Esta página ha sido transcrita literalmente del trabajo de Whitney & Evans
(2010) indicado a continuación con el fin de ofrecer la información liberada por
parte de la editorial
Mineralogical Society of América.
American Mineralogist, Volume 95, pages 185–187, 2010 Abbreviations for names of rock-forming minerals Donna L. Whitney1,* and Bernard W. Evans2 1Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, U.S.A. 2Department of Earth and Space Sciences, Box 351310, University of
Washington, Seattle, Washington 98185, U.S.A.
DOI: 10.2138/am.2010.3371 185 Nearly 30 years have elapsed since Kretz (1983) provided the
mineralogical community with a systematized list of abbre; viations
for rock-forming minerals and mineral components. Its logic and simplicity have
led to broad acceptance among authors and editors who were eager to adopt a
widely recognized set of mineral symbols to save space in text, tables, and
figures. Few of the nearly 5000 known mineral species occur in nature with a frequency
sufficient to earn repeated mention in the geoscience literature and thus
qualify for the designation “rock-forming mineral,” but a reasonable selection
of the most common and useful rock-forming minerals likely numbers in the
several hundreds. The original list by Kretz (1983) contained abbreviations for
193 of these. We propose an expansion to the list initiated by Kretz (1983) (see next page).
Modest expansions and revisions were made by Spear (1993), Holland and Powell
(1998), the Mineralogical Association of Canada, and Siivola and Schmid (2007).
Our revised list of abbreviations has 371 entries. Significant numbers of the
new entries are the result of three decades of research in high- and ultrahigh-pressure
metamorphic terrains, the explicit inclusion of Mg and Fe end-members of solid-solution
series (as in the amphiboles), recent work on extraterrestrial samples, and the
increased relevance to petrology of numerous accessory minerals. The two systems of abbreviations currently most in use—Kretz (1983), including
modifications; and Holland and Powell (1998)—differ in terms of style and
concept. Kretz abbreviations are 2–3 letters and use uppercase first letters for
minerals and lower case letters throughout for mineral components (e.g., the
almandine component of garnet); the Holland and Powell system varies from 1–5
letters and uses lowercase throughout. The Kretz system provides abbreviations
for selected intermediates in solid-solution mineral series. The Holland and
Powell system is restricted to abbreviations for end-members for which there are
available thermodynamic data that have been included in the Holland and Powell
database. The two systems have the same abbreviations for some minerals (other
than capitalization), but in many cases use different symbols for the same
mineral, for example, “Crn” (Kretz) and “cor” (H&P). The selection of minerals to include in a list of abbreviations is subjective,
but we have tried to err on the side of being inclusive, listing some minerals
for which the status is questionable according to the International
Mineralogical Association. For example, we accommodate alternative choices such
as titanite (Ttn) and sphene (Spn); hypersthene (Hyp), enstatite (En), and
orthopyroxene (Opx); glaucophane (Gln), crossite (Crt), and riebeckite (Rbk);
and albite (Ab) and anorthite (An) as well as plagioclase (Pl), recognizing that
some petrologists have uses for these mineral names. In addition, although our
focus is on rock-forming minerals, some hypothetical and/or synthetic phases are
included in our list, as well as an abbreviation for “liquid” (Liq). We have
also included some abbreviations for mineral groups, e.g., aluminosilicates
(Als, the Al2SiO5 polymorphs), and other
descriptive terms (e.g., opaque minerals). The choice of abbreviations attempts
as much as possible to make the identity of the mineral instantly obvious and
unambiguous. Updated list of mineral abbreviations In this contribution, abbreviations from Kretz (with some modifications)
and new abbreviations are listed (Table 1, next page). The following format was
used for assigning abbreviations: (1) The first letter is capitalized; the other letter(s) are lower case, with
the exception of Phase A, abbreviated as PhA. (2) The first letter of the abbreviation is the first letter of the mineral
name; subsequent letters are selected from the mineral name. (3) Most abbreviations consist of 2 or 3 letters, but a 4-letter abbreviation
is used when the addition of F for ferro- or M for magnesio- resulted in
ambiguity in the 3-letter version (e.g., Mcar for magnesiocarpholite). (4) Mineral abbreviations were selected so as not to correspond to
abbreviations for elements. Note that rule 4 was violated by a few of the
original Kretz abbreviations (Mo for molybdenite; Ne for nepheline), so some
original Kretz abbreviations have been changed to follow this rule. Others have
been modified to avoid ambiguity with minerals added to the list. Acknowledgment We thank Marc Hirschmann
and Howard Day for input on the updated abbreviation system. References cited Kretz, R. (1983) Symbols of rock-forming
minerals. American Mineralogist, 68, 277–279. Holland, T.J.B. and Powell, R. (1998) An internally-consistent thermodynamic
data set for phases of petrologic interest. Journal of Metamorphic
Geology, 16, 309–343. Siivola, J. and Schmid, R. (2007) Recommendations by the IUGS Subcommission on
the Systematics of Metamorphic Rocks: List of mineral abbreviations. Web version
01.02.07. ( IUGS Commission
on the Systematics in Petrology. Spear, F.S. (1993) Metamorphic Phase Equilibria and Pressure-Temperature-Time
Paths. Monograph 1, Mineralogical Society of America, Chantilly, Virginia. Manuscript received august 11, 2009 Manuscript accepted august 13, 2009 Manuscript handled by Bryan Chakoumakos
Table 1. Updated list of
A · B · C · D
· E · F · G ·
H · I · J · K
· L · M · N ·
O · P · Q · R
· S · T · U ·
V · W · X · Y
· Z
Symbol; Mineral Name; IMA status*
Acm; acmite; D Act; actinolite; A Adl; adularia; I Aeg; aegirine; A Ak; åkermanite; G Ab; albite; G Afs; alkali; feldspar GROUP Aln; allanite; A Alm; almandine; G Als; aluminosilicate; (Al2SiO5 polymorphs) GROUP Alu; alunite; Rd Amk; amakinite; Rd Ame; amesite; G Amp; amphibole GROUP Anl; analcime (analcite); A Ant; anatase; A And; andalusite; G Adr; andradite; G Ang; anglesite; G Anh; anhydrite; G Ank; ankerite; G Ann; annite; A An; anorthite; G Ano; anorthoclase; I Ath; anthophyllite; Rd Atg; antigorite; Rn Ap; apatite GROUP Apo; apophyllite GROUP Arg; aragonite; G Arf; arfvedsonite; A Arm; armalcolite; Rd Apy; arsenopyrite; A Aug; augite; A Awr; awaruite; G Ax; axinite GROUP
Bab; babingtonite; G Bdy; baddeleyite; G Brt; barite (baryte); A Brs; barroisite; Rd Bei; beidellite; G Brl; beryl; G Bt; biotite GROUP Bxb; bixbyite; G Bhm; böhmite (boehmite); G Bn; bornite; A Brk; brookite; G Brc; brucite; G Bst; bustamite; G
