PUBLICATIONS (2003-2006) |
C., Warnke, D., Acton, G.D., Barcena, A., Burckle, L., Canals, M., and
Frazee, C.S. 2003. Sediment distribution and sedimentary
processes across the Antarctic Wilkes Land margin during the Quaternary.
Deep-Sea Research II , 50: 1481- 1508 |
C., De Santis, L., Donda, F., Dunbar, R.B., Brancolini, G., Eittreim,
S.L., and Cooper, A.K. 2005. Cenozoic ice sheet
history from east Antarctic Wilkes Land continental margin sediments.
Global and Planetary Change, 45 1-3: 51-81 |
A., Barnolas, A., Bohoyo, F., Escutia, C., Galindo-Zaldívar,
J., Hernández-Molina, Javier, Jabaloy, A., Lobo, F., Nelson,
C.H., Rodríguez-Fernández- J., Somoza, L., Vázquez,
J.T., 2005. Miocene to recent northern Weddell
Gyre flows: contourite drifts, the onset of glaciations and a discussion
of contourite/turbidite seismic signatures (Antarctica).Global
and Planetary Change, 45 1-3: 99-129 |
F. Barker, B. Diekmann, C. Escutia. Onset of Cenozoic
Antarctic Glaciation. Deep Sea Research II Special volume, in
press 2006. |
Donda, G. Brancolini, L. De Santis, C. Escutia, P. O'Brien and H. Stagg.
Sedimentary processes in the Wilkes Land margin:
a record of Cenozoic East Antarctic Ice Sheet evolution. Journal
of the Geological Society London, in press, 2006 |
Escutia, Donda, F., Lobo, F., and Tanahashi, M. Glacigenic
mass wasting processes on the Antarctic eastern Wilkes Land margin.
Marine Geology. Submitted September 2006. |
C., Nelson, C.H., Warnke, D., Acton, G.D., Barcena, A., Burckle, L.,
and Franzee, C.S. Downslope processes and products
on the Wilkes Land compared to other Antarctic margins: Relevance to
glacial history. EGS-AGU-EUG joint meeting. Geophysical Research
Abstracts, Vol. 5, 11696. Niza Abril, 2003 |
F.,F., Brancolini, G., DeSantis, L., and Escutia,C. Sedimentary
processes in the Wilkes Land continental margin (East Antarctica) through
the Cenozoic. EGS-AGU-EUG joint meeting, Geophysical Research
Abstracts, Vol. 5, 08381. Niza Abril, 2003 |
A., Bohoyo, F., Escutia, C., Galindo-Zaldivar, J., Harnández-Molina,
F.J., Jabaloy, A., Lobo, F., Nelson, C.H., Rodriguez-Fernandez, J.,
Somoza, I., Suriñach, E., and Vazquez, J.T. Intensified
northern Weddell gyre flow and splitting of flow pathways since the
Middle Miocene (Antarctica). International Symposium on Antarctic
Earth Science (ISAES IX). Antarctic contributions to global earth science:
Abstracts Vo. P. 215-216. Potsdam Septiembre, 2003 |
A., Bohoyo, F., Escutia, C., Galindo-Zaldivar, J., Harnández-Molina,
F.J., Jabaloy, A., Lobo, F., Nelson, C.H., Rodriguez-Fernandez, J.,
Somoza, I., Suriñach, E., and Vazquez, J.T. Intensified
northern Weddell gyre flow and splitting of flow pathways since the
Middle Miocene (Antarctica). Deep-Water Processes in Modern and Ancient
Environments. Abstract Book, p. 26. Barcelona y Ainsa Septiembre,
2003 |
C., De Santis, L., Donda, F., Dunbar, R., Cooper, A.K., Brancolini,
G., Eittreim, S.L. Cenozoic Ice Sheet History
from the East Antarctic Wilkes Land Margin. 32nd Internacional
Geological Congress: A321GC8KNT. Florencia Agosto, 2004 |
A., Bohoyo, F., Escutia, C., Galindo-Zaldivar, J., Hernández-Molina,
F.J., Jabaloy, A., Lobo, F., Nelson, C.H., Rodríguez-Fernández,
J., Somoza, L., Suriñach, E., Vazquez. J.T. Contourite
deposits of the central Scotia Sea and northern Weddell Sea, Miocene
to Recent (Antarctica). 32nd Internacional Geological Congress:
A321GCXEES. Florencia Agosto, 2004. |
F., Brancolini, G., De Santis, L., Escutia. C. Different
stages of the easy Antarctic ice sheet evolution in the Wilkes Land
continental margin through the Cenozoic. 32nd Internacional Geological
Congress: A321GCFCCZ. Florencia Agosto, 2004 |
H., Domack, E., De Santis, L., Leventer, A., McMullen, K., and Escutia.
