Legal Notice
The University of Granada is an educational institution under public law for the provision of the public service of higher education.The University Senate, Rectorate, University Director’s Office and its Central Services are all located in the city of Granada.
The University of Granada , with Tax Identification Number Q1818002F, has its central offices at Avda. del Hospicio, s/n, C.P. 18071 Granada, Spain and it is registered with the Code 08 in the Register of Universities, Centres and Degrees (RUCT), of the Department for Universities of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (MEFP).
Terms and Conditions of Use
By accessing and using this web page and any of the web pages of the University of Granada's associated bodies, Services, Faculties, Schools, Departments and Institutes (hereinafter the Portal) the user accepts, wholly and unreservedly, these Terms and Conditions of Use. Notwithstanding this, access to some services or content, which may be accessed through such web pages, may be subject to the acceptance of additional Specific Conditions.
The University of Granada may amend these Terms and Conditions of Use at any time. Such amendments will be published, and the user should consult the Terms and Conditions of Use regularly to be informed of any amendments.
The information in this Portal is for the purpose of informing the public and providing general information.Under no circumstances does it imply normative interpretation, nor legal or economic status as established in the terms in the Royal Decree 208/1996 of 9th February 1996 (Real Decreto 208/1996, de 9 de febrero), which regulates Citizens’ and Administrative Information Services.
The information and contents of this website may not be cited in any claim brought against the public administration. In no event shall the University of Granada be responsible for any particular use or application of said content and information, nor any discrepancies that may exist between the public administrations’ printed documents and their electronic version published in these web pages.
The University of Granada reserves the right, at any time, to amend or delete the information in this Portal or modify its design, presentation and configuration to ensure that the Portal is constantly updated and free of errors.
As the information is not updated immediately, we suggest that you always verify the validity, currentness and accuracy of the Portal’s information.
Nevertheless, whilst the University of Granada has taken all reasonable steps to ensure that the information in this Portal is correct, it does not guarantee that it is accurate, comprehensive or up to date, without prejudice to the information, services and transactions offered by the University through its e-Administration as established in Law 11/2007, of 22nd June, on the Electronic Access of Citizens to Public Services, (Ley 11/2007, de 22 de junio). The University of Granada publishes its information exclusively in its e-Administration, Official Gazettes and Notice Boards in its Schools, Faculties, Institutes and Central Services.
The user undertakes to use the content of this Portal in good faith. The user will, under no circumstances, use the Portal’s content for illicit purposes or to adversely affect the rights and freedoms of third parties or for purposes contrary to the law, to morality, to good usage or customs or to public order.
The use of the information in this Portal is, at all times, the sole responsibility of the user. The University of Granada is not responsible for any consequences arising directly or indirectly from access to the Portal, particularly in relation to decisions concerning the commencement, development or results of administrative procedures, which must always be verified in the pertinent Schools, Faculties, bodies and institutions concerned.
Cookies Policy
The Cookies Policy provides clear and accurate information about the cookies we use in the University of Granada web page.
What is a Cookie?
A cookie is a small text fragment that the web sites you visit send to your browser which allow the web site to store information about your visit, such as your preferred language and other options, to facilitate your next visit and make the site more useful. Cookies play a very important role in improving the user’s web browsing.
Types of Cookies
Depending on who manages the domain which sends the cookies or processes the data they obtain, there are two types of cookies: own cookies and third-party cookies.
Cookies may also be classified depending on how long they are stored in your browser: session cookies or persistent cookies.
Finally, cookies may be classified into five types depending on the purpose for which they are processed: technical cookies, customization cookies, analytics cookies, advertising cookies and behavioural advertising cookies.
For further information on cookies consult the Guide on the Use of Cookies by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Guía sobre el uso de las cookies de la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos).
How the Portal Uses Cookies
The cookies, their types and function used by the Portal are outlined below.
The University of Granada web page uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, which allows the measurement and analysis of website traffic. You will find their cookies in your browser. In line with the definitions above, these are own cookies, session cookies and analytics cookies.
Web analytics provides us with information about the number of visitors to our web, the number of page views, the frequency and repetition of visits, their duration, the browser used, the operator providing the service, the language, the terminal you use and the city to which your IP address is assigned. This information allows us to provide a better user experience for the Portal’s visitors.
Your anonymity is guaranteed as Google gathers the information anonymously, truncating your IP address before storing it.In this way, Google Analytics is not used to locate or gather personally identifiable information from site visitors. Google may only send the information provided by Google Analytics to third parties when it is legally required to do so. In accordance with Google Analytics service provision conditions, Google will not associate your IP address with any other data retained by Google.
The University of Granada website also uses Matomo, a tool that allows us to store analytics and to determine the number of visits to our different pages by users. All of this information is stored on servers belonging to the University of Granada. The IP addresses of Internet users are anonymised in the process of saving the information.
Finally, a cookie called cookie_agreed is downloaded.They are own, technical and session cookies. These cookies manage the user’s consent for the use of cookies on the web page The objective is to remember those users who have accepted the cookies and those who have not, so that those who have accepted the cookies will not see this information at the bottom of the web page.
Acceptance of Cookies Policy
By clicking on the ‘I agree’ button you accept the use of cookies.
Managing Cookies
You can restrict, block or delete University of Granada cookies or cookies on any web page using your browser. In each browser the operation is different, the 'Help' function will show you how to do it.
