Universidad de Granada Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas

MISCELLANEOUS - Short stages in research centers

- Stage at the Andalusian Institute of Earth Sciences (Granada, Spain), during three months in 1995 (February to April), under the supervision of Dr. Andrés Maldonado

- Stage at the Université de Perpignan (Laboratoire de Mécanique, Acoustique et Instrumentation-LMAI, Groupe Environnements Sédimentaires et Stratigraphie) during three months in 1996 (April to June), under the supervision of Prof. Michel Tesson

- Stage at the Université de Perpignan (Laboratoire de Mécanique, Acoustique et Instrumentation-LMAI, Groupe Environnements Sédimentaires et Stratigraphie) during May in 1997, under the supervision of Prof. Michel Tesson