Cal; calcite; G Ccn; cancrinite; G Cnl; cannilloite; H Cb; carbonate mineral GROUP Car; carpholite; G Cst; cassiterite; G Cel; celadonite; A Clt; celestine; A Cls; celsian; G Cer; cerussite; G Cbz; chabazite; A Cct; chalcocite; G Ccp; chalcopyrite; G Chm; chamosite; G Chs; chesterite; A Chl; chlorite GROUP Cld; chloritoid; G Chn; chondrodite; G Chr; chromite; G Ccl; chrysocolla; A Ctl; chrysotile; Rd Cin; cinnabar; G Cam; clinoamphibole GROUP Clc; clinochlore; G Cen; clinoenstatite; A Cfs; clinoferrosilite; A Chu; clinohumite; G Cpt; clinoptilolite; A Cpx; clinopyroxene GROUP Czo; clinozoisite; G Cln; clintonite; A Coe; coesite; A Coh; cohenite; G Crd; cordierite; G Crr; corrensite; G Crn; corundum; G Cv; covellite; G Crs; cristobalite; G Crt; crossite; D Crl; cryolite; G Cbn; cubanite; G Cum; cummingtonite; Rd Cpr; cuprite; G Csp; cuspidine; G
Dph; daphnite; not listed Dat; datolite; G Dbr; daubreelite; G Dee; deerite; A Dia; diamond; G Dsp; diaspore; G Dck; dickite; G Dg; digenite; A Di; diopside; A Dpt; dioptase; G Dol; dolomite; G Drv; dravite; G Dum; dumortierite; G
Eas; eastonite; Rd Ec; ecandrewsite; A Eck; eckermannite; A Ed; edenite; A Elb; elbaite; G Ell; ellenbergerite; A Eng; enargite; G En; enstatite (ortho-); A Ep; epidote GROUP Eri; erionite; A Esk; eskolaite; G Ess; esseneite; A Eud; eudialite; A |
Symbol; Mineral Name; IMA status*
Fas; fassaite; D Fa; fayalite; G Fsp; feldspar GROUP Fac; ferro-actinolite; Rd Fath; ferro-anthophyllite; Rd Fbrs; ferrobarroisite; A Fcar; ferrocarpholite; A Fcel; ferroceladonite; A Fec; ferro-eckermannite; Rd Fed; ferro-edenite; Rd Fgd; ferrogedrite; Rd Fgl; ferroglaucophane; Rd Fkrs; ferrokaersutite; A Fny; ferronyboite; H Fprg; ferropargasite; Rd Frct; ferrorichterite; A Fs; ferrosilite; Rn Fts; ferrotschermakite; Rd Fwn; ferrowinchite; Rd Fi; fibrolite (fibrous sillimanite); informal Fl; fluorite; G Fo; forsterite; G Fos; foshagite; G Frk; franklinite; G Ful; fullerite; N
Ghn; gahnite; G Glx; galaxite; G Gn; galena; G Grt; garnet GROUP Ged; gedrite; Rd Gh; gehlenite; G Gk; geikielite; G Gbs; gibbsite; A Gis; gismondine; A Glt; glauconite GROUP Gln; glaucophane; Rd Gme; gmelinite; A Gth; goethite; A Gdd; grandidierite; G Gr; graphite; G Gre; greenalite; G Grs; grossular; A Gru; grunerite; Rd Gp; gypsum; G
Hl; halite; G Hrm; harmotome; A Hst; hastingsite; Rd Hsm; hausmannite; G Hyn; haüyne; G Hzl; heazlewoodite; G Hd; hedenbergite; A Hem; hematite; A Hc; hercynite; G Hul; heulandite; A Hbn; hibonite; G Hbs; hibschite; Rn Hgb; högbomite; D Hol; hollandite; G Hlm; holmquistite; Rd Hbl; hornblende GROUP Hw; howieite; A Hu; humite; G Hgr; hydrogrossular GROUP Hyp; hypersthene; D
Ilt; illite GROUP Ilm; ilmenite; G Ilv; ilvaite; G
Jd; jadeite; A Jrs; jarosite; Rd Jim; jimthompsonite; A Jhn; johannsenite; A
Krs; kaersutite; Rd Kls; kalsilite; G Kam; kamacite (α-FeNi); D Kln; kaolinite; A Ktp; katophorite; Rd Kfs; K-feldspar; informal Khl; K-hollandite; H Kir; kirschsteinite; G Krn; kornerupine; G Kos; kosmochlor; A Kut; kutnohorite (kutnahorite); G Ky; kyanite; A
Lrn; larnite; G Lmt; laumontite; A Lws; lawsonite; G Lzl; lazulite; A Lzr; lazurite; G Lpd; lepidolite GROUP Lct; leucite; G Lm; limonite; not listed Liq; liquid Lz; lizardite; G Lo; löllingite (loellingite); G