- Guía sobre el uso de las cookies (spanish) (pdf) de la Agencia de Española de Protección de Datos. (Guide on the Use of Cookies by the Spanish Data Protection Agency)
This website contains links to third party websites, whose privacy policies are alien to that of the University of Granada. By accessing such websites you can decide whether to accept their privacy and cookie policies. In general, if you browse the internet you can accept or reject the cookies of third parties from the configuration options of your browser.
The University of Granada has all the necessary security measures in place for the use of information technology.Nevertheless, the user must be aware that no measures are 100% secure.
Under no circumstances shall the University of Granada be liable for any direct or indirect damage, prejudice, loss, anomaly, malfunction or deterioration or damage that may arise in the user’s equipment or systems or caused by viruses, Trojans or other computer programmes through access to this Portal.
All users of technology provided by the University of Granada are reminded that they must be aware, accept and use the UGR Computer Resources and Communications Regulations (Normativa de uso de los recursos informáticos y de comunicaciones).
Likewise, the University of Granada shall not be liable for the lack of availability and continuity of the functioning of the Portal when they cannot be guaranteed, nor for operational faults, disruptions in service or transmissions, errors in access to the Portal or to its content due to force majeure or accidents, or in any other case that is not attributable to the University of Granada or which are required for the proper provision of the service or for maintenance stops.
Nevertheless, the protection measures established in the Spanish National Security Framework (ENS) are applied to the equipment maintained by the institutional web pages service, and in their absence the University of Granada’s minimum recommendations for all equipment, as described in the following document:
UGR Document on Security Measures (Documento sobre medidas de protección)(pdf)
Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights
This Portal is the property of the University of Granada. The Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights of this Portal, the CSS code and HTML, pages, screens, the information they contain, its appearance, design, logotypes, marks and other distinguishing signs are the exclusive property of the University of Granada, with the exception of those elements where the intellectual property and industrial rights are explicitly stated.
Any improper use of the aforesaid by any person other than its legitimate owner will give rise to the corresponding legal actions that legally correspond to the University of Granada and, where applicable, to claims for liability deriving from such action.
Reproduction of the whole or part of the contents of the Portal, provided that its public source is expressly acknowledged, is permitted. If any data from the portal is cited, its integrity and meaning must be respected.
As it has no control over them, the University of Granada shall not be held liable for links to other websites which are included in the Portal to offer further information to users by placing more resources at their disposal. Users who access third party links shall do so under their own exclusive responsibility and subject to the Terms and Conditions of such websites.
The website includes hyperlinks to social networks such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc., related to our entity. Once the user accesses them will be subject to the legal framework established for each of them.
Websites that include a hyperlink to this Portal shall not include false, incorrect or inaccurate representations about the site that may mislead the user.
Personal Data Protection
The data provided to the University of Granada through this Portal or any other means or format will be processed by the University of Granada, as the data controller for this data, whose central offices are located at Avda. del Hospicio, s/n, C.P. 18071 Granada, Spain.
The collection and automatic processing of the personal data of users will be processed in order to guarantee the management, delivery, expansion and improvement of the services requested at any time by the users and monitoring of user queries. Users will be provided with the above information at the time of their personal data collection, requesting their express consent, when necessary, when the grounds which legitimise the processing of data are based on these grounds and no other grounds, in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27th April 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, the Spanish Organic Law 3/2018, of 5th December, on Data Protection and Guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter LOPDGDG), and other legislation in force on the privacy and security of personal data.
The University of Granada will only communicate or transfer users’ personal data when necessary, for the purposes intended for each activity subject to processing and contingent on the legal grounds which legitimise such purposes. The purposes of processing and the categories of recipients can be consulted in the UGR Registry of Personal Data Processing Activities (Registro de Actividades de Tratamiento de Datos de Carácter Personal de la Universidad de Granada).
Any use of personal data, for any other purpose than those established, without the consent of the data subject or, when appropriate, for those purposes necessary to comply with contractual, legal or public interest obligations entrusted to the University of Granada, shall be the sole responsibility of the person who accesses or makes use of the data. Such a personal data breach may be notified to the corresponding control authority, without prejudice to the legal actions that the University of Granada may take.
The University of Granada guarantees the strictest confidentiality in the collection and processing of the data provided by users. To this purpose, it will adopt the necessary measures to prevent its theft, loss, alteration, processing or unauthorised access, in accordance with the different categories of data processed and the potential risks presented by processing, whatever their origin, taking into account the state of the art of technology. To this effect the measures adopted will follow the recommendations of the Spanish National Security Framework (ENS) and the University of Granada’s minimum recommendations
Users may at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction, data portability, and objection to data processing, as well as their right not to be subject to automated individual decision-making and to withdraw their consent, by contacting the data controller indicated above via the "Sede Electrónica" e-Administration Platform of the UGR.
The regulations are available in the following section: Information on the exercise of data protection rights at the UGR.
For further information, please contact:
Furthermore, if a user submits a petition to exercise these rights but considers that it has not been satisfactorily addressed by the University of Granada, they may contact the UGR Data Protection Officer ( or file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.
Prohibited Uses and Errors
Any user who detects any improper action which may modify or alter the Portal’s content, infringe intellectual and industrial property rights, deteriorate the proper working of or impede access to the Portal, all of which are expressly prohibited, must communicate such a situation to the University of Granada’s Secretary’s Office through the contact details on the Portal.
Please inform the University of Granada if you detect any errors through the contact details on the Portal.