- B.Sc. in Mathematics, Universidad de Granada, Spain. 1992-1997.
- M.A. Universidad de Granada, Spain. December 1997.
- Ph.D. in Mathematics, Universidad de Granada, Spain. September 20th, 2000 ("sobresaliente cum laude", Awarded with "Premio extraordinario de doctorado, 1999-2000").
- Banach
J. Math. Anal. Best Paper Award-2020:
(2019), NO. 1, 91-112.
- Journal of Mathematical Analysis
and Applications (JMAA) Ames Award for 2019.
Francisco J.Fernández-Polo, Antonio
M.Peralta "On the extension of isometries
between the unit spheres of von Neumann algebras"
JMAA, Volume 466, Issue 1, 1 October 2018, Pages
- Included in list "Ranking of the World Scientists: World's Top 2% Scientists 2022" by Stanford University (California, USA).
Membership in Editorial Boards
Research lines:
Functional Analysis:
C*-algebras, von Neumann
algebras, JB*-algebras, JB*-triples and
operator theory
Geometric properties
(isomorphic and isometric) on C*-algebras, JB*-triples
and their duals:
- Dunford-Pettis property,
- Alternative Dunford-Pettis property
- Kadec-Klee property
- Banach-Stone type theorems for real and
complex JB*-triple
C*- and JB*-summing
operators from C*-algebras and JB*-triples
to Banach spaces
Grothendieck inequalities
in real and complex JB*-triples
Structure theory for real and
complex JB*-triples
Orthogonally Preservers between
C*-algebras and JB*-triples
- Extension of isometries, Tingley's
problem, Mazur-Ulam property.
- Linear and non-linear Presevers.
Expository papers:
M.S. Moslehian and A. Peralta, Predatory Journals Pose a Threat to the Dissemination of Science, Notices of Amer. Math. Soc. 71 (2024), no. 9, 1177-1179.
List of Publicatios:
162 |
Lei Li, Siyu Liu, Antonio M. Peralta, Additive mappings preserving orthogonality between complex inner product spaces, preprint 2024.
arXiv: 2410.08101 |
161 |
Gerardo M. Escolano, Antonio M. Peralta, Armando R. Villena, Preservers of Operator Commutativity, Preprint 2024. arXiv: 2409.06799 |
160 |
Jorge J. Garcés, Lei Li, Antonio M. Peralta, Shan Shan Su, Maps preserving the truncation of triple products on Cartan factors, Preprint 2024. arXiv: 2405.13489 |
159 |
David P. Blecher, Matthew Neal, Antonio M. Peralta, Shanshan Su, M-Ideals in Real Operator Algebras. Preprint 2024. arXiv:2405.05383 |
158 |
Amin Hosseini, Antonio M. Peralta and Shanshan Su, On the equivalence of all notions of generalized derivations whose domain is a C*-algebra. Preprint 2024. arXiv: 2403.18773 |
157 |
David P. Blecher, Matthew Neal, Antonio M. Peralta, Shanshan Su, M-ideals, yet again: the case of real JB*-triples, Preprint 2024. arXiv: 2401.05565 |
156 |
Antonio M. Peralta, Metric invariants in Banach and Jordan--Banach algebras, Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics (PUPUM). Godefroy, Gilles (ed.) et al., Geometry of Banach spaces and related fields. Dedicated to Professor Per. Enflo.Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society (AMS). Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 106, 251-346 (2024).
arXiv:2308.16788 |
155 |
Gerardo M. Escolano, Antonio M. Peralta, Armando R. Villena, Lie-Trotter formulae in Jordan--Banach algebras with applications to the study of spectral-valued multiplicative functionals, to appear in Results in Math. 79, 17 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00025-023-02043-w
arXiv:2305.05530 |
154 |
David Cabezas, Antonio M. Peralta, Estimations of the numerical index of a JB*-triple, to appear in Bull. Malaysian Math. Sci. Soc.47, 8 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40840-023-01598-9. arXiv:2302.14773 |
153 |
Antonio M. Peralta, Radovan Svarc, A strengthened Kadison's transitivity theorem for unital JB*-algebras with applications to the Mazur--Ulam property, preprint 2023.
arXiv: 2301.00895 |
152 |
David Cabezas, María Cueto-Avellaneda, Yuta Enami, Takeshi Miura, Antonio M. Peralta, Tingley's problem for complex Banach spaces which do not satisfy the Hausdorff distance condition, Banach J. Math. Anal. 17 (2023): 65.
arXiv: 2210.17131 |
151 |
Francisco J. Fernández-Polo, Jorge J. Garcés, Lei Li, Antonio M. Peralta, On the strict topology of the multipliers of a JB*-algebra, RACSAM 117 (2023), no. 4, Paper No. 146, 27 pp.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-023-01476-w. arXiv: 2210.13353 |
150 |
Antonio M. Peralta, Preservers of triple transition pseudo-probabilities in connection with orthogonality preservers and surjective isometries, Results Math. (2023) 78:51.
arXiv:2208.01464 |
149 |
David Cabezas, Miguel Martín, Antonio M. Peralta, The Daugavet equation for polynomials on C*-algebras and JB*-triples, Advances in Mathematics 439, Article ID 109479, 22 p. (2024). DOI: 10.1016/j.aim.2023.109479. arXiv:2206.11621 |
148. |
D. Cabezas, A.M. Peralta, Linear orthogonality preservers between function spaces associated with commutative JB*-triples, to appear in Linear Multilinear Algebra 71 (2023), 2728-2743.
arXiv:2205.11176 |
147. |
J.J. Garcés, L. Li, A.M. Peralta, H.M. Tahlawi, A projection–less approach to Rickart Jordan structures, J. Algebra 609 (2022), 567–605. arXiv: 2202.08140 |
146. |
D. Cabezas, M. Cueto-Avellaneda, D. Hirota, T. Miura, A.M. Peralta, Every commutative JB*-triple satisfies the complex Mazur–Ulam property, Ann. Funct. Anal. 13 (2022), no. 4, Paper No. 60, 8 pp. arXiv: 2201.06307 |
145. |
J. Hamhalter, O.F.K. Kalenda, A.M. Peralta, Order type relations on the set of tripotents in a JB*-triple, preprint 2021. arXiv: 2112.03155 |
144. |
A.M. Peralta, Maps preserving triple transition pseudo-probabilities, RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu B93 (2023), 3?30 (ISSN: 1881-6193).
arXiv: 2204.03463 |
143. |
M. Cueto-Avellaneda, D. Hirota, T. Miura, A.M. Peralta, Exploring new solutions to Tingley’s problem for function algebras, to appear in Quaestiones Mathematicae 46 (2023), No. 7, 1315--1346. https://doi.org/10.2989/16073606.2022.2072787 arXiv:2110.11120 |
142. |
J. Hamhalter, O.F.K. Kalenda, A.M. Peralta, Determinants in Jordan matrix algebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 71 (2023), No. 6, 961--1002. https://doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2022.2049187
arXiv:2110.10458 |
141. |
A.M. Peralta, On the extension of surjective isometries whose domain is the unit sphere of a space of compact operators, 36:9 (2022), 3075-3090.
arXiv:2005.11987v1 |
140. |
M. Cueto-Avellaneda, Y. Enami, D. Hirota, T. Miura, A.M. Peralta, Surjective isometries between unitary sets of unital JB$*-algebras, Linear Algebra Appl. 643 (2022), 39-79.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.laa.2022.02.003. arXiv:2105.14870 |
139. |
M. Cueto, A.M. Peralta, Can one identify two unital JB*-algebras by the metric spaces determined by their sets of unitaries?, Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 70 (2022), No. 22, 7702-7727.
DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2021.2003745 arXiv:2005.04794 |
138. |
O. Kalenda, A.M. Peralta, H. Pfitzner, On optimality of constants in the Little Grothendieck Theorem, Studia Math. 264 (3) (2022), 263-304. arXiv: 2002.12273 |
137. |
M.S. Moslehian, G.A. Muñoz-Fernández, A.M. Peralta, J.B. Seoane-Sepúlveda, Similarities and differences between real and complex Banach spaces: an overview and recent developments, Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat. RACSAM 116 (2022), no. 2, Paper No. 88. arXiv:2107.03740 |
136. |
Y. Friedman, A.M. Peralta, Representation of symmetry transformations on the sets of tripotents of spin and Cartan factors, Anal. Math. Phys. 12 (2022), no. 1, Paper No. 37, 52 pp. arXiv: 2101.00670 |
135. |
A.M. Peralta, Surjective isometries between sets of invertible elements in unital Jordan-Banach algebras, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 502 (2021), 125284. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2021.125284 |
134. |
J.J. Garcés, A.M. Peralta, One-parameter groups of orthogonality preservers on JB*-algebras, Advances in Operator Theory 6 (2021), 43. arXiv:2010.08129 |
133. |
A. Ben Ali Essaleh, A.M. Peralta, A linear preserver problem on maps which are triple derivable at orthogonal pairs, RACSAM 115 (2021): 146. arXiv:2009.10336 |
132. |
J.J. Garcés, A.M. Peralta, One-parameter groups of orthogonality preservers on C*-algebras, to appear in Banach J. Math. Anal. 15 (2021), no. 1, Paper No. 24, 23 pp. DOI: 10.1007/s43037-020-00100-y. arXiv:2004.04155v1 |
131. |
O.F.K. Kalenda, A.M. Peralta, Extension of isometries from the unit sphere of a rank-2 Cartan factor, Anal. Math. Phys. 11, 15 (2021). arXiv:1907.00575 |
130. |
J. Hamhalter, O. Kalenda, A.M. Peralta, H. Pfitzner, Grothendieck's inequalities for JB*-triples: Proof of the Barton-Friedman conjecture, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 374, Number 2 (2021), 1327-1350. arXiv:1903.08931 |
129. |
J. Becerra Guerrero, M. Cueto, F.J. Fernández-Polo, A.M. Peralta, On the extension of isometries between the unit spheres of a JBW*-triple and a Banach space, J. Inst. Math. Jussieu 20 (2021), no. 1, 277-303. doi:10.1017/S1474748019000173 |
128. |
J. Hamhalter, O. Kalenda, A.M. Peralta, Finite tripotents and finite JBW*-triples, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 490 (2020), 124217. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2020.124217 arXiv: 1911.08254v1 |
127. |
D.A. Abulhamail, F.B. Jamjoom, A.M. Peralta, Linear maps which are anti-derivable at zero, Bull. Malays. Math. Sci. Soc. 43: 4315-4334 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40840-020-00918-7 arXiv: 1911.04134v1 |
126. |
M. Cueto, A.M. Peralta, Metric characterisation of unitaries in JB*-algebras, Mediterr. J. Math. (2020) 17:124. DOI: 10.1007/s00009-020-01556-w arXiv:1907.04738 |
125. |
J. Hamhalter, O. Kalenda, A.M. Peralta, H. Pfitzner, Measures of weak non-compactness in preduals of von Neumann algebras and JBW*-triples, Journal of Functional Analysis, 278 (2020), no. 1, 108300. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jfa.2019.108300 arXiv:1901.08056v1 |
124. |
M. Cueto, A.M. Peralta, The Mazur-Ulam property for commutative von Neumann algebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 68, No. 2, 337-362 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2018.1505823. |
123. |
F.J. Fernández-Polo, E. Jordá, A.M. Peralta, Tingley's problem for $p$-Schatten von Neumann classes, J. Spectr. Theory 10 (3), 809-841 (2020). DOI 10.4171/JST/313 arXiv:1803.00763v1. |
122. |
M. Cueto, A.M. Peralta, On the Mazur--Ulam property for the space of Hilbert-space-valued continuous functions, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 479 (2019), 875-902. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmaa.2019.06.056 arXiv: 1903.11917 |
121. |
Amin A. Khosravi, Antonio M. Peralta, H.R. Ebrahimi Vishki, Aron-Berner extensions of triple maps with application to the bidual of JB-triple systems, Linear Algebra and its Applications 580 (2019) 436-463. arXiv:1901.01822v1 |
120. |
N.K. Jana, A.K. Karn, A.M. Peralta, Contractive linear preservers of absolutely compatible pairs between C*-algebras, Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas. RACSAM (2019) 113: 2731-2744. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13398-019-00653-0 arXiv:1810.10886v1 |
119. |
N.K. Jana, A.K. Karn, A.M. Peralta, Absolutely compatible pairs in a von Neumann algebra, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 35 (2019), 599-618. https://doi.org/10.13001/1081-3810.3921 arXiv:1801.01216v1 |
118. |
A.M. Peralta, On the unit sphere of positive operators, Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 13, no. 1, 91-112 (2019). arXiv:1711.05652v1 |
117. |
A.M. Peralta, Extending surjective isometries defined on the unit sphere of $\ell_\infty(\Gamma)$, Revista Matemática Complutense 32, no. 1, 99-114 (2019). DOI: 10.1007/s13163-018-0269-2arXiv:1709.09584v1 |
116. |
A. Jiménez-Vargas, A. Morales-Campoy, A.M. Peralta, and M.I. Ramírez, The Mazur-Ulam property for the space of complex null sequences, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 67, no. 4, 799-816 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2018.1433625 arXiv:1708.08538v2 |
115. |
L. Li, A.M. Peralta, L. Wang, Y.-S. Wang, Weak-2-local isometries on uniform algebras and Lipschitz algebras, Publicacions Matemàtiques 63, no. 1, 241-264 (2019). arXiv:1705.03619v1 |
114. |
M.J. Burgos, J. Cabello-Sánchez, A.M. Peralta, Linear maps between C*-algebras that are *-homomorphisms at a fixed point, Quaestiones Mathematicae 42, no. 2, 151-164 (2019). https://doi.org/10.2989/16073606.2018.1442373 arXiv:1609.07776v1 |
113. |
A.M. Peralta, R. Tanaka, A solution to Tingley’s problem for isometries between unit spheres of compact C*-algebras and JB*-triples, Sci. China Math. 62, no. 3, 553-568 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11425-017-9188-6 |
112. |
A.M. Peralta, The $\lambda$-function in the space of trace class operators, Mediterr. J. Math. 15:217 (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00009-018-1260-3 arXiv:1804.01303. |
111. |
A.M. Peralta, Characterizing projections among positive operators in the unit sphere, Adv. Oper. Theory 3 (2018), no. 3, 731-744. |
110. |
A.M. Peralta, A survey on Tingley’s problem for operator algebras, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged) 84 (2018), 81-123. |
109. |
A.B.A. Essaleh, A.M. Peralta, Preservers of λ-Aluthge transforms, Linear Algebra and its Applications 554, 86-119 (2018). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.laa.2018.05.020 arXiv:1712.07499v1 |
108. |
F.J. Fernández-Polo, A.M. Peralta, On the extension of isometries between the unit spheres of von Neumann algebras, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 466 (2018), 127-143. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2018.05.062 |
107. |
A. Jiménez-Vargas, L. Li, A.M. Peralta, L. Wang, Y.-S. Wang, 2-local standard isometries on vector-valued Lipschitz function spaces, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 461 (2018), no. 2, 1287-1298. arXiv:1708.02897v1 |
106. |
