

70. Garuti, G., Bea, F., Zaccarini, F., and Montero, P., 2001. Age, Geochemistry and Petrogenesis of the Ultramafic Pipes in the Ivrea Zone, NW Italy. Journal of Petrology 42, 433–457.

71. Bea, F., Arzamastsev, A., Montero, P., and Arzamastseva, L., 2001. Anomalous alkaline rocks of Soustov, Kola: evidence of mantle-derived metasomatic fluids affecting crustal materials. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 140, 554–566.

72. Bea, F., and Montero, P., 2001. Fraccionación de isótopos de Sr y Nd en la fusión parcial de metapelitas. Implicaciones sobre la petrogénesis granítica. Mem. Acad. Cienc. Lisboa 39, 13–32.

73. Bea, F., Fershtater, G.B., Montero, P., Whitehouse, M., Levin, V.Y., Scarrow, J.H., Austrheim, H., and Pushkariev, E.V., 2001. Recycling of continental crust into the mantle as revealed by Kytlym Dunite zircons, Urals Mts. Russia. Terranova 13, 407–412.

74. Bea, F., 2002. Behavior of Trace Elements in Magma Genesis and Evolution. Encyclopedia of Life and Supporting Systems. Earth and Atmospheric Sciences- Geology / Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, []

75. Bea, F., Fershtater, G.B., and Montero, P.G., 2002. Granitoids of the Uralides: Implications for the Evolution of the Orogen. in: Brown, D., Juhlin, C., and Puchkov, V., (eds.), Mountain Building in the Uralides: Pangea to the present (Geophysical monograph: 132). American Geophysical Union, Washington, pp. 211–232.

76. Gerdes, A., Montero, P., Bea, F., Fershtater, G., Borodina, N., Osipova, T., and Sardakova, T., 2002. Peraluminous granites frequently with mantle-like isotope compositions: the continental-type Murzinka and Dzhabyk batholiths of the eastern Urals. International Journal of Earth Sciences 91, 3–19.

77. Arzamastsev, A., Bea, F., Arzamastseva, L., and Montero, 2002. Rare earth elements in rocks and minerals from alkaline plutons of Kola Peninsula, NW Russia, as indicators of alkaine magma evolution. Russian Journal of Earth Sciences 4, 187–209.

77. Arzamastsev, A., Bea, F., Arzamastseva, L., and Montero, 2002. Rare earth elements in rocks and minerals from alkaline plutons of Kola Peninsula, NW Russia, as indicators of alkaine magma evolution. Russian Journal of Earth Sciences 4, 187–209.

78. Fershtater, G., Bea, F., Borodina, N.S., Zin’kova, E.A., Montero, P., and Shagalov, E.S., 2002. Subduction-related anatectic granitoids of the Urals. Geology and Geophysics 43, 42–56.

79. Benincasa, E., Brigatti, M.F., and Bea, F., 2003. Crystal chemistry of dioctahedral micas from peraluminous granites: The Pedrobernardo pluton (central Spain). European Journal of Mineralogy 15, 543–550.

79. Benincasa, E., Brigatti, M.F., and Bea, F., 2003. Crystal chemistry of dioctahedral micas from peraluminous granites: The Pedrobernardo pluton (central Spain). European Journal of Mineralogy 15, 543–550.

80. Arzamastsev, A., Bea, F., Arzamastseva, L., and Montero, 2003. Devonian plume magmatism in the Baltic Shield: Rare earth elements in rocks and minerals of the ultrabasic alkaline series as indicators of magma evolution. Deep-seated magmatism, magmatic sources and the problem of plumes. Russian Academi of Sciences, Vladivostok, pp. 42–68.

81. Pushkarev, E.V., Fershtater, G.B., Bea, F., Montero, P., and Scarrow, J.H., 2003. Isotopic Rb-Sr age of the pseudoleucite tilaite in the Uralian Platinum Belt. Doklady Earth Sciences 388(1), 97–100.

