Workshop Program
The book of abstracts can be downloaded here COHERENCE Book of Abstracts You will receive a copy at the workshop, so please do not print it yourself.
Tuesday 9th September
19:00 - 21:00 Registration & Reception at Carmen de la Victoria
Wednesday 10th September
08:45 - 09:00 Opening 09:00 - 09:35 T. KillianStrontium Ultracold Rydberg Gases 09:35 - 10:05 M. JonesRydberg blockade and dressing with Group II atoms 10:05 - 10:35 R. KlieseA Frequency Comb for Absolute Optical Frequency Measurement 10:35 - 11:10 Coffee break 11:10 - 11:45 A. WallraffTowards Hybrid Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics with Atoms and Circuits 11:45 - 12:20 G. RempeFrom Rydberg switches to single-photon transistors 12:20 - 12:50 M. SaffmanRydberg mediated entanglement with trapped atoms 13:00 - 16:00 Lunch (Carmen de la Victoria) & Posters 16:00 - 16:30 T. LahayeMeasuring dipole-dipole interactions between two single Rydberg atoms 16:30 - 17:00 P. CheinetFew-body interactions control in cold Rydberg atoms 17:00 - 17:30 Coffee break 17:30 - 18:00 S. WhitlockSimulating dipolar energy transport with giant atoms 18:00 - 18:30 S. WüsterTowards quantum simulations of chemical and biological processes usingultra-cold Rydberg atoms 19:00 - 20:00 Supervisory Board Meeting at Carmen de la Victoria 21:30 Meeting point Paseo de los Tristes 22:00 - 23:00 Alhambra visit
Thursday 11th December
09:00 - 09:35 D. JakschDipole-dipole bound Rydberg molecules 09:35 - 10:05 P. SchmelcherUltralong-Range Molecules in External Electric and Magnetic Fields 10:05 - 10:35 J. DeiglmayrRydberg macrodimers with a twist 10:35 - 11:10 Coffee break 11:10 - 11:40 T. SoftleyInteraction of Rydberg hydrogen atoms and molecules with metallic,semiconductor and nanostructured surfaces 11:40 - 12:15 K. OhmoriUltrafast many-body dynamics in an ultracold Rydberg gas 12:15 - 12:45 D. CiampiniExcitation dynamics and full counting statistics for resonant andoff-resonant excitation of a strongly correlated cold Rydberg gas 13:00 - 16:00 Lunch (Carmen de la Victoria) & Posters 16:00 - 16:30 S. BergaminiComputation and metrology with cold atoms in mixed states 16:30 - 17:00 B. VermerschAngular properties of vdW interactions with P and D Rydberg states:new features of the Rydberg Blockade phenomenon 17:00 - 17:30 Coffee break 17:00 - 19:00 Poster session 20:30 - Conference dinner at Hotel AC Palacio de Santa Paula
Friday 12th September
09:00 - 09:35 A. KuzmichQuantum optics with Rydberg atoms 09:35 - 10:05 A. OurjoumtsevQuantum optics with an intracavity Rydberg gas 10:05 - 10:35 R. SpreeuwMagnetic microtrap lattices 10:35 - 11:10 Coffee break 11:10 - 11:45 I. CarusottoQuantum Fluids of Light 11:45 - 12:15 F. MezzacapoQuantum and classical glasses of ultrasoft particles in two dimensions 12:15 - 12:45 P. BieniasScattering properties of strongly interacting Rydberg polaritons 13:00 - 16:00 Lunch (Carmen de la Victoria) 16:00 - 16:30 I. LesanovskyStrongly interacting Rydberg gases out of equilibrium 16:30 - 17:05 D.-W. WangQuantum phase transitions of Rydberg-dressed Fermi gases 17:05 - 17:35 Coffee break