A.B.A. Essaleh, A.M. Peralta, Linear maps on C*-algebras which are derivations or triple derivations at a point, Linear Algebra Appl. 538 (2018), 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.laa.2017.10.009. arXiv:1706.08326v1 |
105. |
A.B.A. Essaleh, A.M. Peralta, M.I. Ramírez, Pointwise-generalized-inverses of linear maps between C*-algebras and JB*-triples, Operators and Matrices 12 (2018), no. 2, 369-391. doi:10.7153/oam-2018-12-24 \ arXiv:1703.10560v1 |
104. |
F.J. Fernández-Polo, A.M. Peralta, On the extension of isometries between the unit spheres of a C*-algebra and B(H), Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 5 (2018), 63-80. arXiv:1701.02916v1 |
103. |
F.J. Fernández-Polo, A.M. Peralta, Low rank compact operators and Tingley’s problem, Advances in Mathematics 338 (2018) 1-40. |
102. |
M. Bohata, J. Hamhalter, O. Kalenda, A.M. Peralta, H. Pfitzner, Preduals of JBW*-triples are 1-Plichko spaces, Quart. J. Math. (Oxford) 69 (2018), 655-680. doi:10.1093/qmath/hax057, arXiv:1609.00274v2 |
101. |
F.J. Fernández-Polo, A.M. Peralta, Partial Isometries: a survey, Advances in Operator Theory, 3 (2018), no. 1, 87-128. |
100. |
E. Jordá, A.M. Peralta, Almost inner derivations and weak-2-local derivations on the C*-algebra C0(L,A), Integral Equations Operator Theory 89, Issue 1, 89-110 (2017). DOI 10.1007/s00020-017-2390-x |
99. |
F.J. Fernández-Polo, A.M. Peralta, Tingley’s problem through the facial structure of an atomic JBW*-triple, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 455 (2017), no. 1, 750-760. arXiv:1701.05112v1 |
98. |
F.J. Fernández-Polo, Jorge J. Garcés, A.M. Peralta, I. Villanueva, Tingley’s problem for spaces of trace class operators, Linear Algebra and its Applications 529 (2017), 294-323. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.laa.2017.04.024 arXiv:1702.07182v1 |
97. |
E. Jordá, A.M. Peralta, Stability of derivations under weak-2-local continuous perturbations, Aequationes Mathematicae 91, 99-114 (2017). DOI 10.1007/s00010-016-0438-7. |
96. |
A.M. Peralta, Orthogonal forms and orthogonality preservers on real function algebras revisited, Linear and Multilinear Algebra. 65, no. 2, 361-374 (2017). DOI 10.1080/03081087.2016.1186147. arXiv:1511.08420v1. |
95. |
J.C. Cabello, A.M. Peralta, On a generalized Semrl’s theorem for weak-2-local derivations on B(H), Banach J. Math. Anal. 11 (2017), no. 2, 382-397. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1215/17358787-0000009X arXiv:1511.07987v1. |
94. |
F.B. Jamjoom, A.M. Peralta, A.A. Siddiqui, H.M. Tahlawi, Inner ideals, compact tripotents and Cebysev subtriples of JB*-triples and C*-algebras, RACSAM 111, 129-138 (2017). DOI: 10.1007/s13398-016-0280-8. arXiv:1507.07186v1 |
93. |
M. Niazi, A.M. Peralta, Weak 2-local derivations on Mn, FILOMAT 31:6 (2017), 1687–1708. DOI 10.2298/FIL1706687N |
92. |
M.J. Burgos, J.C. Cabello, A.M. Peralta, Weak-local triple derivations on C*-algebras and JB*-triples, Linear Algebra and its Applications 506, 614-627 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.laa.2016.06.042 arXiv:1604.04417v1 |
91. |
L. Li, E. Nieto, A.M. Peralta, Geometric implications of the M(r,s)-properties and the uniform Kadec-Klee property in JB*-triples, Quart. J. Math. Oxford. 67 (2016), 637-651. doi: 10.1093/qmath/haw036 (online) arXiv:1604.04119v1 |
90. |
A.B.A. Essaleh, A.M. Peralta, M.I. Ramírez, Corrigendum: Weak-local derivations and homomorphisms on C*-algebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra Vol. 64, No. 5, 1009-1010 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/03081087.2016.1142171 |
89. |
J. Hamhalter, K. Kudaybergenov, A.M. Peralta, B. Russo, Boundedness of completely additive measures with application to 2-local triple derivations, Journal of Mathematical Physics 57, 021709-1 –021709-22 (2016). DOI: 10.1063/1.4941988 arXiv:1512.03135v1. |
88. |
J.C. Cabello, A.M. Peralta, Weak-2-local symmetric maps on C*-algebras, Linear Algebra and its Applications 494, 32-43 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.laa.2015.12.024. |
87. |
H. Pfitzner, A.M. Peralta, Weak Banach-Saks Property and Koml'os' theorem for preduals of JBW*-triples, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 144, no. 11 (2016), 4723-4731. http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/proc/13250 |
86. |
F.B. Jamjoom, A.M. Peralta, A.A. Siddiqui, H.M. Tahlawi, Extremally rich JB*-triples, Ann. Funct. Anal. 7 (2016), no. 4, 578-592 |
85. |
M. Burgos, A.C. Márquez, A. Morales, A.M. Peralta, Linear maps between C*-algebras preserving extreme points and strongly linear preservers, Banach J. Math. Anal. Volume 10, Number 3 (July 2016), 547-565. |
84. |
H. Pfitzner, A.M. Peralta, Perturbation of l1 -copies in preduals of JBW*-triples, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 434 (2016), no. 1, 149-170. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmaa.2015.08.032 |
83. |
S. Ayupov, K. Kudaybergenov, A.M. Peralta, A survey on local and 2-local derivations on C*- and von Neuman algebras, Contemporary Mathematics, Amer. Math. Soc. Volume 672, 73-126 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/conm/672/13462. |
82. |
A.B.A. Essaleh, A.M. Peralta, M.I. Ramírez, Weak-local derivations and homomorphisms on C*-algebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra Vol. 64, No. 2 (2016) 169-186. DOI:10.1080/03081087.2015.1028320 |
81. |
A. M. Peralta, L.L. Stachó, von Neumann algebra preduals satisfy the linear biholomorphic property, Math. Scand. 118 (2016), 277-284. |
80. |
F.J. Fernández Polo, A. Molino, A. M. Peralta, Local triple derivations on real C*-algebras and JB*-triples, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society Volume 39, Issue 3, pp 941-955 (2016). DOI:10.1007/s40840-015-0203-4 |
79. |
M. Niazi, A.M. Peralta, Weak-2-local *-derivations on B(H) are linear *-derivations, Linear Algebra and its Applications 487 (2015), 276-300. DOI 10.1016/j.laa.2015.09.028. |
78. |
F.B. Jamjoom, A.M. Peralta, A.A. Siddiqui, H.M. Tahlawi, Cebysev subspaces of JBW*-triples, Journal of Inequalities and Applications (2015) 2015:288. DOI 10.1186/s13660-015-0813-2. |
77. |
H. Pfitzner, A.M. Peralta, The Kadec-Pelczy'nski-Rosenthal subsequence splitting lemma for JBW*-triple preduals, Studia Math. 227, No. 1, 77-95 (2015). |
76. |
A. Ben Ali Essaleh, M. Niazi, A.M. Peralta, Bilocal *-automorphisms of B(H) satisfying the 3-local property, Arch. Math. 104 (2015), 157-164. |
75. |
F.B. Jamjoom, A.M. Peralta, A.A. Siddiqui, Jordan weak amenability and orthogonal forms on JB*-algebras, Banach J. Math. Anal. Volume 9, Number 4 (2015), 126-145. doi: 10.15352/bjma/09-4-8 |
74. |
M.J. Burgos, F.J. Fernández Polo, J.J. Garcés, A.M. Peralta, 2-local triple homomorphisms on von Neumann algebras and JBW*-triples, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 426, 43-63 (2015). |
73. |
F.B. Jamjoom, A.M. Peralta, A.A. Siddiqui, H.M. Tahlawi, Approximation and convex decomposition by extremals and the λ-function in JBW*-triples, Quart. J. Math. Oxford 66 (2) (2015) 583-603. doi:10.1093/qmath/hau036 |
72. |
M.J. Burgos, F.J. Fernández Polo, J.J. Garcés, A.M. Peralta, A Kowalski-Slodkowski theorem for 2-local *-homomorphisms on von Neumann algebras, RACSAM 109, Issue 2 (2015), Page 551-568. DOI 10.1007/s13398-014-0200-8. |
71. |
