Manuel Noguera . Personal Web Page

A few data

photo of Manuel Noguera

Name: Manuel Noguera (M.Sc. 2006, Granada), (Ph.D. 2009, Granada)
Activity: Software Engineering department at the University of Granada
Position: Associate Professor
Phone: +34 958 24 28 10
mnoguera A T [.]ugr[.]es



Technology Transfer

Senior Degree Projects / Proyectos Fin de Carrera

Research interests

Lately, I'm mostly interested in m-health and mobile systems.
Other domains of interest include CSCW systems, groupware applications development and model-driven, ontology-driven approaches to systems and software engineering, in general, and more specifically in business process modelling and simulation within the just-mentioned domains

Most of my Phd. work was on OWL ontologies and conceptual modelling of CSCW systems.

In the links below you may have a look at some of my publications. There you could also find my email.
It also appears a little bit obfuscated below my phone number (I'm trying to mitigate spam...).

Some links to some of my publications (well-enough updated)

If you are interested or would like to know about one of them, please do not hesitate to contact me


Lastest Projects


Some links to the web pages of people with whom I work in "close" collaboration:

Upcoming events



co-located with

CAiSE Conference and Workshops (CAiSE'11)
June 20-24th, 2011, London, UK

Full paper submission due by: February 9th, 2011

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Manuel Noguera García
Last updated: 28-ene-2010 14:05 AM