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Volunteer Coordinator Unit of the University of Granada

Volunteer Coordination Unit at the University of Granada offers you a brokerage service between voluntary organizations seeking university volunteers and members of the university community who are interested in implementing voluntary work.

Access for Volunteers
Here you are welcome to update your personal data, see the job proposals by various volunteer organizations, and choose the three most preferable ones. You only have to put your email address and password you gave us when you signed up. If you do not have a password, leave it blank and the system will allow you to add one. If you have not yet registered with the Volunteer Coordinator of the UGR, click on "Application Form".
e-mail address
Not registered yet?
Access for Volunteer Organizations
Here you can update the information about the volunteer organizations and the oportunities for volunteering. To do this you must have the user code and password from your registration form. To register a new organization in the Volunteer Coordination Unit of the UGR, click "Application Form".
User code
(en preparación)
Register a new organization?