Manuel Noguera . Personal Web Page
A few data
Name: Manuel Noguera (M.Sc. 2006, Granada), (Ph.D. 2009, Granada)
Activity: Software Engineering department at the University of Granada
Position: Associate Professor
Phone: +34 958 24 28 10
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- 2005-2009 -- Fellowship from the FPI programme of the Spanish Ministry of Education
- 2009 -- Appointed 9th for the Juan de la Cierva'09 programme
- 2009(Sep)- 2012(Dec) -- Assistant professor at the University of Granada
- 2012(Feb)- Today -- Executive board of Everyware Technologies Ltd.
- 2012(Dec)- 2016(Nov) -- (permanent lecturer) Assistant professor at the University of Granada
- 2016(Nov)- Today -- Associate professor at the University of Granada
Technology Transfer
Senior Degree Projects / Proyectos Fin de Carrera
- Sherlock: Un Servicio de Localización Híbrido basado en Tecnologías Estándares
- Zappa: Plataforma de servicios para la monitorización y seguimiento de pacientes mediante dispositivos móviles haciendo uso de sensores basados en tecnología ZigBee
- Smart Transport Guide: Guía inteligente en movilidad por ciudad: planificador multimodal, informador de transportes y lugares de interés bajo dispositivos móviles y personas con discapacidad móvil || (2013 Best Project Award!)
Research interests
Lately, I'm mostly interested in m-health and mobile systems.
Other domains of interest include CSCW systems, groupware applications development and
model-driven, ontology-driven approaches to systems and software engineering, in general, and more specifically in business process modelling and simulation within the just-mentioned domains
Most of my Phd. work was on OWL ontologies and conceptual modelling of CSCW systems.
In the links below you may have a look at some of my publications. There you could also find my email.
It also appears a little bit obfuscated below my phone number (I'm trying to mitigate spam...).
Some links to some of my publications (well-enough updated)
If you are interested or would like to know about one of them, please do not hesitate to contact me
- Best senior degree project award - Smart Transport Guide (awarded as project with best enterprise prospects)
- Best student paper award at CSCWD'15
- Best paper award at EOMAS'10
- Best paper award at Interacción08
Lastest Projects
Some links to the web pages of people with whom I work in "close" collaboration:
Upcoming events
Manuel Noguera García
Last updated: 28-ene-2010 14:05 AM