F. Javier Lopez-Martinez, personal website


My research interests span a diverse set of topics in the wide areas of Communication Theory and Wireless Communications: wireless channel modeling, physical layer security, and signal processing for communications in 6G are some examples of ongoing works. I am also very fond of classical problems in Communication Theory. We always welcome potential PhD candidates or Postdocs in our group, jointly with my colleague David Morales. External funding sources for supporting this research can be obtained at FPU (in Spanish) or Marie Curie. Please make sure that you meet the requirements established in these calls before considering to apply.

Current projects

  • Jointly with David Morales, I am the PI for the 3-year project PRECLARIS “Practical and Efficient Communications Through Large and Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces” (PID2020-118139RB-I00), granted by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Sep 2021-Ago 2024).

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  • I am the PI for the 3-year project COSMIC “Secure and Efficient Communications using Reconfigurable Surfaces” (EMERGIA20_00297), granted by the Consejeria de Transformacion Economica, Industria, Conocimiento y Universidades, Junta de Andalucia (Apr 2022-Apr 2025).

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Previous projects

  • Jointly with Juan M. Romero-Jerez, I was the PI for the 3-year project “Energy efficiency in secure wireless communications systems for 5G” (TEC2017-87913-R), granted by the Spanish Ministry of Innovation (Jan 2018-Sep 2021).

  • Jointly with Gerardo Gomez, I am the PI for the 3-year project TETRA5G “Transmission techniques for 5G systems with security and URLLC constraints” (P18-RT-3175), granted by the Junta de Andalucia (2020-2022).

  • Jointly with Mohamed-Slim Alouini, I was the host for the Marie Sklodowska Fellowship within the COFUND MULTIPLY action “Towards High Speed Free Space Communication using Spatially Structured Light” (H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2015-FP-713694), awarded to Dr. Abderrahmen Trichili.

Open positions

Currently, we have some funding to support PhD/Postdoc researchers in our group. Restrictions apply though, since applicants need to have Spanish nationality or, at least, have an UE passport.
If you are interested in joining our group, please drop me an email including a short resume and some references. Please specify the funding source you want to apply for, or indicate your available funding.
I have noticed that the number of spam-like applications for internships or positions have increased lately. For this reason, a special codeword should be included in the subject in order for the e-mail application to be considered. The word for the year 2024 is calamonazo, so I know that you've read this notice.

Research group

Currently at Department of Signal Theory, Networking and Communications, and affiliated with Communications and Signal Processing Lab, TELMA Research Institute. Forever a member of Prof. Andrea Goldsmith's group: Wireless Systems Lab at Stanford University, now at Princeton University. Current group members affiliated with University of Granada are:

Current collaborators (in alphabetical order; for a complete record please check mi scholar profile)


PhD (present)

  • María Cecilia Fernández Montefiore, (UGR-UNS), expected graduation in 2025.

    • PhD Dissertation Topic “Massive and Multiple Access for 6G networks”.

PhD (past)

  • Ivan R. Sanchez Salazar, (UMA), graduated February 2024.

    • PhD Dissertation Topic “Unconventional distributions for wireless fading modeling”.

  • Gonzalo J. Anaya Lopez, (UMA), graduated cum laude December 2023.

    • PhD Dissertation Topic “Physical Layer Security Techniques for Beyond 5G networks”.

  • Laureano Moreno-Pozas, (UMA), graduated cum laude June 2017. Jointly advised with Eduardo Martos-Naya.

    • PhD Dissertation Topic “On the Connection between Noncircularly-symmetric and Noncentral Fading Models: Univariate and Multivariate Analysis”.

MSc (past)

  • Gonzalo Anaya Lopez, (MSc Telematics, UMA) graduated cum laude 2019.

    • Master Thesis “Physical Layer Security Attacks in Wireless Systems”.

  • Rosendo Jose Sanchez Alarcon, (MSc Telematics, UMA) graduated 2019.

    • Master Thesis “Performance Analysis of Wireless Communication Systems over N-Ray Fading Channels”.

  • Cristian Jesus Vaca Rubio, (MSc Telematics, UMA) graduated cum laude 2019.

    • Master Thesis “Gaussian models for DASH traffic based on segment size differences”.

  • Eduardo Pavia Rubio Romero Rodriguez, (MSc EE, UMA) graduated cum laude 2019.

    • Master Thesis “Performance Analysis of Wireless Communication Systems over SOSF Channels”.

  • Julian Romero Rodriguez, (MSc EE, UMA) graduated cum laude 2017.

