Referred papers
- Suárez-Varela, M.; Guardiola, J. and González-Gómez, F. 2014. Do pro-environmental behaviors and awareness contribute to improve subjective wellbeing? Applied Research in Quality of Life, in press.
- Guardiola, J.; González-Gómez, F. y Muñoz Guarasa, M. 2014. Presentación. Revista de Estudios Empresariales. Segunda Época, 1, 1-3.
- Guardiola, J. and García-Quero, F. 2014. Buen Vivir (living well) in Ecuador: Community and environmental satisfaction without household material prosperity? Ecological Economics, 107, 177–184.
- Del Saz-Salazar, S.; González-Gómez, F.; Guardiola, J. 2014. Willingness to pay for improving urban water supply: The case of Sucre, Bolivia. Water Policy, in Press.
- Guardiola J., Picazo-Tadeo, A.J., Rojas, M. 2014. Economic crisis and well-being in Europe: Introduction. Social Indicators Research, in press.
- Guardiola, J. and Guillén-Royo, M. 2014. Income, Unemployment, Higher Education and Wellbeing in Times of Economic Crisis: Evidence from Granada (Spain). Social Indicators research, in press.
- González-Gómez, F.; Lluch-Frechina, E. and Guardiola, J. 2014. Water habits and hygiene education to prevent diarhoeal diseases: the Zambezi river basin in Mozambique. African Development Review, 25(4), 563-572.
- Guardiola J. and Picazo-Tadeo, A.J. 2013. Building weighted-domain composite indices of life satisfaction with Data Envelopment Analysis. Social Indicators Research, 117(1), 257-274.
- Guardiola, J.; García-Rubio, M.A. and Guidi-Gutiérrez, E. 2013. Water access and subjective well-being: The case of Sucre, Bolivia., 9 (2), 367-385.
- Guidi, L.E.; González-Gómez, F. and Guardiola, J. 2014. Water access in Sucre, Bolivia: A case of governance deficit. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 29(4), 636-649.
- Chica-Olmo, J.; González-Gómez, F. and Guardiola, J. 2013. Do neighbouring municipalities matter in water pricing? Urban Water Journal, 10(1), 1-9.
- Guardiola, J.; González-Gómez, F.; García-Rubio, M.A. and Lendechy-Grajales, A. 2012. Does higher income equal higher happiness in every society? The case of the Mayan People. International Journal of Social Welfare, 22(1), 35-44.
- Guardiola, J.; González-Gómez, F. and Lendechy-Grajales, A. 2012. The influence of water access in subjective well-being: Some evidence in Yucatan, Mexico. Social Indicators Research, 110(1), 207-218.
- González-Gómez, F., García-Rubio, M.A. and Guardiola, J. 2012. Introduction. Water policy and management in Spain. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 28(1), 3-11.
- González-Gómez, F., García-Rubio, M.A. and Guardiola, J. 2012. Urban water service policies and management in Spain: Pending issues. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 28(1), 89-105.
- García-Rubio, M.A. and Guardiola, J. 2012. Desalination in Spain. A growing alternative for water supply. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 28(1), 173-189.
- González-Gómez, F.; Guardiola, J.; Martín-Rodríguez, O. and Montero-Alonso, M.A. 2012. Gender differences in e-learning satisfaction. Computers & Education, 58(1), 283-290.
- Guardiola, J. and García-Muñoz, T., 2011. Fulfillment of basic needs from a subjective point of view in rural Guatemala. International Journal of Social Welfare, 20(4), 393-403.
- Picazo-Tadeo, A.J., González-Gómez, F., Guardiola, J. and Ruiz-Villaverde, A. 2011. Do ideological and political motives really matter in the public choice of local services management? Evidence from urban water services in Spain. Public Choice, 151(1/2), 215-228.
- González-Gómez, F.; Picazo-Tadeo, A.J. and Guardiola, J., 2011. Why do local governments privatise the provision of water services? Empirical evidence from Spain. Public Administration, 89(2), 471-492.
- Guardiola, J., 2011. ¿Qué aportan los estudios de felicidad al buen vivir, y viceversa? Obets. Revista de Ciencias Sociales. 6(1), 97-109.
- González-Gómez, F.; García-Rubio, M.A. and Guardiola, J. 2011. Why is non-revenue water so high in so many cities? International Journal of Water Resources Development, 27(2), 345-360.
- Guardiola, J. y González-Gómez, F. 2010. La influencia de la desigualdad en la desnutrición de América Latina: una perspectiva desde la economía. Nutrición Hospitalaria, 25 (Supl.3), 38-43.
- Guardiola, J. y Bernal-Rivas, J., 2010. Comercio internacional y crecimiento económico: ¿Cómo influyen en el hambre de América Latina? Nutrición Hospitalaria, 25 (Supl.3), 44-49.
- Lluch-Frechina, E., Guardiola, J., 2010. Posibles causas del hambre en el mundo y algunas propuestas para su erradicación en el contexto de la crisis económica. Documentación Social, 158, 49-62.
- Guardiola, J.; González-Gómez, F. and García-Rubio, M.A. 2010. Is time really important for research into contracting out public services in cities? Cities, 27(5), 369-376.
- González-Gómez, F.; Guardiola, J. and Lendechy-Grajales, A. 2010. The challenges of water access in Yucatán. Municipal Engineer, 164(1), 45 –53.
- Guardiola, J.; González-Gómez, F. and Lendechy-Grajales, A. 2010. Is access to water as good as the data claim? Case study of Yucatán. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 26(2), 219-233.
- García-Rubio, M.A.; González-Gómez, F. and Guardiola, J., 2010. Performance and ownership in the governance of urban water. Municipal Engineer, 163(1), 51-58.
- González-Gómez, F.; Guardiola, J. and Ruiz-Villaverde, A., 2009. Reconsidering privatization in the governance of water in Spain. Municipal Engineer. 162(3), 159-164.
- González-Gómez, F. and Guardiola, J., 2009. A duration model for the estimation of the contracting-out of urban water management in Southern Spain. Urban Affairs Review, 44(6), 886-906.
- Guardiola, J. y Bernal Rivas, J., 2009. La producción de cultivos no tradicionales: El caso de Guatemala. Agroalimentaria, 15(29), 27-37.
- García-Alonso, C. R., Guardiola, J. and Hervás-Martínez, C., 2009. Logistic evolutionary product-unit neural networks: Innovation capacity of poor Guatemalan households. European Journal of Operational Research, 195, 543-551.
- Guardiola, J., 2007. La pobreza en Centroamérica ante la liberalización comercial. Documentación Social, 144, 209-226.
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