Catedrático de la Universidad de Granada
Full Professor of the University of Granada
Subdirector de IMAG
Vicechair of IMAG
My general research interest is in functional analysis, specially in geometry of Banach spaces. Nowadays, my interests are concentrated on the following general areas:
- Numerical range of operators in general Banach spaces, especially questions related to numerical index of Banach spaces
- Daugavet equation and Daugavet property
- Norm attaining operators and functionals
- Other topics of interest:
- Smoothness, roughness, and other geometric properties of norms.
- Geometry of C*-algebras and their isometric preduals.
- Isometries of Banach spaces.
- Lineability
Nombre / Name:
Miguel Martín Suárez
Teléfono / Phone:
(+34) 958246311
Fax (+34) 958243272
Dirección / Address:
Departamento de Análisis Matemático
Facultad de Ciencias
Universidad de Granada
18071 Granada (SPAIN)
Despacho nº 3
y / and
Instituto de Matemáticas (IMAG)
Universidad de Granada