
  22. Bunce, L. J. y Peralta, A. M., Spin spaces and positive decomposition of linear maps on ordered Banach spaces. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 56, 43-52 (2005).
  23. Acosta, M. D. y Peralta, A. M., The alternative Dunford-Pettis property for subspaces of the compact operators, Positivity 10, 51-63 (2006) .
  24. Peralta, A. M., Some remarks on weak compactness in the dual space of a JB*-triple, Tohoku Math. J. 58 (2006), 149-159;
  25. Becerra Guerrero, J. y Peralta, A. M., The Dunford-Pettis and the Kadec-Klee properties on tensor products of JB*-triples, Math. Z. 251 (2005), no. 1, 117--130.
  26. Bunce, L. J., Fernández-Polo, F. J., Martínez Moreno, J. and Peralta, A. M., A Saitô-Tomita-Lusin Theorem for JB*-triples and Applications, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics Oxford 57 (2006), 37–48;
  27. Peralta, A. M., Una revisión de la propiedad de Dunford-Pettis en productos tensoriales proyectivos de espacios de Banach, aparecerá en Actas del Colloquium del Departamento de Análisis Matemático de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (2006).
  28. Peralta, A. M. y Villanueva, I., The alternative Dunford-Pettis on projective tensor products, Math. Z. 252 (2006), 883-897.
  29. Fernández-Polo, F. J. y Peralta, A. M., Compact tripotents and the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem for C*-algebras and JB*-triples, J. Operator Theory, 58:1, 157-173 (2007).
  30. Fernández-Polo, F. J. y Peralta, A. M., Closed tripotents and weak compactness in the dual space of a JB*-triple, J. London Math. Soc. 74 (2006), 75-92.
  31. Peralta, A. M., Villanueva, I., Wright, J.D.M. and Ylinen, Topological characterisation of weakly compact operators, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 325, 968-974 (2007).
  32. Bunce, L. J. y Peralta, A. M., Dunford-Pettis properties, Hilbert spaces and projective tensor products, Journal of Functional Analysis, 253, 692-710 (2007).
  33. Peralta, A. M., Topological characterisation of weakly compact operators revisited, Extracta Mathematicae 22(2), 215-223 (2007).
  34. M. Burgos, A. Kaidi, A. Morales, A. M. Peralta and M. Ramírez, von Neumann regularity and quadratic conorms in JB*-triples and C*-algebras, Acta Mathematica Sinica 24, No. 2, 185-200 (2008).
  35. Palazuelos, C., Peralta, A. M. and Villanueva, I., Orthogonally Additive Polynomials on C*-algebras, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 59, 363–374 (2008).
  36. Burgos, M., Fernández Polo, F. J., Garcés, J., Martínez, J. and Peralta, A. M., Orthogonally preservers in C*-algebras, JB*-algebras and JB*-triples, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 348 (2008) 220–233.
  37. Burgos M. and Peralta, A. M., Conorm and essential conorm in C*-algebras, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 63, 1-16 (2009).
  38. Palazuelos, C., Peralta, A. M. and Villanueva, I., Factorizing multilinear operators on Banach spaces and C*-algebras, Studia Mathematica 192 (2), 129-146 (2009).
  39. Fernández-Polo, F. J. and Peralta, A. M., Weak compactness in the dual space of a JB*-triple is commutatively determined, Math. Scand. 105, 307–319 (2009).
  40. Fernández-Polo, F. J. and Peralta, A. M., A short proof of a Theorem of Pfiztner, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics Oxford, 61, 329-336 (2010).
  41. Burgos, M., Fernández Polo, F. J., Garcés, and Peralta, A. M., Orthogonality preservers Revisited, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics Vol. 2, No. 3 (2009) 387-405.
  42. C. M. Edwards, F. J. Fernández Polo, C. S. Hoskin, and A. M. Peralta, On the facial structure of the unit ball in a JB*-triple, J. reine angew. Math. 641 (2010), 123-144
  43. Joe Diestel, Antonio M. Peralta and Daniele Puglisi, Sequential w-right continuity and summing operators, to appear in Math. Nachr.
  44. Peralta, A. M., Villanueva, I., Wright, J.D.M. and Ylinen, Quasi Completely continuous multilinear operators, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 140 A (3), 635-649 (2010).
  45. Peralta, A. M., Villanueva, I., Wright, J.D.M. and Ylinen, Weakly compact operators and the strong* topology for a Banach space, to appear in Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A.
  46. Peralta, A. M., Villanueva, I., Wright, J.D.M. and Ylinen, The Strong*-topology and quasi completely continuous operators on Banach spaces, preprint 2006.
  47. Fernández-Polo, F. J. and Peralta, A. M., On the facial structure of the unit ball in the dual space of a JB*-triple, to appear in Mathematische Annalen.
  48. Fernández-Polo, F. J. and Peralta, A. M., Non-commutative generalisations of Urysohn's lemma and hereditary inner ideals, Journal of Functional Analysis 259 (2010) 343–358
  49. M. Burgos, J. Garcés, and A. M. Peralta, Automatic continuity of biorthogonality preservers between compact C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras, preprint 2009.
  50. M. Burgos, A. M. Peralta, M. Ramirez, M. E. Ruiz, von Neumann regularity in Jordan-Banach triples, Proceedings of Jordan structures in Algebra and Analysis Meeting. Tribute to El Amin Kaidi for his 60th birthday. Almería, 20, 21 y 22 de Mayo de 2009, Edited by J. Carmona et al., Editorial Círculo Rojo, 2010. ISBN 978-84-92849-51-2 Depósito legal SE-1844-201
  51. M. Burgos, J. Garcés, and A. M. Peralta, Automatic continuity of biorthogonality preservers between weakly compact JB*-triples and atomic JBW*-triples, preprint 2009.
  52. F.J. Fernández-Polo, J. Garcés, and A. M. Peralta, A Kaplansky Theorem for JB*-triples, preprint 2010.
  53. F.J. Fernández-Polo, J. Garcés, and A. M. Peralta,Weakly compact orthogonality preservers on C*-algebras, preprint 2010.
  54. F.J. Fernández-Polo, J. Martínez, and A. M. Peralta, Contractive Perturbations in JB*-triples, preprint 2010.
  55. B. Russo and A. M. Peralta, Automatic continuity of triple derivations, preprint 2010.
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Tesis Dirigidas:

Título: Aspectos geométricos en la teoría de los JB*-triples reales y complejos

Calificación: Sobresaliente cum Laude (25/06/2004)

Directores: J. Martínez Moreno y A. M. Peralta


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