European Researchers’ Night 2018 got under way this morning, Friday 28 September, under the slogan “Women and men who conduct research for you (“Mujeres y hombres que hacen ciencia para ti”). The event will involve over 500 researchers from Granada—300 of whom are from the UGR—who will conduct fascinating experiments on the streets of the city.
European Researchers’ Night, which takes place annually, is dedicated to celebrating popular science, fun learning, and to bringing researchers and society closer together. Coordinated by the European Commission, this year it will take place in over 250 cities in 32 countries across the globe. In Andalusia alone, the event will bring together over 2000 researchers in 8 Andalusian cities to undertake over 400 highly engaging activities throughout the region.
In Granada, this year’s programme encompasses hands-on experiments, practical workshops, science exhibitions, guided tours, live performances, and awe-inspiring educational workshops for children. For the first time, the event will last for two days in Granada.
The opening ceremony, which will take place at 6pm along the “Paseo del Salón”, will be presided over by the Mayor of Granada, Francisco Cuenca, and will involve the participation of the Rector of the University of Granada, Pilar Aranda, as well as the Delegate for the Regional Government of Andalusia, Sandra García. The Regional Minister of Economy, Innovation, Science and Employment, Juan José Martín Arcos, will also take part in the inauguration ceremony.
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