Noel Rodríguez Tenured Professor
© Universidad de Granada 2018


I completed the Electronic Engineering degree at the University of Granada, graduating in 2004 with the first national final award. Subsequently, I developed the first part of postgraduate studies at the University of Granada to obtain the Diploma of Advanced Studies in 2006. That same year, I obtained a Marie Curie grant from the European Commission to participate in the European Doctorate on Information Technologies program (EDITH). This scholarship allowed me to apply for a doctorate in international co-tutelage between the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble and the UGR. In Grenoble, I was able to gain skills in electrical characterization techniques for on-wafer devices and to complete my training in simulation and modeling acquired in the UGR. I collaborated with the Laboratoire d'électronique des technologies de l'information (CEA-LETI) and with companies such as SOITEC and Freescale. I obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Granada and a Ph.D. in Micro and Nanoelectronics from the National Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble in 2008. Back at the UGR, I initially got a contract as Assistant Professor, later promoting the figures of Doctor Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and finally Tenured Professor, the position that I occupy since 2011 in the area of ​​knowledge of Electronics. During the years as at the UGR, I have taught in the degrees of Electronics Engineering, Bachelor of Physics and  Telecommunications Engineering. In the field of research, I have published more than 100 contributions in journals and conferences and advised 3 PhDs. I have been the co- author of several chapters in books dedicated to advances in electronic devices. I am also the author of several patents related to semiconductor memories. From 2011 to 2017, I was in charge of the research lines on electrical characterization of the latest generation of CMOS devices at the Nanoelectronics Laboratory. In 2017, I established the Pervasive Electronics Advanced Research Laboratory (PEARL) at the University of Granada, grouping an interdisciplinary team of researchers to cope with the new research challenges that the electronics field will need to solve for the years to come. I have been a member of the Technical Committee of the European Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC) from 2010 to 2015, of the Scientific Committee of the RUSNANOPRIZE Prize in 2014, and the MicDAT Conference since 2018.