A.M. Peralta, A note on 2-local representations of C*-algebras, Operators and Matrices 9, Number 2 (2015), 343-358. doi:10.7153/oam-09-20. |
70. |
F.J. Fernández Polo, A. M. Peralta and M. Ramírez, A Kadec-Pelczynski dichotomy-type theorem for preduals of JBW*-algebras, Israel J. Math. 208 (2015), 45-78. DOI: 10.1007/s11856-015-1193-5. |
69. |
A.M. Peralta, Positive definite hermitian mappings associated to tripotent elements, Expositiones Mathematicae 33 (2015) 252-258. |
68. |
K. Kudaybergenov, T. Oikhberg, A.M. Peralta, and B. Russo, 2-local triple derivations on von Neumann algebras, Illinois J. Math. 58, Number 4, Winter 2014, Pages 1055-1069. S 0019-2082. |
67. |
M. Burgos, F.J. Fernández Polo and A.M. Peralta, Local triple derivations on JB*-triples and C*-algebras, Bull. London Math. Soc. 46 (4), 709-724 (2014). |
66. |
A.M. Peralta, Chi-Keung Ng, Ngai-Ching Wong, and Jen-Chih Yao, Preserver Problems on Function Spaces, Operator Algebras, and Related Topics [Editorial], Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2014, Article ID 723685, 2 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/723685. |
65. |
J. Garcés, A. M. Peralta, Orthogonal forms and orthogonality preservers on real function algebras, Linear and Multilinear Algebra 62, no. 3, 275-296 (2014). (DOI:10.1080/03081087.2013.772998). |
64. |
M. Apazoglou and A. M. Peralta, Linear isometries between real JB*-triples and C*-algebras, Quart. J. Math. Oxford 65, 485-503 (2014). (doi:10.1093/qmath/hat033). |
63. |
M. Burgos, F.J. Fernández Polo, J. Garcés, and A. M. Peralta, Local triple derivations on C*-algebras, Communications in Algebra 42, 1276-1286 (2014). |
62. |
B. Russo and A. M. Peralta, Automatic continuity of triple derivations on C*-algebras and JB*-triples, Journal of Algebra 399, 960-977 (2014). |
61. |
J.J. Garcés, A. M. Peralta, D. Puglisi, M.I. Ramírez,, Orthogonally additive, orthogonality preserving, holomorphic mappings between C*-algebras, Abstract and Applied Analysis Volume 2013, Article ID 415354, 9 pages http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/415354. |
60. |
T. Oikhberg, A. M. Peralta, Automatic continuity of orthogonality preservers on a non-commutative Lp(τ)-space, Journal of Functional Analysis 264, no. 8, 1848-1872 (2013). |
59. |
J. Garcés and A. M. Peralta, Generalised triple homomorphisms and Derivations, The Canadian Journal of Mathematics 65, no. 4, 783-807 (2013). |
58. |
T. Ho, A. M. Peralta and B. Russo, Ternary weakly amenable C*-algebras and JB*-triples, Quart. J. Math. Oxford 64, 1109-1139 (2013). (doi:10.1093/qmath/has032). |
57. |
T. Oikhberg, A. M. Peralta and D. Puglisi, Automatic continuity of $L$-norms on the predual of a von Neumann algebra, Revista Matemática Complutense (Springer) 26, 57-88 (2013). |
56. |
Antonio M. Peralta and Daniele Puglisi, Orthogonally Additive Holomorphic functions on C*-algebras, Operators and Matrices 6, Number 3, 621-629 (2012). |
55. |
F.J. Fernández-Polo, J. Martínez, and A. M. Peralta, Contractive Perturbations in JB*-triples, J. London Math. Soc. (2) 85, 349-364 (2012). |
54. |
F.J. Fernández-Polo, J. Garcés, and A. M. Peralta,Weakly compact orthogonality preservers on C*-algebras, Math. Z. 270, 709-723 (2012). |
53. |
F.J. Fernández-Polo, J. Garcés, and A. M. Peralta, A Kaplansky Theorem for JB*-triples, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 140 3179-3191 (2012). |
52. |
T. Oikhberg, A. M. Peralta and M. Ramírez, Automatic continuity of M-norms on C*-algebras, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 381, 799–811 (2011). |
51. |
M. Burgos, J. Garcés, and A. M. Peralta, Automatic continuity of biorthogonality preservers between weakly compact JB*-triples and atomic JBW*-triples, Studia Mathematica 204, no. 2, 97-121 (2011). |
50. |
Peralta, A. M., Una revisión de la propiedad de Dunford-Pettis en productos tensoriales proyectivos de espacios de Banach, Publicaciones del Dpto. de Análisis Matemático, UCM, Sección 1; Núm. 77, 125-132 (2011). |
49. |
M. Burgos, J. Garcés, and A. M. Peralta, Automatic continuity of biorthogonality preservers between compact C*-algebras and von Neumann algebras, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 376, 221-230 (2011). |
48. |
Diestel, J., Peralta, A.M., Puglisi, D., Sequential w-right continuity and summing operators, Math. Nachr. 284, No. 5-6, 664-680 (2011). |
47. |
M. Burgos, A. M. Peralta, M. Ramirez, M. E. Ruiz, von Neumann regularity in Jordan-Banach triples, Proceedings of Jordan structures in Algebra and Analysis Meeting. Tribute to El Amin Kaidi for his 60th birthday. Almería, 20, 21 y 22 de Mayo de 2009, Edited by J. Carmona et al., Editorial Círculo Rojo, 2010. ISBN 978-84-92849-51-2 Depósito legal SE-1844-201. |
46. |
Fernández-Polo, F. J. and Peralta, A. M., Non-commutative generalisations of Urysohn's lemma and hereditary inner ideals, Journal of Functional Analysis 259 (2010) 343–358. |
45. |
Fernández-Polo, F. J. and Peralta, A. M., On the facial structure of the unit ball in the dual space of a JB*-triple, Mathematische Annalen 348, 1019–1032 (2010). |
44. |
Peralta, A. M., Villanueva, I., Wright, J.D.M. and Ylinen, Weakly compact operators and the strong* topology for a Banach space, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 140 A, 1249-1267 (2010). |
43. |
Peralta, A. M., Villanueva, I., Wright, J.D.M. and Ylinen K., Quasi Completely continuous multilinear operators, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 140 A (3), 635-649 (2010). |
42. |
Edwards, C.M., Fernández Polo, F.J., Hoskin, C.S., Peralta, A.M., On the facial structure of the unit ball in a JB*-triple, J. reine angew. Math. 641 (2010), 123-144. |
41. |
Fernández-Polo, F. J. and Peralta, A. M., A short proof of a Theorem of Pfiztner, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics Oxford 61, 329-336 (2010). |
40. |
Burgos, M., Fernández Polo, F. J., Garcés, and Peralta, A. M., Orthogonality preservers Revisited, Asian-European Journal of Mathematics Vol. 2, No. 3 (2009) 387-405. |
39. |
Fernández-Polo, F. J. and Peralta, A. M., Weak compactness in the dual space of a JB*-triple is commutatively determined, Math. Scand. 105, 307–319 (2009). |
38. |
Palazuelos, C., Peralta, A. M. and Villanueva, I., Factorizing multilinear operators on Banach spaces and C*-algebras, Studia Mathematica 192 (2), 129-146 (2009). |
37. |
Burgos M. and Peralta, A. M., Conorm and essential conorm in C*-algebras, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 63, 1-16 (2009). |
36. |
Burgos, M., Fernández Polo, F. J., Garcés, J., Martínez, J. and Peralta, A. M., Orthogonally preservers in C*-algebras, JB*-algebras and JB*-triples, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 348 (2008) 220–233. |
35. |
Palazuelos, C., Peralta, A. M. and Villanueva, I., Orthogonally Additive Polynomials on C*-algebras, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 59, 363–374 (2008). |
34. |
M. Burgos, A. Kaidi, A. Morales, A. M. Peralta and M. Ramírez, von Neumann regularity and quadratic conorms in JB*-triples and C*-algebras, Acta Mathematica Sinica 24, No. 2, 185-200 (2008). |
33. |
Peralta, A. M., Topological characterisation of weakly compact operators revisited, Extracta Mathematicae 22(2), 215-223 (2007). |
32. |
