The UGR launches MOOC on the work of Federico García Lorca

Wed, 11/08/2017 - 14:25
Federico Garcia-Lorca's signature

The UGR is set to launch its MOOC on the life and work of the Spanish poet and playwright Federico García Lorca on 13 November 2017. This free, open online course is available in English and Spanish and will be delivered by the University of Granada

The UGR is offering a comprehensive, direct learning experience to all those interested in the work of García Lorca. It has been devised to provide all the rigour and depth one would expect from a university course, with all modules designed and structured by a team comprising lecturers from the Department of Spanish Literature at the UGR, together with renowned international experts on Lorca. The content covers his output as both poet and playwright, set in the general context of the literary and cultural period in which he produced his work.

This course aims to provide participants with a comprehensive overview of the work and artistic trajectory of Federico García Lorca. The content will cover both his poetry and his drama, and will examine the general characteristics of the literary and cultural period in which Lorca produced his work.

The course is divided into six modules, sequenced chronologically to reflect the evolution of García Lorca’s oeuvre, and will be delivered over a six-week period.

An experienced team of scholars and researchers at national and international level have structured this course to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the fundamental concepts surrounding Lorca’s world and the keys to achieving a proper reading of his work.

It is with great pleasure that the UGR has developed audiovisual materials specifically for the purpose of this course, and is providing complementary learning resources and direct online assistance. The aim is to bring the work of Federico García Lorca to all those keen to learn more about the man and his art.


Course outline

1898-1921. Young Federico García Lorca (Week 1)

  • Lorca's universality

  • Lorca’s Literary Education

  • El Maleficio de la Mariposa

  • Libro de Poemas

1922-1926. The Years of Early Maturity (Week 2)

  • The 1920s: Tradition Meets the Avant-garde

  • The Emotion of Escalofrío

  • An Open Forum

  • Freedom in the work of Federico García Lorca

1927–1929. The Poet’s Light is that of Contradiction (Week 3)

  • An Avant-garde Reading of Romanticism

  • Between the Beauty of Form and Remarkable Freedom

  • The Light of Contradiction

  • García Lorca and the Avant-garde

1930-1931. The Possible and the Impossible (Week 4)

  • New York and Havana

  • The Theatre of the Future: El Público and Así que Pasen Cinco Años

  • La Zapatera Prodigiosa and Amor de don Perlimplín

1932-1934. The Tragedy Begins (Week 5)

  • First Forays of La Barraca

  • Lorquian tragedies

  • Buenos Aires and the Return to Spain

1935-1936. (Week 6)

  • Llanto por Ignacio Sánchez Mejías

  • Diván del Tamarit

  • Sonetos del Amor Oscuro

  • Doña Rosita la Soltera

  • La Casa de Bernarda Alba


Promotional video:




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