I graduated with a diploma in Computer Engineering from the University of Granada (Spain) in 2007. Then a received an MsC in Computer Engineering and Networks in 2008, and my PhD for Specific-purpose processing architectures for dynamic artificial vision systems in 2012 (full text).
My work during my PhD and
my work in the Dept. of
Computer Architecture and
was focused on the hardware implementation in FPGAs (Field Programmable
Gate Arrays) of algorithms for the estimation of motion, depth, or
visual attention from sequences of images.
In 2013 I obtained an IOF Marie Curie Post-Doc Fellowship from the EU Comission. Since then, I have focused on the development of methods for estimating motion, 3D reconstruction, segmentation and many others, for asynchronous frame free sensors. During this time, I have worked with the Computer Vision Lab in the University of Maryland, in College Park, MD (USA).
Please, visit our new Computer Vision and Robotics Lab website.