Bunce, L. J. y Peralta, A. M., Dunford-Pettis properties, Hilbert spaces and projective tensor products, Journal of Functional Analysis 253, 692-710 (2007). |
31. |
Peralta, A. M., Villanueva, I., Wright, J.D.M. and Ylinen, Topological characterisation of weakly compact operators, J. Mathematical Analysis and Applications 325, 968-974 (2007). |
30. |
Fernández-Polo, F. J. y Peralta, A. M., Compact tripotents and the Stone-Weierstrass Theorem for C*-algebras and JB*-triples, J. Operator Theory 58:1, 157-173 (2007). |
29. |
Peralta, A. M., Villanueva, I., Wright, J.D.M. and Ylinen, The Strong*-topology and quasi completely continuous operators on Banach spaces, preprint 2006. |
28. |
Fernández-Polo, F. J. y Peralta, A. M., Closed tripotents and weak compactness in the dual space of a JB*-triple, J. London Math. Soc. 74 (2006), 75-92. |
27. |
Peralta, A. M. y Villanueva, I., The alternative Dunford-Pettis on projective tensor products, Math. Z. 252 (2006), 883-897. |
26. |
Bunce, L. J., Fernández-Polo, F. J., Martínez Moreno, J. and Peralta, A. M., A Saitô-Tomita-Lusin Theorem for JB*-triples and Applications, Quarterly Journal of Mathematics Oxford 57 (2006), 37–48; |
25. |
Peralta, A. M., Some remarks on weak compactness in the dual space of a JB*-triple, Tohoku Math. J. 58 (2006), 149-159. |
24. |
Acosta, M. D. y Peralta, A. M., The alternative Dunford-Pettis property for subspaces of the compact operator, Positivity 10, 51-63 (2006). |
23. |
Becerra Guerrero, J. y Peralta, A. M., The Dunford-Pettis and the Kadec-Klee properties on tensor products of JB*-triples, Math. Z. 251 (2005), no. 1, 117--130. |
22. |
Bunce, L. J. y Peralta, A. M., Spin spaces and positive decomposition of linear maps on ordered Banach spaces. Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 56, 43-52 (2005). |
21. |
Peralta, A. M., Avances recientes sobre la propiedad de Dunford-Pettis alternativa para C*-algebras y JB*-triples. Actas del Colloquium del Departamento de Análisis Matemático de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid 63, 55-68 (2005). |
20. |
Peralta, A. M., New advances on the Grothendieck's inequality problem for bilinear forms on JB*-Triples. Math Inequal Appl. 8, No. 1, 7-21 (2005). |
19. |
Bunce, L. J. y Peralta, A. M., The alternative Dunford-Pettis property, conjugations and real forms of C*-Algebras, Journal of the London Mathematical Society 71, 161-171 (2005). |
18. |
Fernández-Polo, F. J., Martínez Moreno, J. y Peralta, A. M., Surjective isometries between real JB*-triples. Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 137 709-723 (2004). |
17. |
Fernández-Polo, F. J., Martínez Moreno, J. y Peralta, A. M., Geometric characterization of tripotents in real and complex JB*-triples. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 295, 435-443 (2004). |
16. |
Bunce, L. J. y Peralta, A. M., On weak sequential convergence in JB*-triple duals, Studia Mathematica 160 (2), 117-127, (2004). |
15. |
Becerra Guerrero, J., López, G., Peralta, A. M. y Rodríguez Palacios, A., Relatively weakly open sets in closed balls of Banach spaces, and real JB*-Triples of finite rank. Mathematische Annalen 330, 45-58 (2004). |
14. |
Becerra Guerrero, J. y Peralta, A. M., Subdifferentiability of the norm and the Banach-Stone theorem for real and complex JB*-Triples, Manuscripta Mathematica 114, no. 4, 503-516 (2004). |
13. |
Peralta, A. M., On the axiomatic definition of real JB*-triples, Mathematische Nachrichten 256, 100-106, (2003). |
12. |
Bunce, L. J. y Peralta, A. M., The alternative Dunford-Pettis property in C*-algebras and Von Neumann preduals, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 131, n. 4, 1251-1255, (2003). |
11. |
Bunce, L. J. y Peralta, A. M., Images of contractive projections on operators álgebras, J. Math. Analysis and Applications 272, n. 1, 55-56, (2002). |
10. |
Ho, T., Martínez Moreno, J., Peralta, A. M. y Russo, B., Derivations on real and complex JB*-triples, J. London Math. Soc. 65, 85-102 (2002). |
9. |
Peralta, A. M., On summing operators on JB*-triples, Manuscripta Math. 105, 265-281 (2001). |
8. |
Peralta, A. M. y Rodríguez Palacios, A., Grothendieck's inequalities revisited. Recent progress in Functional Analysis, Proceedings of the International Functional Analysis Meeting on the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of Professor Manuel Valdivia, Valencia, Spain, July 3-7, 2000, (ed. by K.D. Bierstedt, J. Bonet, M. Maestre, J. Schmets), 409-423, North-Holland 2001. |
7. |
Peralta, A. M. y Rodríguez Palacios, A., Grothendieck's inequalities for real and complex JBW*-triples, Proc. London Math. Soc. 83, 605-625 (2001). |
6. |
Peralta, A. M., Little Grothendieck's theorem for real JB*-triples, Math. Z., 237, 531-545 (2001). |
5. |
Peralta, A.M., sobre JB*-triples reales. ISBN 84-338-2746-4, 2001, Servicio Publicaciones de Univ. de Granada (Tesis Doctoral). |
4. |
Martín, M. y Peralta, A. M., The alternative Dunford-Pettis property in the predual of a Von Neumann algebra, Studia Math. 147, 197-200 (2001). |
3. |
Acosta, M. D. y Peralta, A. M., An alternative Dunford-Pettis property for JB*-triples, Quartely J. Math 52, 391-401 (2001). |
2. |
Peralta, A. M. y Stacho, L. L., Atomic decomposition of real JB*-triples, Quarterly J. Math. 52, 79-87 (2001). |
1. |
Martínez Moreno, J. y Peralta, A. M., Separate weak*-continuity of the triple product in dual real JB*-triples, Math. Z. 234, 635-646 (2000). |
Ph. D. Students :
Mathematics Genealogy Project
- Doctorant: Francisco J. Fernández Polo
- Títle: Aspectos geométricos en la teoría
de los JB*-triples reales y complejos.
- Degree: Sobresaliente cum Laude (25/06/2004).
- Supervisers: J. Martínez Moreno y A. M. Peralta
- Doctorant: Jorge J. Garcés Pérez
- Títle: Operadores
que preservan ortogonalidad y homomorfismos ternarios
- Degree:
Sobresaliente cum Laude (2/07/2013).
- Superviser: A. M. Peralta
- Doctorant: Ahlem Ben Ali Essaleh
- Títle: New classes
of local derivations and *-automorphisms on
C*-algebras. Faculté des sciences de Monastir.
University of Monastir, Tunisia.
- Degree:
Cum Laude (6/05/2016).
- Superviser: A. M. Peralta, Co-supervised with
Prof. Haïkel Skhiri (University of Monastir, Tunisia).
- Doctorant: María de Nazaret Cueto Avellaneda
- Títle: Extension of isometries and the Mazur--Ulam
property. Universidad de Almería.
- Degree:
Sobresaliente cum Laude (11/09/2020).
- Superviser: A. M. Peralta
Antonio M. Peralta, Conferencia:
Weak*-continuity of the triple product in real
JB*-triples (trabajo conjunto con J.
Martínez), Banach Algebras 99,
Pomona, Los Angeles, EE.UU. (1999).
Antonio M. Peralta, Conferencia:
Grothendieck’s Theorem for real JB*-triples,
Congreso RSME2000 de la Real Sociedad
Matemática Española. Madrid (2000).
Antonio M. Peralta, Conferencia:
inequalities for real and complex JBW*-triples
(realizado conjuntamente con Angel Rodríguez), Conference
Analysis Valencia 2000, Valencia (2000).
Antonio M. Peralta, Conferencia:
inequalities for real and complex JBW*-triples (realizado
con Angel Rodríıguez), “Jordan-Algebren”,
Mathematisches Forschungsintitut Oberwolfach,
Germany (2000).
Antonio M. Peralta y J. Martínez,
Conferencia: Separate weak*-continuity of
the triple product in dual real
Forschungsintitut Oberwolfach, Germany.(2000).
Antonio M. Peralta, Conferencia:
the alternative Dunford-Pettis property in von
Neumann algebras andJBW*-triples, Jordan
Structures in Analysis, 2001, University
College Dublin. Dublin (2001).
Antonio M. Peralta, Conferencia:
the axiomatic definition of real JB*-triples,
InternationalConference on Jordan Structures 2002,
Málaga (2002).
Antonio M. Peralta, Conferencia:
weak sequential convergence in JB*-triples and
duals, Jordan-BanachTriple Systems, Granada
Antonio M. Peralta, Conferencia:
Characterizations of tripotents in JB*-triples,
Jordan-BanachTriple Systems, Santiago 2003.
Antonio M. Peralta, Conferencia:
advances on the Grothendieck’s inequality for
bilinear forms onJB*-triples, Primer Congreso
Conjunto de Matemáticas RSME-SCM-SEIO-SEMA, MAT.ES
2005, Valencia (2005).
Antonio M. Peralta, Conferencia:
alternative Dunford-Pettis and the Kadec-Klee
properties forJB*-triples and C*-algebras,
International Mediterranean Congress of
Mathematics, Almería, June 2005.
Antonio M. Peralta, Conferencia:
substitute for topology in JB*-triples, Jornada
Hispano-Magrebí deAnálisis Funcional y Estructuras
no Asociativas, Almería, Noviembre 2005.
Antonio M. Peralta, Conferencia:
substitute for topology in JB*-triples, Workshop
on Jordan Structuresin Analysis and Geometry 2006,
Kauhsiung, Taiwan, April 2006 (picture).
Antonio M. Peralta, Conferencia:
Strong* Topology and Quasi Completely Continuous
MultilinearOperators, XII Meeting on Real Analysis
and Measure Theory, Ischia, Italy, July 2006.
Antonio M. Peralta, Conferencia:
Strong*-topology and quasi completely continuous
multilinear operators on Banach spaces, VI Banach
space theory:Classical topics and new
directions, Satellite Conference ICM, Cáceres,
September 2006.
Antonio M. Peralta, Operadores
preservan ortogonalidad y aplicaciones
ortogonalmente aditivassobre C*-álgebras y
JB*-triples, IV Encuentro de
Análisis Funcional y Aplicaciones (Red Temática
deAnálisis Funcional y Aplicaciones). Salobreña,
Abril 2008 (02/04/08-05/04/08).
Antonio M. Peralta,
Orthogonality preserver and orthogonally additive
mappings betweenC*-algebras and JB*-triples, In
Jordan structures: nonassociative analysis and
geometry 2008, Queen Mary College, University of
London.September 2008 (picture).
Antonio M. Peralta, Caras
norma cerradas en la bola unidad de un JB*-triple
(spanish), IVReunión de Coordinación del Proyecto
de Excelencia: Aproximación-Algebraico-Analítica
de los Sistemas no asociativos y susaplicaciones,
FQM 3737. Lanjarón (Granada), 18-20 de Abril de
Antonio M. Peralta,
Conormas cuadráticas en C*-álgebras y JB*-triples
(spanish),Estructuras de Jordan en Algebra y
Analisis. Homenaje al profesor Amin Kaidi por su
sesenta cumpleaños. Almería, 20-22 de Mayo de
Antonio M.
Peralta, Sequential right continuity
and weakly compact operators. Informal
Analysis Seminar Dedicated To The Work of Joe
Diestel. Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, USA.
March 20-21, 2010.
Antonio M. Peralta, Right-norm
and strong*-norm continuous polynomials and
holomorphicmappings. AMS 2010 Spring
Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Special Session on
Multivariate and Banach Space Polynomials. Lexington
University. Lexington, Kentuky, USA. March 27-28,
Antonio M. Peralta, Automatic
continuity of biorthogonality preservers on von
Neumannalgebras, International Functional
Analysis Meeting in Valencia on the Occasion of the
80th Birthday of Professor Manuel Valdivia.Valencia,
España, June 7-11, 2010.
Antonio M.
Peralta, Orthogonality
preservers between C*-algebras,
School and Workshop on Topics in operator algebras
and some applications, Organized by IMI
-Interdisciplinary Mathematical Institute,
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona, Universidad Carlos III de
Madrid, and i-math. Madrid, September 13-17,
Antonio M.
Peralta, Weakly Compact
Orthogonality Preservers, Workshop on Jordan
Structures in Algebra and Analysis 2, Lanjarón,
Granada, España, September 30, October 2, 2010.
Antonio M.
Peralta, Orthogonally Additive
Holomorphic functions on C*-algebras and
non-commutative measure theory,
Integration, Vector Measures and Related
Topics IV, Dedicated to Joe Diestel, La
Manga, Murcia, March 2 - March 5, 2011.
Antonio M. Peralta, M-norms
on C*-algebras, V International Course of
Mathematical Analysis inAndalusia Almería,
September 12-16, 2011 (picture).
Peralta, Orthogonality
Preservers and M-norms on C*-algebras,
International Conference on Jordan Theory,
Analysis and Related Topics, InCelebration of
the 65th Birthday of Professor Cho-Ho Chu April
30 to May 4, 2012. (picture1, picture2, picture3, picture4, picture5,
Antonio M.
Peralta, Weak Compactness in dual
spaces of C*-algebras and JB*-triples,
Terceras Jornadas de Análisis Matemático en
Alicante, 30, 31 de Mayo y1 de Junio 2012.
Departamento de Análisis Matemático, Facultad de
Ciencias, Universidad de Alicante.
Antonio M.
Peralta, Orthogonal forms and orthogonality
preservers on real C*-algebras,
International Conference on Operator Theory and
Applications. Organized by the Functional Analisys
teams of University Mohammed I, Laboratory
ofFunctional Analysis, Geometry and Applications
(Morocco), and University Lille 1 (France), Oujda,
Morocco, from 14 to 19 December 2012 (webpage
. Some
- Antonio M. Peralta, M-norms
and L-norms on C*-algebras and their dual spaces,
Congreso de la Real Sociedad Matemática Española,
Santiago de Compostela, 21-25 de Enero, 2013 (talk).
- Antonio M. Peralta, When
orthogonality relations determine the geometric
C*-structure of a C*-algebra,
IX Encuentro de Análisis Funcional y Aplicaciones (Red
Temática de Análisis Funcional y Aplicaciones).
Zafra (Badajoz), Spain. April 11-13, 2013. (talk).
- Antonio M. Peralta, Dunford-Pettis
properties in projective tensor products,
Workshop on Functional Analysis Valencia 2013 on the
occasion of the 60th birthdayof Andreas Defant,
Valencia from the 3th to the 6th of June 2013 (talk).
- Antonio M. Peralta, Holomorphic
Functions Between C*-algebras: Conditions To Find
Power SeriesExpansions, XII Encuentros de
Análisis Funcional Murcia Valencia. Alcoi, Alicante
17-18 Octubre 2013.
- Antonio M. Peralta, 2-local
*-homomorphisms on von Neumann algebras,
USA-Uzbekistan Conference onAnalysis and Mathematical
Physics. May 20-23, 2014, California State University,
Fullerton, California, USA.
- Antonio M. Peralta, Local
derivations: the shift from the associative theory
of Kadison and Johnson to Jordan triple scene,
Jordan Geometric Analysis and applications, Queen
Mary, University of London, London, September 2014
(September 3-5, 2014).
- Antonio M. Peralta, The
λ-function of Aron and Lohman on Jordan structures.
XIII encuentro deAnálisis Funcional Murcia-Valencia.
Universidad de Valencia. Valencia, Diciembre, 11-13,
- Antonio M. Peralta, 2-Local
*-Homomorphisms on von Neumann algebras and the
Kowalski and Slodkowski Theorem, Invited
talk. Special Session Operator algebras. First joint
meeting Brazil-Spain in Mathematics. SBM-SBMAC-RSME.
Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brazil.
December 7-10, 2015.
- Antonio Peralta, Additivity of 2-local
and weak-2-local maps on C*-algebras, Invited
talk at the Special session Functional Analysis.
Second joint Conference of the Belgian, Royal Spanish
and Luxembourg Mathematical Societies. Logroño (La
Rioja), Spain, June 6-8, 2016.
