

General nature about the house


This website was produced as part of the excellence project entitled “La arquitectura en Andalucía desde una perspectiva de género: estudio de casos, prácticas y realidades construidas” (Architecture in Andalusia from a gender perspective: a study of cases, practices and constructed realities). It offers information about studies and activities that analyse architecture and in some cases the house, applying the gender perspective, a viewpoint that will also be used in this project (VIDARQ).

STUDIES OF THE HOME: Centre for Studies of Home

Website of the Centre for Studies of Home (University of London) developed with the support of The Geffrye Museum of the Home (London).

STORIES ABOUT HOUSES: Historias de casas

This is a blog about the contemporary house by architects and art historians. It offers examples of houses with aspects that may interest the clients of a house when considering who to award the project to and help architects to understand and value the life of the client.