Articles in journals

Mirouh G. M., Hendriks D. D., Dykes S., Moe M. & Izzard R. G., 2023
"Detailed equilibrium and dynamical tides: impact on circularization and synchronization in open clusters", MNRAS, 524, 3978.
Pamos Ortega D., Mirouh G. M., García Hernández A., Suárez J. C. & Barceló Forteza S., 2023
"Dating young open clusters using delta Scuti stars. Results for Trumpler 10 and Praesepe", A&A, 675, A167.
Sartorio N. S., Fialkov, A., Hartwig, T., Mirouh G. M., Izzard R. G., Magg M., Klessen R. S:, Glover S. C. O., Chen L., Tarumi Y. & Hendriks D. D., 2023
"Population III X-ray binaries and their impact on the early universe", MNRAS, 521, 4039
Rieutord M., Petit P., Reese D. R., Böhm T., López Ariste A., Mirouh G. M. & Domiciano de Souza A., 2023
"Spectroscopic detection of Altair's non-radial pulsations", A&A, 669, A99.
Gessey-Jones T., Sartorio N. S., Fialkov A., Mirouh G. M., Magg M., Izzard R. G., de Lera Acedo E., Handley W. J. & Barkana R., 2022
"Impact of the primordial stellar initial mass function on the 21-cm signal", MNRAS, 516, 841.
Mirouh G. M., 2022
"Forward modelling and the quest for mode identification in rapidly rotating stars", FrASS, 9, 2296.
Reese D. R., Mirouh G. M., Espinosa Lara F., Rieutord M. & Putigny B., 2021
"Oscillations of 2D ESTER models. I. The adiabatic case". A&A, 645, A46.
Antoci V., Cunha M. S., Bowman D. M., Murphy S. J., Kurtz D. W., Bedding T. R., Borre, C. C., Christophe S., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J., Fox-Machado L., García Hernández A., Ghasemi H., Handberg R., Hansen H., Hasanzadeh A., Houdek G., Johnston C., Justesen A. B., Kahraman Alicavus F., Kotysz K., Latham D., Matthews J. M., Monster J., Niemczura E., Paunzen E., Sanchez Arias J. P., Pigulski A., Pepper J., Richey-Yowell T., Safari H., Seager S., Smalley B., Shutt T., Sodor A., Suarez J. -C., Tkachenko A., Wu, T., Zwintz K., Barceló Forteza S., Brunsden E., Bognar Z., Buzasi D. L., Chowdhury S., De Cat P., Evans J. A., Guo Z., Guzik J. A., Jevtic N., Lampens P., Lares Martiz M., Lovekin C., Li G., Mirouh G. M., Mkrtichian D., Monteiro M. J. P. F. G., Nemec J. M., Ouazzani R.-M., Pascual-Granado J., Reese D. R., Rieutord M., Rodon J. R., Skarka M., Sowicka P., Stateva I., Szabo R. & Weiss W. W., 2019
"The first view of δ Scuti and γ Doradus stars with the TESS mission", MNRAS, 490, 4040.
Balona L. A., Handler G., Chowdhury S., Ozuyar D., Engelbrecht C. A., Mirouh G. M., Wade G. A., David-Uraz A. & Cantiello M., 2019
"Rotational modulation in TESS B stars", MNRAS, 485, 3457
Handler G., Pigulski A., Daszyńska-Daszkiewicz J., Irrgang A., Kilkenny D., Guo Z., Przybilla N., Kahraman Aliçavuş F., Kallinger T., Pascual-Granado J., Niemczura E., Różański T., Chowdhury S., Buzasi D. L., Mirouh G. M., Bowman D. M., Johnston C., Pedersen M. G., Simón-Díaz S., Moravveji E., Gazeas K., De Cat P., Vanderspek R. K. & Ricker G. R., 2019
"Asteroseismology of Massive Stars with the TESS Mission: The Runaway β Cep Pulsator PHL 346 = HN Aqr", ApJ, 873L, 4
Mirouh G. M., Angelou G. C., Reese D. R., Costa G., 2019
"Mode classification in fast-rotating stars using a convolutional neural network: model-based regular patterns in δ Scuti stars", MNRASL, 483, 28
Pedersen M. G., Chowdhury S., Johnston C., Bowman D. M., Aerts C., Handler, G., De Cat P., Neiner C., David-Uraz A., Buzasi D., Tkachenko A., Simon-Diaz S., Moravveji E., Sikora J., Mirouh G. M., Lovekin C. C., Cantiello M., Daszynska-Daszkiewicz J., Pigulski A., Vanderspek R. K. ; Ricker G. R., 2019
"Diverse Variability of O and B Stars Revealed from 2-minute Cadence Light Curves in Sectors 1 and 2 of the TESS Mission: Selection of an Asteroseismic Sample", ApJ, 872L, 9
Roudier Th., Malherbe J. M., Mirouh G. M., 2017
"Dynamics of the photosphere along the solar cycle from SDO/HMI", A&A, 598A, 99
Mirouh G. M., Baruteau C., Rieutord M., Ballot J., 2016
"Gravito-inertial waves in a differentially rotating spherical shell", Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 800, 213
Böhm T., Holschneider M., Lignières F., Petit P., Rainer M., Paletou F., Wade G., Alecian E., Carfantan H., Blazère A., Mirouh G. M., 2015 "Discovery of starspots on Vega. First spectroscopic detection of surface structures on a normal A-type star", A&A, 577, 64   
Mirouh G. M., Garaud P., Stellmach S., Traxler A. L., Wood T. S., 2012,
"A New Model for Mixing by Double-diffusive Convection (Semi-convection). I. The Conditions for Layer Formation", ApJ, 750, 61