82. Exposito Ramos, I., Simancas, J.F., González Lodeiro, F., Bea, F., Montero, P., and Salman, K., 2003. Metamorphic and deformational imprint on Cambrian-Lower Ordovician rifting in the Ossa-Morena Zone (Iberian Massif, Spain). Journal of Structural Geology 25, 2077–2087.

83. Bea, F., Montero, P., and Zinger, T., 2003. The Nature and Origin of the Granite Source Layer of Central Iberia: Evidence from Trace Element, Sr and Nd Isotopes, and Zircon Age Patterns. Journal of Geology 111, 579–595.

84. Montero, P., Bea, F., Zinger, T.F., Scarrow, J.H., Molina, J.F., and Whitehouse, M.J., 2004. 55 Million Years of Continuous Anatexis in Central Iberia: Single Zircon Dating of the Peña Negra Complex. Journal of the Geological Society 161, 255–264.

85. Montero, P., Bea, F., and Zinger, T.F., 2004. Edad 207Pb/206Pb en cristal único de circón de las rocas máficas y ultramáficas del sector de Gredos, Batolito de Avila (Iberia Central). Revista de la Sociedad Geologica Española 17, 157–165.

86. Bea, F., Villaseca, C., and Bellido, F., 2004. El Batolito de Avila (Sistema Central Español). in: Vera, J.A., (ed.), Geología de España. SGE-ITGE, Madrid, pp. 101–110.

87. Navidad, M., and Bea, F., 2004. El magmatismo prevarisco de la Zona Centroibérica. in: Vera, J.A., (ed.), Geología de España. SGE-IGME, Madrid, pp. 92–96.

88. Casquet, C., Montero, P., Galindo, C., Bea, F., and Lozano, R., 2004. Geocronología 207Pb/206/Pb en cristal único de circón y Rb-Sr del plutón de la Cabrera (Sierra de Guadarrama). Geogaceta 35, 71–74.

89. Fershtater, G., Bea, F., Montero, P., and Scarrow, J.H., 2004. Hornblende gabbro in the Urals: types, geochemistry and petrogenesis. Geochemistry International 42, 610–629.

90. Bea, F., 2004. La naturaleza del magmatismo de la Zona Centro Ibérica: consideraciones generales y ensayo de correlación. in: Vera, J.A., (ed.), Geología de España. SGE-IGME, Madrid, pp. 128–133.

91. Martinez Catalan, J.R., Poyatos, D., Bea, F., and (coordinators), 2004. La Zona Centroibérica. in: Vera, J.A., (ed.), Geología de España. SGE-IGME, Madrid, pp. 68–133.

92. Pérez-Estaún, A., and Bea, F., 2004. Macizo Ibérico. in: Vera, J.A., (ed.), Geología de España. SGE-IGME, Madrid, pp. 19–230.

93. Bea, F., Fershtater, G.B., Montero, P., Smirnov, V.N., and Molina, J.F., 2005. Deformation-driven differentiation of granitic magma: the Stepninsk pluton of the Uralides, Russia. Lithos 81, 209–233.

94. Bea, F., Fershtater, G.B., Montero, P., Smirnov, V.N., and Molina, J.F., 2005. Deformation-driven differentiation of granitic magma: the Stepninsk pluton of the Uralides, Russia. Lithos 81, 209–233.

95. Sola, A.R., Montero, P., L., R.M., Neiva, A.M.R., Zinger, T., and Bea, F., 2005. Pb/Pb age of the Carrascal Massif, central Portugal. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 69, A856–A856.

96.Arzamastsev, A., Bea, F., Arzamastseva, L., and Montero, P., 2005. Trace Element in Minerals of the Khibiny Massif as Indicators of Mineral Formation Evolution: A LA-ICP-MS Study. Geochemistry International 43, 71–85.