C. A glimpse at Late Mesozoic to Early Tertiary
offshore stratigraphy from Wilkes Land, East Antarctica: Results of
strategic dredging of the Mertz-Ninnis Trough. AGU 2004 Fall
meeting. EOS Transactions, AGU, PP51E-1359 |
C., Donda, F., and Tanahashi, M. Massive submarine
debris flows on the eastern Wilkes Land margin: a diagnostic for polythermal
glacial conditions in Antarctica. EGU 2005 meeting. Geophysical
Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 06669. |
M., Dunbar, R., and the ACE Steering Comittee (entre ellos Escutia C.).
ACE: Antarctic Climate Evolution. EGU 2005
meeting. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 08910. |
C., Donda, F., Tanahashi, M., and Lobo, F.J. Debris
flow on the eastern Antarctic Wilkes Land continental rise linked to
early advances of grounded ice on the continental shelf. Glacial
Sedimentary Processes and Products International Conference. University
of Whales, Aberystwyth August 2005. |
F., O’Brien, P.E., Escutia, C., De Santis, L., and Brancolini,
G. Debris flow in the Wilkes Land continental
margin (East Antarctica): a record of a temperate East Antarctic Ice
Sheet. Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences. NGF Abstracts
and Proceedings, 2: 32. Oslo September 2005 |
C., Donda, F., and Tanahashi, M. Early glacial
massive submarine debris flows on the east Antractic Wilkes Land margin:
Diagnostic for a temperate-dynamic ice sheet? Geoitalia. Abstracts
volume Epitome, 1: W01-14. Spoleto September 2005 |
C., De Santis, L., Cooper, A.K., Eittreim, S.L., Tanahashi, M., Ishihara,
T., O’Brien, P., and Domack, E. Cenozoic
Ice Sheet History from East Antarctic Wilkes Land Continental Margin
Sediments. Geoitalia. Abstracts volume Epitome, 1: W01-15. Spoleto
GSeptember 2005 |
C., Donda, F., Brancolini, G., De Santis, L., and Escutia, C. The
east Antarctic continental margin evolution trhough the Cenozoic: a
possible 4 phases model. Geoitalia. Abstracts volume Epitome,
1: W01-12. Spoleto September 2005 |
Cenozoic history of the Antarctic Ice Sheet and
its links to global climate and sea level fluctuations-and IODP proposal
for drilling the Wilkes Land margin. BE-POLES: Royal Museum of
Natural History, 40. Bruselas 2006. |
F., Rebesco, M., O’Brien, P.E., Escutia, C., Brancolini, G., De
Santis, L., Diviaco, P., Cmerlenghi, A. Debris
flow in Antarctica: where? When? Why?. European Geophisical Union
EGU 2006. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 8, 06949 |
C. Cooper, A.K., Eittreim, S.L., Tanahashi, M., Ishihara, T., De Santis,
L., Domack, E. Cenozoic history of the Antarctic
Ice Sheet and its links to global climate and sea level fluctuations:
and IODP proposal for drilling the Wilkes Land margin. EuroForum
2006, Abstract volume. Cardiff 2006. |