Juan A. Lacomba





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Fall 2006

  • International Economy

  • Macroeconomics I

Research Interests

  • Political Economy: Social Security systems, Retirement Age, Voting process.

  • Experimental Economics: Individual Decision Making, Social Preferences, Retirement and Consumption Behaviour.



Published articles

    1.  Lacomba, J.A. and F. Lagos (2005): The Role of Immigration in the Retirement Age Reform: A Theoretical Analysis, Topics in Economic Analysis & Policy: Volume 5: Nº 1, Article 14. (abstract)

    2.  Lacomba, J.A. and F. Lagos (2006): Population aging and legal retirement age, Journal of Population Economics, Volume 19, Issue 3, pp. 507-19. (abstract)

    3.  Lacomba, J.A. and F. Lagos (2006): Reinforcing the Link between Contributions and Pensions with Flexible Retirement, International Advances in Economic Research, Volume 12, Number 4, pp. 530-539. (abstract)

    4.  Lacomba, J.A. and F. Lagos (2007): Political Election on Legal Retirement Age, Social Choice and Welfare, Volume 29, Number 1, pp. 1-17. (abstract)

    5.  Lacomba, J.A. and F. Lagos (2007): The Effect of Immigration in the Retirement Age Reforms: learning from a numerical example. International Journal of Social Welfare, Volume 16, Number 4, pp. 367-372. (abstract)

    6.  Fatás, E., Lacomba, J.A. and F. Lagos (2007): An experimental test on retirement decisions, Economic Inquiry, Volume 45, Issue 3, pp. 602-614. (abstract)

    7.  Lacomba, J.A. and F. Lagos (forthcoming): Immigration and Pension Benefits in the Host-country. Economica. (pdf)


Submitted Papers

  • Lacomba, J.A. and F. Lagos: Defined Contribution vs Defined Pension: Reforming the Legal Retirement Age.

  • Lacomba, J.A. and F. Lagos: Social Security and Flexibility in the retirement decision.

  • Lacomba, J.A. and F. Lagos: Postponing the Legal Retirement Age.

Work in Progress

  • Lacomba, J.A., Lagos, F. and A.I. Moro-Egido: "Consumption and Rertirement: an experimental approach".

  • Cabrera, S., Fatas, E., Lacomba, J.A. and T. Neugebauer: "Vertically Splitting a Firm: Promotion and Relegation in a Team Production Experiment"

  •  Lacomba, J.A., Lagos, F., Reuben, E. and F. van Winden: “He who gets to rule, will get the gold".

  • Lacomba, J.A., Lagos, F. and M. Ruiz-Martos: "Vertigo".








































2 July 19108