Charlas de investigación.
Research talks.
On the semi-Riemannian bumpy theorem.
Expuesta en Berlín en el congreso "New developments in Lorentzian geometry" del 18 al 20 de Noviembre de 2009.On the semi-Riemannian bumpy theorem.
Held in Berlin in the congress "New developments in Lorentzian geometry" from 18th to 20th of November 2009.
Curvatura bandera en variedades de Finsler.
Expuesta en Cedeira (La Coruña) en el congreso "Workshop on Differential Geometry and Relativity" del 31 de octubre al 1 de Noviembre de 2009.
Flag curvature on Finsler metrics.
Held in Cedeira (La Coruña-Spain) in the congress "Workshop on Differential Geometry and Relativity" from 31th of October to 1st of November 2009.
On the interplay between Lorentzian Causality and Finsler metric of Randers type.
Expuesta en Bilbao en el congreso "V International Congress in Lorentzian geometry" del 7 al 11 de Septiembre de 2009.
On the interplay between Lorentzian Causality and Finsler metric of Randers type.
Held in Bilbao (Spain) in the congress "Spanish Relativity Meeting 2009" from 7th to 11th of September 2009.
On the interplay between Lorentzian Causality and Finsler metric of Randers type.
Expuesta en Martina Franca (Italia) en el congreso "V International Congress in Lorentzian geometry" del 8 al 11 de Julio de 2009.
On the interplay between Lorentzian Causality and Finsler metric of Randers type.
Held in Martina Franca (Italy) in the congress "V International Congress in Lorentzian geometry" from 8th to 11th of July 2009.
On the interplay between Lorentzian Causality and Finsler metric of Randers type.
Expuesta en Debrecen (Hungría) en el congreso "Workshop on Finsler Geometry 2009" del 24 al 29 de Mayo de 2009.
On the interplay between Lorentzian Causality and Finsler metric of Randers type.
Held in Debrecen (Hungary) in the congress "Workshop on Finsler Geometry 2009" from 24th to 29th of May 2009.
Novedades :
News :
- En abril de 2010 me incorporo a la universidad de Murcia con un contrato Ramon y Cajal.
- In April 2010 I will start in University of Murcia with a Ramon y Cajal contract.
- Del 12 al 16 de Julio de 2010 participaré en la "XVI escola de geometria" en Sao Paulo (Brasil)
- From 12th to 16th of July 2010 I will participate in the "XVI escola de geometria" in Sao Paulo (Brazil)