Henrik Zinkernagel's recent talks
- "Sustainability and the Role of Aesthetics in Science Communication". Invited talk at the Department of Science and Environment, Roskilde University, Denmark, Nov. 6.
- "Æstetiske læreprocesser og naturforbundethed – også i klasselokalet" [Aestetic learning processes and nature connectedness – also in the classroom]. Contributed workshop at the Danish Association for Science Education Research seminar on "Naturforbundethed, æstetiske læreprocesser og identitet" [Nature Connectedness, Aesthetic Learning Processes and Identity], Nyborg, Denmark, Nov. 5.
- "Humanidades Ambientales – ¿Qué son, por qué son necesarias y cómo se pueden introducir en la docencia?". Invited partipation in round table discussion in the XXX Deans Conference for Art and Humanities [La XXX Conferencia de Decanatos de Centros Universitarios con titulaciones en Artes y Humanidades] at the University of Granada, Oct. 4 [Summary in Spanish here: Humanidades Ambientales]
- "Sustainability and the role of aesthetics in science communication". Contributed talk at the XI Congress of the The Spanish Society of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science [Congreso de la Sociedad de Lógica, Metodología y Filosofía de la Ciencia en España], Oviedo, July 18.
- "Niels Bohr and the Role of Aesthetics in the History of Quantum Interpretations". Invited talk at the First BOHR21 Workshop at the Niels Bohr Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark, June 18.
- "Aesthetics of nature as a road to Eco-Bildung". Contributed talk at the International Seminar on Philosophical perspectives on Eco-Bildung, CUHRE center at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, May 23.
- "Naturens og naturvidenskabens æstetik som en vej til bæredygtighed" [The aesthetics of nature and science as a way to sustainability]. Invited talk at Seminar i Videnskabsstudier [Seminar in Science Studies], Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark, Feb. 23.
- "Naturens og naturvidenskabens skønhed" [The beauty of nature and science]. Invited public lecture at the Marmor Church, Copenhagen, Denmark, Feb. 20.
- "Defending the role of aesthetics and aesthetic experiences in science". Contributed talk at the I FICIRED Conference, Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Jan. 23.