
Fri, 11/13/2020 - 14:38

Study provides new data on the complex ‘love–hate’ relationship between lions and hyaenas

A team of researchers, led by the University of Granada, has unravelled the complex relationship between the two species concerning the carrion on which they feed, which will help to better understand how the two largest African carnivores can coexist even in small natural reserves. Lions, the dominant species, show a greater preference for large animal carcasses, while hyaenas also feed off smaller carcasses, which are practically ignored by lions.

The "Hospital Real" building, the seat of the Rectorate of the UGR
Sun, 10/25/2020 - 20:41

Communiqué regarding the measures published in the Official Gazette of Andalusia on 24th October

With regard to the “Order of 24 October 2020, extending some of the measures adopted in the Order of 14 October adopting specific, temporary and exceptional measures — for public health reasons and to contain Covid-19 — which are applicable to university teaching centres and university residences in Granada” (Official Gazette of the Andalusian Regional Government (BOJA) no. 69, 24 October (extraordinary issue), the University wishes to inform of the following update.

A person holding a tablet
Mon, 10/26/2020 - 14:11

Travel restrictions in the municipality of Granada not applicable to work activities of UGR staff

These measures will consist of restricting the entry and exit of people in the aforementioned municipalities and those travelling through them, except for duly justified travel, which includes the fulfilment of work-related and professional obligations. The work activities of the administrative and support staff (PAS), and teaching and research staff (PDI) of the UGR will remain unchanged.