97. Krasnobaev, A.A., Bea, F., Fershtater, G., and Montero, P., 2005. Zircon geochemistry from gabbro and associated plagiogranites. in: Burenkov, E.K., and Kremenevsky, A.A., (eds.), Applied Geochemistry. IMGRE, Moscow, pp. 116–136.

98. Krasnobaev, A.A., Bea, F., Fershtater, G., and Montero, P., 2005. Zircon geochemistry from gabbro and associated plagiogranites. in: Burenkov, E.K., and Kremenevsky, A.A., (eds.), Applied Geochemistry. IMGRE, Moscow, pp. 116–136.

99.Bea, F., Montero, P., and Ortega, M., 2006. A LA-ICPMS evaluation of Zr reservoirs in common crustal rocks: implications for Zr and Hf geochemistry, and zircon-forming processes. Canadian Mineralogist 44, 693–714.

100. Scarrow, J.H., Bea, F., Montero, P., Molina, J.F., and Vaughan, A.P.M., 2006. A precise late Permian 40Ar/39Ar age for the Central Iberian camptonitic lamprohyres. Geologica Acta 4(4), 451–459.

101. Bea, F., Montero, P., Talavera, C., and Zinger, T., 2006. A revised Ordovician age for the oldest magmatism of Central Iberia: U-Pb ion microprobe and LA-ICPMS dating of the Miranda do Douro orthogneiss. Geologica Acta 4, 395–401.

102. Arzamastsev, A.A., Montero, P., Travin, A.V., Arzamastseva, L.V., Bea, F., and Fedotov, Z.A., 2006. Evidence for Sveconorwegian (Grenvillian) magmatic activity in the northwestern Baltic Shield. Doklady Earth Sciences 410(7), 1034–1037.

103. Krasnobaev, A.A., Fershtater, G.B., Bea, F., and Montero, P., 2006. Polygenous zircons in the Adui batholith (middle Urals). Doklady Earth Sciences 410(7), 1096–1100.

104. Arzamastsev, A.A., Bea, F., Arzamastseva, L.V., and Montero, P., 2006. Proterozoic Gremyakha-Vyrmes polyphase massif, Kola Peninsula: An example of mixing basic and alkaline mantle melts. Petrology 14(4), 361–389.

105. Brown, D., Puchkov, V., Alvarez-Marron, J., Bea, F., and Pérez-Estaún, A., 2006. Tectonic processes in the Southern and Middle Urals: an overview. in: Gee, D., and Stephenson, D.G., (eds.), European Lithosphere Dynamics. The Geological Society of London, London, pp. 407–419.

106. Claiborne, L.L., Miller, C.F., Walker, B.A., Wooden, J.L., Mazdab, F.K., and Bea, F., 2006. Tracking magmatic processes through Zr/Hf ratios in rocks and Hf and Ti zoning in zircons: An example from the Spirit Mountain batholith, Nevada. Mineralogical Magazine 70(5), 517–543.

107. Bea, F., Montero, P., González-Lodeiro, F., Talavera, C., Molina, J.F., Scarrow, J.H., Whitehouse, M.J., and Zinger, T.F., 2006. Zircon thermometry and U-Pb ion-microprobe dating of the gabbros and associated migmatites of the Variscan Toledo Anatectic Complex, Central Iberia. Journal of the Geological Society, London 163, 847–855.

108. Krasnobaev, A.A., Bea, F., Fershtater, G.B., and Montero, P., 2006. Zircons and the problem of Precambrian in the main granite belt of the Urals: Evidence from the Kozhubaevo Metamorphic Complex. Doklady Earth Sciences 408(4), 612–616.

109. Fershtater, G.B., Krasnobaev, A.A., Bea, F., Montero, P., and Borodina, N.S., 2007. Geodynamic settings and history of the Paleozoic intrusive magmatism of the central and southern Urals: Results of zircon dating. GEOTECTONICS 41(6), 465–486.

