IDEAL, Friday, June 13th, 2003 (PDF)
EL PAÍS, Friday, August 8th, 2003 (PDF)
El País Semanal, Sunday, February 29th, 2004 (PDF)
- Temps (en catalán), Friday, June 13th, 2005
El Períodico, Monday, August 22th, 2005 (PDF)
IDEAL, Saturday, December 10th, 2005 (PDF)
Andalucía Directo, broadcast by Canal Sur TV, December 12th, 2005 (4.6MiB). Needs RealPlayer.
Scientific Papers
Callejas, A. y Lupiáñez, J.
(in press). Los colores de mis letras: sinestesia grafema-color. En M.J. Contreras, J. Botella, R. Cabestrero y B. Gil (Coords.) Lecturas de Psicología Experimental. Madrid: UNED.
Lupiáñez, J. y Callejas, A.
(in press). Automatic perception and Synaesthesia: evidence from colour and photism naming in a Stroop-Negative Priming task. Cortex