    • Master Thesis “LTE network planning and optimization based on metaheuristics”.

  • Alfonso Barroso Gonzalez, (MSc EE, UMA) graduated 2017.

    • Master Thesis “Analysis, design and execution of tests for LTE channel quality reporting methods”.

  • Berta Romero Vilches, (MSc EE, UMA) graduated 2013.

    • Master Thesis “Design of an Augmented Reality Layer for UMA using Layar”.

  • Alejandro Hierrezuelo Crespillo, (MSc EE, UMA) graduated cum laude 2012.

    • Master Thesis “Parameter Monitoring in Mobile Networks Using Android Devices”.

BSc (present)

  • Lucía del Carmen Soler Escámez, (BSc Telecommunications, UGR), 2023/2024.

    • BSc Thesis “Multiuser Communication with Modular Massive Arrays”

  • Juan Alfonso Bailón Martínez, (BSc Telecommunications, UGR), 2023/2024.

    • BSc Thesis “Characterization and Measurement of Wireless Channels in the W-Band”

BSc (past)

  • Alvaro Ruiz Sicilia, (BSc Electronics, UMA), graduated July 2022 (with honors).

    • BSc Thesis “Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces for wireless power transfer”.

  • Christian Brockmann Marcos, (BSc TelE, UMA), graduated July 2021 (with honors).

    • BSc Thesis “Multimedia streaming with peer retransmission”.

  • Martin Millan Blanquez, (BSc Electronics, UMA), graduated July 2021 (with honors).

    • BSc Thesis “A multisine waveform generator for wireless energy transfer with software defined radio”.

  • Jose Luis Puente Bodoque, (BSc TelE, UMA), graduated October 2020.

    • BSc Thesis “Performance Evaluation of the Multistreaming Service Restream.io”.

  • Laura Martin Galvan, (BSc Electronics, UMA), graduated July 2020 (with honors).

    • BSc Thesis “Analysis and Design of Wireless Power Transfer Systems”.

  • Javier Marina Miranda, (BSc Electronics, UMA), graduated July 2020 (with honors).

    • BSc Thesis “Waveform Design for Wireless Power Transfer Systems”.

  • Jesus Moreno Prieto, (BSc TelE, UMA), graduated June 2020.

    • BSc Thesis “Characterization of video streaming traffic in Mixer”.

  • Alberto Morillas Bermejo, (BSc TelE, UMA), graduated July 2020.

    • BSc Thesis “Design and Implementation of Advanced Laboratories for Multimedia Networking”.

  • Alberto Gabriel Buftea, (BSc Electronics, UMA) graduated July 2019 (with honors).

    • BSc Thesis “Indoor Positioning Techniques for Wireless Systems”.

  • Jose Luis Matez Bandera, (BSc Electronics, UMA) graduated July 2019 (with honors).

    • BSc Thesis “A statistical model for wireless power availability in wireless powered communications”.

  • Antonio Tarrias Munoz, (BSc TelE, UMA) graduated June 2019 (with honors).

    • BSc Thesis “Physical Layer Security for Wireless Powered Communications”.

  • David Segura Ramos, (BSc TelE, UMA) graduated June 2019 (with honors).

    • BSc Thesis “Analysis of QUIC-based video streaming”.

  • Francisco Serrano Ariza, (BSc EE, UMA) graduated October 2018.

    • BSc Thesis “Communication of Bluetooth 4.0 Devices”.

  • Cristian Jesus Vaca Rubio, (BSc TelE, UMA) graduated July 2018 (with honors).

    • BSc Thesis “A Statistical Source model for DASH”.

  • Luis Turmo Duran, (BSc TelSys, UMA) graduated July 2018.

    • BSc Thesis “Performance Analysis of Wireless Communication Systems over Fading Channels”.

  • Miguel de Haro, (BSc TelE, UMA) graduated July 2018.

    • BSc Thesis “Secure routing through TOR”.

  • Patricia Moreno Munoz, (BSc TelE, UMA) graduated November 2017.

    • BSc Thesis “Heterogeneous Networks”.

  • Jesus Aguilar Armijo, (BSc TelE, UMA) Graduated on September 2017.

    • BSc Thesis “Characterization of video streaming traffic for Twitch.tv”.

  • Javier Espinosa Perez, (BSc TelE, UMA) Graduated on June 2017.

    • BSc Thesis “Characterization of video streaming traffic through TOR”.

  • Gonzalo Anaya Lopez, (BSc EE, UMA) Graduated on July 2016.

    • BSc Thesis “Physical Layer Security in Wireless Networks”.