Mgh; maghemite; G Marf; magnesio-arfvedsonite; Rd Mcar; magnesiocarpholite; A Mfr; magnesioferrite; G Mhs; magnesiohastingsite; Rd Mhb; magnesiohornblende; Rd Mkt; magnesiokatophorite; Rd Mrbk; magnesioriebeckite; Rd Msdg; magnesiosadanagite; Rd Mst; magnesiostaurolite; A Mtm; magnesiotaramite; Rn Mws; magnesiowustite; not listed Mgs; magnesite; A Mag; magnetite; G Maj; majorite; A Mlc; malachite; G Mng; manganosite; G Mrc; marcasite; G Mrg; margarite; A Mar; marialite; G Mei; meionite; G Mll; melilite GROUP Mw; merwinite; G Mes; mesolite; A Mc; microcline; G Mlr; millerite; G Mns; minnesotaite; G Mog; moganite; A Mol; molybdenite; G Mnz; monazite; A Mtc; monticellite; G Mnt; montmorillonite; G Mor; mordenite; A Mul; mullite; G Ms; muscovite; A |
Symbol; Mineral Name; IMA status*
Ntr; natrolite; A Nph; nepheline; G Nrb; norbergite; G Nsn; nosean; G Nyb; nyböite; Rd
Ol; olivine GROUP Omp; omphacite; A Opl; opal; G Opq; opaque mineral; informal Orp; orpiment; G Oam; orthoamphibole GROUP Or; orthoclase; A Oen; orthoenstatite; D Opx; orthopyroxene GROUP Osm; osumilite; G
Plg; palygorskite; G Pg; paragonite; A Prg; pargasite; Rd Pct; pectolite; G Pn; pentlandite; G Per; periclase; G Prv; perovskite; G Ptl; petalite; G PhA; phase A; not listed Ph; phengite; G Php; phillipsite; A Phl; phlogopite; A Pmt; piemontite; A Pgt; pigeonite; A Pl; plagioclase GROUP Prh; prehnite; G Prm; prismatine; Rd Psb; pseudobrookite; Rd Pmp; pumpellyite-(Al); A Py; pyrite; G Pcl; pyrochlore; A Prp; pyrope; G Pph; pyrophanite; G Prl; pyrophyllite; G Pxf; pyroxferroite; A Pxm; pyroxmangite; G Po; pyrrhotite; G
Qnd; qandilite; A Qz; quartz; A
Rnk; rankinite; G Rlg; realgar; G Rds; rhodochrosite; A Rdn; rhodonite; A Rct; richterite; A Rbk; riebeckite; Rd Rwd; ringwoodite; A Rdr; roedderite; A Rsm; rossmanite; A Rt; rutile; G
Sdg; sadanagaite; Rd Sa; sanidine; G Sap; saponite; G Spr; sapphirine; G Scp; scapolite GROUP Sch; scheelite; G Srl; schorl; G Scb; schreibersite; G Sep; sepiolite; G Ser; sericite; D Srp; serpentine GROUP Sd; siderite; G Sil; sillimanite; G Sme; smectite GROUP Sdl; sodalite; G Sps; spessartine; A Sp; sphalerite; A Spn; sphene (titanite); D Spl; spinel; G Spd; spodumene; A Spu; spurrite; G St; staurolite; G Stv; stevensite; Q Stb; stilbite; A Stp; stilpnomelane; A Sti; stishovite; A Str; strontianite; G Sud; sudoite; Rd Syl; sylvite; G
T Tae; taenite (γ-Fe, Ni); G Tlc; talc; G Trm; taramite; Rd Tnt; tennantite; G Tnr; tenorite; A Tep; tephroite; G Ttr; tetrahedrite; A Thm; thomsonite; A Thr; thorite; G Tly; tilleyite; G Ttn; titanite (sphene); A Tpz; topaz; G Tur; tourmaline GROUP Tr; tremolite; Rd Trd; tridymite; G Tro; troilite; G Ts; tschermakite; Rd
Usp; ulvöspinel; G Urn; uraninite; G Uv; uvarovite; A
Vtr; vaterite; A Vrm; vermiculite; G Ves; vesuvianite; A
Wds; wadsleyite; A Wag; wagnerite; Rd Wrk; wairakite; A Wav; wavellite; A Wht; whitlockite; G Wlm; willmenite; G Wnc; winchite; Rd Wth; witherite; G Wo; wollastonite; A Wur; wurtzite; G Wus; wüstite; G
Xtm; xenotime; A Xon; xonotlite; G
Yug; yugawaralite; A
Zeo; zeolite GROUP Znw; zinnwaldite GROUP Zrn; zircon; G Zo; zoisite; G |
* International Mineralogical Association (IMA)
abbreviations: A = Approved; D = Discredited; G = Grandfathered (generally
regarded as valid mineral name); GROUP = Name designates a group of mineral
species; H = hypothetical (e.g., synthetic); I = intermediate in a
solid-solution series; Q = questionable; Rd = Redefinition approved by IMA
Commission on New Minerals, Nomenclature and Classification (CNMNC); Rn =
Renamed with approval of the CNMNC.