1. Ortega FB, Ruiz JR, Castillo MJ, et al. Award Ceremony. The low level of physical activity among Spanish adolescents. Future importance in cardiovascular health. (AVENA study) "was awarded by the Spanish Society of Cardiology as one of the top three documents cited internationally in 2006-2007, 9 October 2008.
2. Ortega FB, Ruiz JR, Gutiérrez A, Castillo MJ. Fuerza Joven de Andalucía in Spain. " He won first prize of the Andalusian Institute of Sport as "The best scientific work in 2006", 9 February 2007.
3. Ortega FB, Ruiz JR, Castillo MJ. "The low level of physical activity among Spanish adolescents. Future importance in cardiovascular health. (AVENA study) "was awarded by the Spanish Society of Cardiology as one of the top three Spanish papers published in Journal of Cardiology 2005, October 18 de2006.
4. Ortega FB, Ruiz JR, Castillo MJ, Moreno LA, Gutierrez A. Fitness and cardiovascular risk factor: normative values of physical fitness of Spanish adolescents. Rev Esp Cardiol 2005; 58 (8) :898-909. Editorial associate in the same issue: Physical activity. An efficient and forgotten element of cardiovascular disease prevention from childhood to old age. Roberto Elosua, 2005, 58 (8) :887-90. Accesit second prize of the Spanish Society of Cardiology for the best articles published in Spanish Journal of Cardiology, June 21, 2006
5. Jiménez-Pavón D, Galvez A, Mesa JL, Gutierrez A. Award for best oral communication. Level of involvement of simple reaction time and discriminating when using mobile compared with BAC. Scientific Symposium II Health Sciences. University School of Health Sciences, Granada (Spain) 2005.
6. Jiménez-Pavón. D. End Third National Career Award for Higher Education. Academic Year 2004-2005. Ministry of Education and Culture and Sport.
7. C. Sanchez. End Third National Career Award for Higher Education. Academic Year 2003-2004. BOE 162, 8 July 2005. Ministry of Education and Science. ORDER ECI/2188/2005 of 13 June, granted by the national awards Thesis of University Education for the academic year 2003-2004.
8. Verena L. VDOE Award for Best Dissertation 2004 Human Nutrition (Germany). Directed by: M Castillo, M Gonzalez-Gross, K Pietrzik.
9. JL Mesa. Young Scientist Award. 9th European Nutrition Conference to be held in Rome, on October 1st-4th, 2003. Simple physical assessment bscreening for lipid disturbances in adolescents: The AVENA study. (reference number 438).
10. M. Castillo. Honorable Mention: Teaching Innovation Awards. Using the Short Messaging System (SMS) to improve the quality of teaching-learning process in college. 2003. University of Granada.
11. Chillon et al, and Grupo AVENA-professional Award COLEF-Andalucia (Professional Association of Graduates in Physical Education), 2002. Title: Behavior of adolescent schoolgirls in Madrid and Granada to the physical and sporting activities.
12. J. Ruiz et al. Second prize in poster mode. Third International Congress of Physical Education and Interculturalism. Polytechnic University of Cartagena. Cartagena. 14 to 17 November 2002.
13. Raya JA, Castillo M et al. Accesit free medical research. Communication protocol that allows deaf people to send information to emergency health services 061. Medical Association of Grenada. 2002.
14. Raya JA, Castillo M et al. Award original idea in emergency care. Deaf people access to health emergencies system 061. Proposal and validation of a method adapted by telemedicine. Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine and Emergency. Bilbao. 2002.
15. J. Ruiz. End Third National Career Award for Higher Education. Academic Year 2001-2002. BOE 170 of 17 July 2003. Ministry of Education and Culture and Sport. ORDER ECD / 2008/2003 of 30 May, by which the national awards are attached Thesis of University Education for the academic year 2001-2002.
16. J. Ruiz et al. First prize in the form of oral communication. The implementation of a recovery cycle after six days of overload improves player performance. VII Jornadas Andalusian Health and Research in Football. Federación Andaluza de Fútbol and CEDIFA. Sevilla. 2001.
17. M González-Gross. Award paper presented at the Fourth Congress of the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition. October 2000.