Learning the basics of cryptography with practical examples
Shab E Noor – Universidad de Granada - ORCID
Ali Ahmad – Universidad de Granada - ORCID
Vanessa Martos Núñez - Universidad de Granada - ORCID
Miguel J. Hornos Barranco – Universidad de Granada - ORCID
Cryptography is a secure technique of data communication and exchange that relies on encryption and decryption protocols. This technique is in use since many centuries. Nonetheless, in today’s world, it supports data protection and privacy while ensuring the authenticity and confidentiality of the data. E-commerce, banking, military, and corporations are the prominent operators of this technology, although it is, directly or indirectly, linked to almost every single person nowadays. Symmetric and asymmetric key cryptography are the two fundamental forms of cryptography. Asymmetric key cryptography is more secure than symmetric but at the cost of greater computational complexity. The use of hash functions and digital signatures also contribute to the security of systems and the privacy of information. This article presents the basic differences between the fundamental types of cryptography as well as practical examples of encrypting information using various cipher systems, which will help to understand them. This is an introductory article that is primarily aimed at undergraduate students in the area of computer science, in order to enrich their understanding of the field.
Keyword: FDigital Signature
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