110. Krasnobaev, A.A., Bea, F., Fershtater, G.B., and Montero, P., 2007. The polychronous nature of zircons in gabbroids of the Ural Platinum Belt and the issue of the Precambrian in the Tagil Synclinorium. Doklady Earth Sciences 413(3), 457–461.

111. Montero, P., Bea, F., González-Lodeiro, F., Talavera, C., and Whitehouse, M., 2007. Zircon crystallization age and protolith history of the metavolcanic rocks and metagranites of the Ollo de Sapo Domain in central Spain. Implications for the Neoproterozoic to Early-Paleozoic evolution of Iberia. Geological Magazine 144(6), 963–976.

112. Bea, F., Montero, P., González-Lodeiro, F., and Talavera, C., 2007. Zircon Inheritance Reveals Exceptionally Fast Crustal Magma Generation Processes in Central Iberia during the Cambro-Ordovician. Journal of Petrology 48(12), 2327–2339.

113. Talavera, C., Montero, M.P., Bea, F., and Whitehouse, M., 2008. A revised Ordovician age for the Sisargas orhogneiss, Galicia (Spain). Zircon U-Pb ion-microprobe and LA-ICPMS dating. Geologica Acta 6, 313–318.

114. Mazhari, S.A., Bea, F., Amini, S., and Ghalamghash, J., 2008. Estimation of Pressure and Temperature of Intrusive Rocks Crystallisation: A Case Study of Naqadeh, Pasveh and Delkeh Plutons, W Ir. Journal of Applied Sciences 8, 934–945.

115. Brown, D., Juhlin, C., Ayala, C., Tryggvason, A., Bea, F., Alvarez-Marron, J., Carbonell, R., Seward, D., Glasmacher, U., Puchkov, V., and Perez-Estaún, A., 2008. Mountain building processes during continent-continent collision in the Uralides. Earth Science Reviews 89, 177–195.

116. Sola, A.R., Pereira, M.F., Williams, I.S., Ribeiro, M.L., Neiva, A.M.R., Montero, P., Bea, F., and Zinger, T., 2008. New insights from U-Pb zircon dating of Early Ordovician magmatism on the northern Gondwana margin: The Urra Formation (SW Iberian Massif, Portugal). Tectonophysics 461, 114–129.

117. Talavera, C., Montero, M.P., and Bea, F., 2008. Precise single-zircon Pb-Pb dating reveals that Aljucén (Mérida) is the oldest plutonic body of the Central Iberian Zone. Geo-Temas. Geotemas 10, 249–252.

118. Scarrow, J.H., Bea, F., Montero, P., and Molina, J.F., 2008. Shoshonites, vaugnerites and potassic lamprophyres: similarities and differences between ‘ultra’-high-K rocks. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 99, 1–17.

119. Molina Palma, J.F., Scarrow, J.H., Montero, P., and Bea, F., 2009. High-Ti amphibole as a petrogenetic indicator of magma chemistry: evidence for mildly alkalic-hybrid melts during evolution of Variscan basic–ultrabasic magmatism of Central Iberia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 158, 69–98.

120. Fershtater, G.B., Krasnobaev, A.A., Bea, F., Montero, P., and Borodina, N.S., 2009. Intrusive Magmatism during Early Evolutionary Stages of the Ural Epioceanic Orogen: U-Pb Geochronology (LA ICP MS, NORDSIM, and SHRIMP II), Geochemistry, and Evolutionary Tendencies. Geochemistry International 47(2), 143–162.

121. Fershtater, G.B., Krasnobaev, A.A., Bea, F., Montero, P., Levin, V.Y., and Kholodnov, V.V., 2009. Isotopic–Geochemical Features and Age of Zircons in Dunites of the Platinum-Bearing Type Uralian Massifs: Petrogenetic Implications. Petrology 17, 503–520.

122. Mazhari, S.A., Amini, S., Ghalamghash, J., and Bea, F., 2009. Petrogenesis of granite unit of the Naqadeh complex, Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, Iran. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 4, 59–67.

