Leovigildo Sánchez Casado


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During the last years I've been assistant lecturer at the Dept. of Signal Theory, Telematics and Communications of the University of Granada, in the Telematics Engineering area. I have taught labs in the following subjects:

Degree in Telecommunication Technology Engineering
  • Infrastructure and Communication Networks (2º)
  • Telematic Systems (2º)
Telecommunications Engineering
  • Computer Networks (4º)

I am also co-author of the book "Telematic Systems and Services", publish by the Ed. Tec. Avicam (2013) for the subject Telematic Systems.

Besides, I've been co-supervisor of several Degree Theses, most of them focused on complementing the development of the NETA (NETwork Attacks) framework by implementing several attacks, as well as defensive modules. Some of these Degree Theses are the following:

Degree in Telecommunication Technology Engineering / Telecommunications Engineering
  • Pablo Garrido Sánchez, "Attacks detection in OMNeT++: Dropping in MANETs" (10)
  • Jesús Ponce Medina, "Jamming attacks implementation in the OMNeT++ simulation environment" (9.8)
  • Vicente Roldán Pérez, "Notification and alert of MANET attacks in OMNeT++" (8.5)
  • José Moreno Molina, "Integration of security solutions in MANETS with NETA" (in progress)