- Antonio Peralta, Weak-2-local maps on
C*-algebras, Invited talk in the Mini-symposium
“Recent Developments in Non-linear Preservers”. 20th
Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society
(ILAS). Leuven, Belgium, at the KU Leuven. July 11-15,
- Antonio Peralta, Tingley’s problem for
compact operators. Invited plenary talk.
Workshop on Complex Analysis and Operator Theory.
IUMPA, Valencia, October, 27-29, 2016.
- Antonio M. Peralta, Jordan techniques
to solve Tingley’s problem in the case of compact
operators. Conference: Preservers Everywhere
19-23 June 2017. Bolyai Institute, University of
Szeged, Szeged, Hungary. Hungarian Academy of
Sciences, the University of Szeged and the Hungarian
National Research, Development and Innovation Office.
- Antonio Peralta, New progresses on
Tingley's problem for C*-algebras. Workshop on
Complex Analysis and Operator Theory, Universidad
Politécnica de Valencia, September, 18-22, 2017.
- Antonio Peralta, On the chances to
extend a surjective isometry between the unit
spheres of two operator algebras. Conference
Non-linear Functional Analysis. Universidad
Politécnica de Valencia, October, 17-20, 2017.
- Antonio Peralta, Spherical variants of
the Gleason-Kahane-Zelazko and Kowalski-Slodkowski.
Invited talk. Workshop on infinite dimensional
analysis 2018 on the occasion of the 60th birthday of
Domingo García Valencia, 1-3/02/2018. Facultad de
Matemáticas. Universitat de Valencia.
- Antonio Peralta, Can one determine the
structure of a von Neumann algebra by the λ-Aluthge
transform?. Invited talk. Workshop on the
frontiers between Functional Analysis and Algebra
(WFFAA) A tribute to Prof. Amin Kaidi on the occasion
of his retirement. Department of Mathematics.
University of Almería, September 13-14, 2018.
- Antonio Peralta, Preservers of
λ-Aluthge transforms on products. Invited talk.
Preserver Weekend in Szeged, Bolyai Institute,
University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, 12-14 April
- Antonio Peralta, Markushevich bases
and projectional skeletons for JBW*-triple preduals.
Invited talk. AGA, Analysis, Geometry and Algebra.
Trinity College Dublin and UCD. May 8-10, 2019.
- Antonio Peralta, Tingley’s
problem for subsets strictly smaller than the unit
sphere. Invited talk. “Preserver Webinar”
together with Reading University Analysis Seminar.
Reading, UK (online webinar). June 12th, 2020.
- Antonio Peralta, Spinning the
Gleason-Kahane-Zelazko and Kowalski-Slodkowski
theorems. Invited talk. Zagreb Workshop on
Operator Theory 2020. June 29-30, 2020. University of
Zagreb, Croatia.
- Antonio M. Peralta, Linear maps which are (triple) derivable or antiderivable at a point. Invited talk in the Mini-symposium ``Recent Developments on Preservers''. 8th European Congress of Mathematics - 8ECM, 20--26 June 2021. Portoroz, Slovenia. University of Primorska, Andrej Marusic Institute (UP IAM), University of Ljubljana, University of Maribor, Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Mechanics, The Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers, Slovenia and Slovenian Discrete and Applied Mathematics Society (SDAMS).
- Antonio M. Peralta, Wigner–Uhlhorn type theorems for bijective transformations between sets of minimal tripotents. Invited talk in the Workshop “Research on preserver problems on Banach algebras and related topics” (Homepage: https://www.smartchair.jp/hp/PPBA2021) 25 - 27 October, 2021. RIMS, Kyoto (Online). RIMS (Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences), Kyoto
- Antonio M. Peralta, Invertible elements as metric invariants in Banach and Jordan-Banach algebras. Plenary talk. The International Online Conference “Current Trends in Abstract and Applied Analysis” May 12–15, 2022, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. https://conference.pu.if.ua/cta/pages/schedule.php Ivano-Frankivsk Mathematical Society, Ivano- Frankivsk, Ukraine. Online.
Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, Institute of Mathematics of National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv, Pidstryhach Institute for Applied Problems of Mechanics and Mathematics of National Academy of Sciences, Lviv, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.
- Antonio M. Peralta, Distance-preserving bijections between sets of invertible elements in unital Jordan-Banach algebras. Invited talk in the Mini-symposium "General Preservers". 24th Conference of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS). Galway, Ireland, at the National University of Ireland, Galway. June 20-24, 2022. The International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS).
- Antonio M. Peralta, Distance-preservers between unitary sets in JB*-algebras. Plenary talk. Conference: Operators on Banach algebras and related topics, 16-17 July, 2022, Tarbiat Modares University (online). Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran (online). The Faculty of Mathematical Sciences at Tarbiat Modares University.
- Antonio M. Peralta, New approaches to the Gleason-Kahane-Zelazko and Kowalski-Slodkowski theorems. Invited plenary speaker. 25th conference on "Banach Algebras and Applications 2022" will be held at the University of Granada in Granada, Spain during 18-23, July 2022. Facultad de Ciencias, Departamento de Análisis Matemático, IMAG Instituto de Matemáticas, Universidad de Granada.
- Antonio M. Peralta, Characterization of multiplicative maps on
complex Banach algebras in terms of the spectrum. Invited plenary speaker. International Conference on ``Progress in Functional Analysis: Methods and Applications''. Lecce, September 19-21, 2022. University of Salento, Lecce, Italy. University of Salento, Lecce and University of Catania, Italy.
- Antonio M. Peralta, Extending surjective isometries from the unit sphere of C*-algebra lacking of extreme points. Invited plenary speaker. First International Days of Complex and Functional Analysis and Spectral Theory and 16th National Meeting of the Network of Spectral Theory and Applications. El Jadida, 24-25 et 26 Novembre 2022. Organized by L'équipe d'Analyse complexe et Fonctionnelle de Laboratoire de Mathématiques Fondamentales de la Faculté des Sciences d'El Jadida, El Jadida, Morocco. El Jadida, Morocco.
- Antonio M. Peralta, Tingley's problem on the extension of surjective isometries from the unit sphere of a C*-algebra, invited speaker. Workshop. 3rd Barcelona Weekend on Operator Algebras. January 27-28, 2023. CRM Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
- Antonio M. Peralta, Metric spaces associated with invertible elements in unital Jordan--Banach algebras. Invited speaker. VII Non-Associative Day in Lisbon 05/05/2023. Técnico Lisboa - Universidade de Lisboa - CAMGSD (Lisbon, Portugal).
- Antonio M. Peralta, Wigner's theorem for bijections preserving order and orthogonality between sets of tripotents. Invited plenary speaker. Operator Theory Days
conference in honor of Mostafa Mbekhta May 24th and 25th, 2023 in Lille. France. Laboratoire Paul Painlevé, Labex CEMPI, Fédération de Recherche Mathématique du Nord Pas de Calais, CNRS, Université de Lille 1, GDR AFHP (Analyse Fonctionnelle, Harmonique et Probabilités) et le Laboratoire de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées Joseph Liouville.
- Antonio M. Peralta, Metric invariants for unital Banach and Jordan-Banach algebras. The Spanish-Polish Mathematical Meeting. Uniwersytet Pódzki and Politechnika Pódzka. Lódz, Poland. September 4--8, 2023. Real Sociedad Matemática Española, Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada,Societat Catalana de Matemàtiques, and Polskie Towarzystwo Matematyczne.
- Antonio M. Peralta, On the strict topology of the multiplier algebra of a JB*-algebra. IX Non-Associative Day in Covilhã, 24/11/2023. University of Beira Interior (Covilhã, Portugal).
- Antonio M. Peralta, Lie-Trotter formulae for Jordan-Banach algebras, XI Non-associative Day in Funchal, 22/03/2024, Funchal, Universidade da Madeira. Funchal, Portugal.
- Antonio M. Peralta, Cartan factors, tripotents and Wigner's theorem. Parallel Session "Non-associative algebras in Functional Analysis". Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática (https://enspm2024.spm.pt), Universidade do Minho, em Braga, Portugal, 10 e 12 de julho de 2024. Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática.