123. Bea, F., Scarrow, J.H., Mazhari, S.A., Molina, J.F., Montero, P., Amini, S., and Ghalamghash, J., 2009. Reply to discussion on the Eocene bimodal Piranshahr massif of the Sanadaj– Sirjan Zone, West Iran: a marker of the end of collision in the Zagros orogen. Journal of the Geological Society 166, 983–984.

124. Mazhari, S.A., Bea, F., Amini, S., Ghalamghash, J., Molina, J.F., Montero, M.P., Scarrow, J.H., and Williams, I.S., 2009. The Eocene bimodal Piranshahr massif of the Sanandaj-Sirjan Zone, NW Iran: a marker of the end of the collision in the Zagros orogen. Journal of the Geological Society 166, 53–6

125. Bea, F., Abu Anbar, M.M., Montero, P., Peres, P., and Talavera, C., 2009. The ∼844 Ma Moneiga quartz-diorites of the Sinai, Egypt: Evidence for Andean-type arc or rift-related magmatism in the Arabian-Nubian Shield? Precambrian Research 175, 161–178.

126. Bea, F., Pesquera, A., Montero, P., Torres-Ruiz, J., and Gil-Crespo, P.P., 2009. Tourmaline 40Ar/39Ar chronology of tourmaline-rich rocks from Central Iberia dates the main Variscan deformation phases. Geologica Acta 7, 399–412.

127. Arzamastsev, A.A., Arzamastseva, L.V., Bea, F., and Montero, P., 2009. Trace elements in minerals as indicators of the evolution of alkaline ultrabasic dike series: LA-ICP-MS data for the magmatic provinces of northeastern Fennoscandia and Germany. Petrology 17(1), 46–72.

128. Montero, M.P., Bea, F., Corretge, L.G., Floor, P., and Whitehouse, M.J., 2009. U-Pb ion microprobe dating and Sr-Nd isotope geology of the Galiñeiro Igneous Complex. A model for the peraluminous/peralkaline duality of the Cambro-Ordovician magmatism of Iberia. Lithos 107, 227–238.

129. Scarrow, J.H., Molina Palma, J.F., Bea, F., and Montero, P., 2009. Within-plate calc-alkaline rocks: Insights from alkaline mafic magma–peraluminous crustal melt hybrid appinites of the Central Iberian Variscan continental collision. Lithos 110, 50–64.

130. Montero, P., Talavera, C., Bea, F., González-Lodeiro, F., and Whitehouse, M.J., 2009. Zircon geochronology and the age of the Cambro-Ordovician rifting in Iberia. Journal of Geology 117, 174–191.

131. Bea, F., 2010. Crystallization Dynamics of Granite Magma Chambers in the Absence of Regional Stress: Multiphysics Modeling with Natural Examples. Journal of Petrology 51, 1541–1569.

132. Tahiri, A., Montero, P., El Hadi, H., Martinez Poyatos, D., Azor, A., Bea, F., Simancas, F., and Gonzalez Lodeiro, F., 2010. Geochronological data on the Rabat–Tiflet granitoids: Their bearing on the tectonics of the Moroccan Variscides. Journal of African Earth Sciences 57, 1–13.

133. El Hadi, H., Simancas, F., Martinez Poyatos, D., Azor, A., Tahiri, A., Montero, P., Fanning, C.M., Bea, F., and Gonzalez Lodeiro, F., 2010. Structural and geochronological constraints on the evolution of the Bou Azer Neoproterozoic ophiolite (Anti-Atlas, Morocco). Precambrian Research 182, 1–14.

134. Bea, F., Montero, P., Talavera, C., Abu Anbar, M., Sacrrow, J.H., Molina Palma, J.F., and Moreno, J. A, 2010. The palaeogeographic position of Central Iberia in Gondwana during the Ordovician: evidence from zircon chronology and Nd isotopes. Terra Nova 22, 341–346.