Proceedings and conference material

García Hernández A., Pascual-Granado J., Lares-Martiz M., Mirouh G. M., Suárez J. C., Barceló Forteza S. & Moya, A., 2024
"The PL diagram for δ Sct stars: back in business as distance estimators", Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 376, 239.
Pascual-Granado J., Rodón Ortiz, J. R., Roche Arroyos C., Lares-Martiz, M., Mirouh G. M. & Rodríguez Sánchez M., 2023
"Understanding nonlinearities with Machine-Learning techniques", PLATO Stellar Science Conference 2023
Reese D. R., Dupret M.-A., Manchon L., Mirouh G. M. & Rieutord, M., 2023
"Non-adiabatic pulsation computations in rotating ESTER models", PLATO Stellar Science Conference 2023
Suárez J. C., García Hernández A., Maestre R., Barceló Forteza S. & Mirouh G. M., 2023
"Determining density and gravity of intermediate-mass stars with Convolutional Neural Networks", Proceedings of the XV Scientific Meeting of the Spanish Astronomical Society
Mirouh G. M., Reese D. R., Faure G. & Li Y., 2021
"An asteroseismic and spectroscopic pipeline for the analysis of structures and rotation profiles of rapidly-rotating main sequence stars", Proceedings of the MOBSTER-1 virtual conference
Mirouh G. M., Reese D. R., Rieutord M. & Ballot J., 2017
"Non-adiabatic oscillations of fast-rotating stars: the example of Rasalhague", SF2A-2017: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Mirouh G. M., Baruteau C., Rieutord M. & Ballot J., 2015
"Gravito-inertial modes in a differentially rotating spherical shell", Proceedings of The Space Photometry Revolution - CoRoT Symposium 3, Kepler KASC-7 Joint Meeting
Mirouh G. M., Baruteau C., Rieutord M. & Ballot J., 2014
"Gravito-inertial modes in a differentially rotating spherical shell", SF2A-2014: Proceedings of the Annual meeting of the French Society of Astronomy and Astrophysics
Mirouh G. M., Baruteau C., Rieutord M. & Ballot J., 2014
"Asteroseismology of fast-rotating stars: the example of α Ophiuchi", Proceedings of the IAU Symposium 301, 455