The main website of the UGR improves its accessibility and achieves a score of 9.31 out of 10 in the ranking that analyses the accessibility of university websites.
The website rises to sixth position out of the 49 institutions analysed.
The main website of the University of Granada,, has been progressively improving its accessibility in the last period and this has been recognised in the report prepared by the Web Accessibility Observatory of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation. This analysis has determined that the main website of the University of Granada ranks sixth among the 49 Spanish university websites considered (without taking into account the complexity of the website) and seventh among those government websites considered of high complexity. In this report the accessibility of the UGR website is rated with a score of 9.31 (out of 10).
The report carried out by the Web Accessibility Observatory analyses a sample of the pages contained in the UGR website, establishing what type of pages should appear in the sample, given the impossibility of analysing the hundreds or thousands of pages that can form part of the websites of this type of institutions. Thus, the home page, the legal conditions page, the contact page and a series of randomly selected pages of different types were analysed.
The University of Granada, through the Accessibility Unit (URA), which reports to the Rector's Office for the Digital University, has made a continuous effort to adapt its website to accessibility standards so that the information published is accessible and available to everyone. The accessibility of a website is essential to ensure that it can be accessed, for example, by people using different types of devices with different characteristics in terms of size (and quality) to access information, people with "temporary disabilities" such as temporary vision or mobility problems, age-related problems or people with a slow internet connection or with specific access problems. An accessible website should, among other features, use an appropriate font size and colour contrast, have a coherent structure and each page should be well organised.
Web accessibility is achieved through the use of appropriate technologies but it also depends on the accessibility of the contents introduced by the users of the different websites. To raise awareness and train these users, web accessibility courses are held periodically for UGR employees.
On 20 September 2018, most of the provisions of the new Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September, on accessibility of public sector websites and applications for mobile devices came into force, which transposes into Spanish law the Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on the accessibility of websites and applications for mobile devices of public sector bodies.
This Royal Decree obliges all websites of public entities to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). This regulation establishes a series of considerations that must be taken into account for a website to be accessible and therefore for any person, regardless of their limitations, to be able to consult the information contained on the website.
In addition, all public entities are obliged to create an Accessibility Unit responsible for ensuring compliance with legal regulations and promoting accessibility, among other functions.
You can find more information about web accessibility on the website of the UGR Web Secretariat.
- Miguel García Silvente
- Head of the Accessibility Responsible Unit (URA)
- Director of the UGR Web Secretariat
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