Personal informationI am an associate professor at the Department of Statistics and Operational Research of the University of Granada (Spain). I have a five-year degree in Biological Sciences (specialising in Fundamental Biology) and a five-year degree in Statistics. I earned my PhD in science in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Program. I am part of the FQM-235 Research Group (Bioestadistics) of the Andalusian Research, Development and Innovation Plan (PAIDI). Teaching profileDegrees: Nursing (Statistics), Medicine (Biostatistics), Sport Sciences (Statistics), Statistics (Basic Methods in Biostatistics) Master: Research in Preventive Medicine and Public Health (Multiple Linear Regression; Logistic, Poisson and Survival Regression Models), Research in Physical Activity and Sports (Principles of Applied Statistics; Statistical Advanced Models) ResearchContact information
(c) Pedro Femia - 2000-2024