Program of the Tordesillas Doctoral College Meeting
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Programme of the Scientific Seminar
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Topics of the Scientific meeting
From inputs from participating universities and groups, the following topics have been proposed:
A) Nuclear Physics and High-energy physics
A1. Nuclear structure and reactions.
A2. Experiments with stable and exotic nuclei.
A3. Nuclear instrumentation. Detectors and microelectronics for ionizing radiations
A4. Applications to medical physics: Monte Carlo simulations for radiation transport
and radiobiology, dosimetry for low-energy protons,...
A5. Electroweak interactions of electrons and neutrinos with nuclei.
A6. Quark-gluon plasma (ALICE @ LHC physics)
A7. Astroparticle physics. Cosmic rays, dark matter, neutrino properties, cosmic
B) Nanoscience and nanotechnology. Nanoelectronics
B1. Integration of photonic nanotechnology and microelectronic circuits
B2. Surfaces and nanostructures
B3. Nanoparticles. Synthesis and applications
B3. Magnetic materials
C) Cold and ultracold quantum physics. Quantum information
C1. Cold and ultracold atoms, molecules and ions
C2. Spintronics
C3. Quantum information
C4. Quantum technologies
C5. Quantum optics
D) Condensed matter physics. Science and technology of new materials
D1. Nanostructures far from equilibrium and superconductivity
D2. Soft condensed matter, statistical physics and complex systems
D3. Non-linear physics
D4. Nanomaterials. Synthesis and applications
D5. Applications of materials science to environmental problems
Topics of the Scientific meeting
From inputs from participating universities and groups, the following topics have been proposed: