Universidad de Granada Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

Member of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site Survey Panel (SSP) in representation of the European Consortium for Ocean
Research Drilling (ECORD). January 2004-Present.
2 Member of the Editorial Review Board (ERB), Ocean Drilling Program, 1998-Present.
3 Member of the JEODI Work Package-7 Working Group. September 2002-Present.
4 Texas A&M-Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) liaison to the ODP Environmental Scientific Evaluation Panel. 1999-2002.
5 Chair of the Extreme Climates Working Group, APLACON (Alternate Platforms as part of the Integrated Ocean Drilling Program), Lisbon 2001.
6 Member of the JOIDES (Joint Oceanographic Institutions for Deep Earth Sampling)-Antarctic Detailed Planning Group, 1996.

Lead proponent Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Proposal # 482-Full3.

Cenozoic East Antarctic Ice Sheet History from Wilkes Land Sediments. Escutia, C., Cooper, A.K., Eittreim, S.L., Tanahashi, M., Ishihara, T., De Santis, L., O’Brien, P.

Status: with OPCOM.


Co-proponent in IODP Proposal #638-APL

Integrated Ocean Drilling program (IODP)
Dunbar, R.B., Leventer, A., Escutia, C., Cooper, A.K., Crosta, X., Murray, R. Annual-to-centennial climate variability along East Antarctica-Drilling to recover a 300 meter laminated Holocene section. Ancillary proposal submitted September 2003.
Status: In review by IODP Scientific Panels

Integrated Ocean Drilling program (IODP)
April, 2004
Status: In review by IODP Scientific Panels

Co-proponent in IODP Proposal #644-Pre
Contourites and climate in the Gulf of Cadiz: Environmental significance of the drift record and its global implications

D. Stow, J. Hernández-Molina, JM. Alveirinho Dias, V. Diaz del Río, C. Escutia, J. Gardner, JC. Faugères, JA. Flores, A. Maldonado, T. Mulder, CH. Nelson, L. Pinheiro, E. Rholing, J. Schoenfeld, F. Sierro, L. Somoza, P. Terrinha, JT. Vazquez-Garrido, and PP. Weaver

Status: En revisión por los paneles científicos de la IODP

Co-proponent in IODP Proposal #634-Full
The Antarctic Circumpolar Current-origin, evolution and influence on climate and biota

Barker, P., Thomas, E., Filippelli, G., Martin, E., Pagani, M., Escutia, C., Florindo, F., Funakawa, S.

Status: En revisión por los paneles científicos de la IODP

Leg Project Manager-Staff Scientist, Ocean Drilling Program, 1998-2002.
2 Responsible for Sedimentology Laboratory of the Ocean Drilling Program drilling platform: the JOIDES Resolution, 1999-2002.

Participation in three Ocean Drilling Program Legs:

Leg 178: Antarctic Peninsula. Sedimentologist/Seismic Stratigrapher. 5February-9 April, 1998.

Leg 185: Izu-Mariana Margin. Leg Project Manager/Staff Scientist. 12 April-14 June, 1999.

Leg 191: Northwest Pacific Seismic Observatory and Hammer Drill Tests. Leg Project Manager/Staff Scientist. 16 July-8 September, 2000.