Some representative projects since 1990's

Marine productivity oscillations in the Mediterranean: new perspectives on climate change impacts, and role of deoxygenation and eolian dust input (PROMEDED). Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-104624RB-I00), 2020-2023. 157.300€.
Interrelationships among marine primary production and climate variability: new perspectives and insights from Barium biogeochemistry and the global carbon cycle. I+D+I Project PAIDI 2020. Andalusian Regional Government, Spain (P18-RT-3804), 2020-2023. 108.292€.
Integrated analysis of paleoclimatic changes and atmosphere/ocean interactions: social, scientific and economic interest (CLIATOC). 2014-2020 Andalusian Feder I+D+i Program. Andalusian Regional Government, Spain (B-RNM-072-UGR-18), 2020-2021. 26.266€.
Role of extracelular polymeric substances (EPS) in mineral precipitation in the ocean: implication for biogeochemical cycles. Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (CGL2017-92600-EXP), 2018-2020. 42.350€.
Sensitivity of the marine geochemical record to climate change impacts in the Mediterranean: past climate variability scenarios and future responses. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (CGL2015-66830-R), 2016-2018. 121.000€.
Zircon inheritance in magmatic processes. Mechanisms and applications to crustal recycling and mantle dynamics. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (CGL2013-40785-P), 2015-2018. 200.000€.
Climate and palaeoceanographic events in the western Mediterranean during the last glacial cycle: geosphere-biosphere interactions and subseafloor fluids. Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (CGL2012-32659), 2013-2015. 135.000€.
StoneProtect: Protection and consolidation of building stone by in situ synthesis of mineral layers. Andalusian Regional Government, Spain. Excellence Project (P11-RNM7550), 2012-2015. 282.242€.
Biogeochemical cycles of Barium and Carbon: records of marine productivity and global change. Andalusian Regional Government, Spain. Excellence Project (P09-RNM5212), 2010-2013. 267.435€.
Rapid climate variability during the Holocene in the western Mediterranean: regional and global climate responses. Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (CGL2009-07603), 2010-2012. 147.600€.
Climate variability and marine productivity: paleoarchives and climate change scenarios. Spanish Ministry of Environment (2008-00050084447), 2008-2011. 84.000€.
New methodologies for durability and geographic tracing (origin) of Andalusian marbles to be used as ornamental stone and implications for the conservation of Cultural Heritage. Andalusian Regional Government, Spain. Excellence Project (FQM1635), 2007-2010. 154.536€.
Advances on the characterization of phyllosilicate assemblages, fabrics and crystalchemistry in low temperature environments. New methodologies and geological and hydrogeological uses. Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (CGL2007-66744-C02-01/BTE), 2007-2010. 99.220€.
Geosciences in Iberia: integrated studies of topography and 4-D evolution (TOPO-IBERIA). Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (Consolider-Ingenio Programme 2010), (CSD2006-00041), 2006-2011. 4.500.000€.
Rapid climate changes in the Iberian Peninsula based on proxy calibration, long term instrumental series and high resolution analyses of marine records. Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (CGL2006-13327-CO4-04/CLI), 2006-2009. 88.330€.
Geochemical proxies for environmental reconstruction: Implications for global change. Andalusian Regional Government, Spain. Excellence Project (RNM 432), 2005-2008. 93.400€.
Assessment of the Black Sea sedimentary system since the last glacial extreme. European Union, (EVK3-CT-2002-0090), 2003-2006. 85.759€.
Climate variability in the Iberian Peninsula since the last glacial maximum: high-resolution analysis of marine records and implications for understanding present and future climate changes. Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (REN2003-09130-C02-01), 2003-2006. 138.000€.
The alteration of geochemical cycles as a response to catastrophic geological events. New geochemical and mineralogical criteria applied to the Cretaceous-Tertiary Boundary. Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (BTE2000-1493), 2001-2004. 41.305€.
Geochemical and biotic proxies for climate variability in the Western Mediterranean during the last 20.000 years. Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology (REN2000-0798HID), 2000-2003. 70.342€.
Mineralogy and geochemistry of new sections on Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the NO Atlantic (ODP, Leg 171 B). Comparison between sequences in the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean. Spanish Ministry of Education and Science (PB96-1429), 1997-2000. 36.000€.
Mesozoic and Paleogene geochemical and mineralogical anomalies in western Mediterranean alpine chains. Applications for basin analysis. Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, D.G.I.C.Y.T., (PB-92-0960), 1993-1996. 31.553€.
Mineralogical, crystalchemical and microstructurals criteria for the evaluation of low-temperature metamorphism and diagenesis grade. Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, D.G.I.C.Y.T. (PB-92-0961), 1993-1996. 27.045€.
Continental margins from S and W Iberia during the upper Jurasic and the lower-medle Cretceous. Integrated basin analysis. Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, D.G.I.C.Y.T., (PB-87-0271), 1988-1993. 45.543€.
Mineralogical and geochemical transformations from diagenesis to low-grade metamorphism. Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, D.G.I.C.Y.T., (PB-87-022801), 1988-1993. 17.800€.
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