- Antonio M. Peralta, Surjective isometries between spheres of positive elements in C*-algebras. Mini-Symposium entitled: "MS: Operator Algebras. Slot 2/2. (MS-41)". 9th European Congress of Mathematics, Seville, Spain, from 15th to 19th July, 2024. European Mathematical Society.
- Antonio M. Peralta, Cartan factors as an ideal mathematical model for Wigner's theorem. Special session "Jordan algebra Structures and Operator theory". IWOTA2024-35th International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Applications, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK, August 12-16, 2024.
Research Projects:
Invited talks:
Reading University, U.K.
(22-10-2002). Pure Mathematics Seminar.
Colloquium del Departamento de
Análisis Matemático de la Universidad Complutense de
Madrid (4-12-2003).
Reading University, U.K.
(26-05-2004). Pure Mathematics Seminar.
Colloquium del Departamento de
Análisis Matemático de la Universidad Complutense de
Madrid (11-11-2004).
``Arbeitsgemeinschaft Komplexe
Analysis'' (22-03-2005), Eberhard Karls Universität
Tübingen, Mathematisches Institut (Germany).
``Jordan-Banach triple systems,
Santiago 2005'' (14/09/2005-18/09/2005), Universidad
de Santiago de Compostela.
Seminar Of Functional Analysis,
Mathematical Institute, Oxford (28/02/2006).
Seminario del Departamentode
Álgebra y Análisis Matemático de la Universidad de
Almería (16/03/2007).
Seminario asociado al Programa de
Postgrado de Investigación Matemática del Departamento
de Análisis Matemático de la Universidad Complutense
de Madrid (2008).
Seminario del Departamento de
Álgebra y Análisis Matemático de la Universidad de
Almería (02/03/2009).
University Of California,
Irvine. Analysis Seminar (March, 12, 2010).
Seminario de Estructuras
Algebraicas y Análisis Funcional. Departamento de
Álgebra y Análisis Matemático de la Universidad de
Almería (22/07/2010).
- Colloquium del Departamento de Análisis Matemático
de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
(24-March-2011). Title “Weakly compact orthogonality
preservers on C(K)-spaces and C*-algebras”.
- King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
(05-06-2012). Seminar "On the
Dieudonne-Grothendieck-Pfitzner Theorem".
- Departamento de Álgebra y Análisis Matemático de
la Universidad de Almería. Conference
"Contractive perturbations and weakly compact elements
in JB*-triples" (Julio 2012).
- Queen Mary University of London, U.K.
(27-11-2012). Geometry and Analysis Seminar. Title: "On
the facial structure of the unit ball of a JB*-triple
and its dual space".
- Reading University, U.K. (30-11-2012).
Analysis Seminar. Title: "On the facial structure of the
unit ball of a JB*-triple and its dual space".
- Universita degli Studi di Catania, Italy
(22-May-2013). Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica,
Functional Analysis Seminar. Title: "M-norms on
- Departamento de Matematicas de la Universidad de
Almería. Seminario de Álgebra y Análisis Matemático.
Title: "When does a holomorphic function between
C*-algebras admit a power series expansion?" (14 de
Octubre de 2013).
- Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6, Institut
de Mathématiques de Jussieu, France (February 20th,
2014). Séminaire d'Initiation a l'Analyse. Title "The
interplay between topology and geometry to describe the
facial structure of C*-algebras and JB*-triples".
- Universite d'Orleans, Département de Mathematiques,
France (February 21st, 2014). Seminar "JB*-triples: from
their origins in Holomorphic theory to the results in
Geometry of Banach spaces".
- Colloquium del Departamento de Análisis Matemático
de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
(10-04-2014). “Power series expansions for holomorphic
functions between C*-algebras”.
- King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Department of Mathematics. Seminar "2-local
*-representations on von Neumann algebras and
C*-algebras" (Wednesday, April 8th, 2015).
- Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de
Almería. Seminario de Algebra y Análisis Matemático.
"2-local maps on C*-algebras. The Kowalski-Slodkowski
theorem" (07 de Diciembre de 2015).
- Instituto Universitario de Matemática Pura y
Aplicada(IUMPA), Valencia. "The Kowalski-Slodkowski
theorem as a pioneering result in the theory of 2-local
automorphisms”. (27 de Mayo de 2016).
- Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de
Almería. "Towards the Kadec-Pe lczynski-Rosenthal
subsequence splitting lemma" (28 de Julio de 2015).
- Colloquium del Departamento de Análisis Matemático de
la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (24-11-2016). "On
Tingley´s problem for compact operators”.
- Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de
Almería. Seminario de Análisis Matemático. "On the
extension of isometries between the unit spheres of two
Banach spaces”. Viernes 17 de Marzo de 2017.
- Tianjin University of Technology, China. "Tingley’s
problem for non-commutative C*-algebras". April 19th,
- School of Mathematical Sciences, Nankai University,
China. "Weak-local and weak-2-local maps on Banach
spaces and C*-algebras". April 20th, 2017.
- Departamento de Matemáticas de la Universidad de
Almería. Seminario de Análisis Matemático. Título:
"Extensiones de isometrías entre álgebras de
operadores". Jueves 20 de Julio de 2017.
- Escuela de Doctorado de la Universidad de Cádiz. III
Jornadas Doctorales del Programa de Doctorado en
Matemáticas. 21 y 22 de noviembre de 2017. Título: "El
teorema de Mazur-Ulam y la posibilidad de extender
isometrías entre subconjuntos de espacios normados."
- L’Ecole Doctorale CIMPA de Casablanca de (Maroc),
Algèbres non associatives. Aspects analytique,
géométrique et applications, 06-16 Mars 2018. "New
classes of local and 2-local maps on C*-algebras,
JB*-algebras, and JB*-triples”.
- Bolyai Institute at Szeged University in Hungary. Talk
in at the Analysis Seminar entitled "New spherical
generalizations of the Gleason-Kahane-Zelazko and
Kowalski-Slodkowski theorems". October 2nd, 2018.
- Seminar at the Department of Analysis at Budapest
University of Technology and Economics. Seminar entitled
"On the extension of isometries". October 3rd, 2018.
- XX Encuentro Nacional de Estudiantes de Matemáticas (ENEM). Granada 22--27 de Julio de 2019. Charla ``Un problema actual de Análisis Matemático''. 25 de Julio de 2019.
- Part-time lecturer at the Faculty of Science and Graduate School of Science and Technology, Niigata University, Japan. A course for undergraduate students entitled "Beyond the Mazur-Ulam theorem: what is the smallest part of a Banach space determining the whole structure?" from January 18th to 29th, 2021 (25 hours). A course for graduate students entitled "On the extension of isometries between the unit spheres'" from February 1st to 11th, 2021 (20 hours).
- Ateneo del Instituto de Investigación en Matemáticas de la Universidad de Valladolid (IMUVa). Conferencia titulada "One sphere to determine all the other structures". Fecha 27 de Mayo de 2021.
- Wigner-Uhlhorn type theorems for bijective transformations between sets of (minimal) tripotents (I and II). Nankai University, Tianjin, China. September 15 and 22, 2021.
- “Wigner’s unitary-antiunitary theorem from the eyes of Jordan structures”. Seminario del Dpto. de Matemáticas de la Universidad de Almería. Seminario Emmy Noether, Edificio CITE III, 9 de febrero de 2022.
- “How can we apply Jordan structures to reinterpret Wigner-Uhlhorn theorem?” LieJor Online Seminar: Algebras, Representations, and Applications. Instituto de Matemática e Estatística da Universidade de Sao Paulo. 31/Mar/2022. Link: https://youtu.be/1R9ojI0SiUk
- "Bijections preserving distances between sets of invertible elements in unital Banach and Jordan-Banach algebras" Nankai University, Tianjin, China. September 9, 2022.
- "The Gleason-Kahane-Zelazko Theorem remains in full topicality". Nankai University, Tianjin, China. September 12, 2022.
- "Seeking a minimal geometric invariant for Banach spaces, C*-algebras and other structures". Operator Algebras Seminar. Federal University of Santa Catarina. Mathematics Department. Florianópolis, Brazil. September 16th, 2022.